theHunter™: Call of the Wild

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by rambo99jose »

Game version: 1.29 (CODEX)

Figured out how to freeze backpack weight.
The table is attached, the script will be found below instructions


1. Change to no backpack, it will remove all items from inventory.
(optional 1) change to whatever backpack you like if you don't care about the penalties

2. Activate 'freeze_weight'.
3. Put everything you own in your backpack

NOTE: You will be over the limit when you load a game, or deactivate the cheat.

If you bought new stuff and want to add it to overweight inventory: switch to any backpack and it will remove all items on your backpack.
Then you can change to "No backpack", and activate 'freeze_weight' and add everything back in

freeze_weight AOB script
{ Game : theHunterCotW_F.exe
Date : 2019-02-08
Author : axyd

This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(freeze_weight,theHunterCotW_F.exe,F2 42 0F 11 04 3A) // should be unique


mov [rdx+r15],0
jmp return

movsd [rdx+r15],xmm0
jmp return

jmp newmem


db F2 42 0F 11 04 3A


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999F5

"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999C9: 48 8B 55 AF - mov rdx,[rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999CD: E8 4E ED FF FF - call theHunterCotW_F.exe+1098720
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999D2: E9 97 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E6E
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999D7: 0F B6 45 AF - movzx eax,byte ptr [rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999DB: 42 88 04 3A - mov [rdx+r15],al
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999DF: E9 91 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E75
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999E4: 8B 45 AF - mov eax,[rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999E7: 42 89 04 3A - mov [rdx+r15],eax
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999EB: E9 85 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E75
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999F0: F2 0F 10 45 AF - movsd xmm0,[rbp-51]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999F5: F2 42 0F 11 04 3A - movsd [rdx+r15],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999FB: E9 75 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E75
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A00: 4C 8B 45 AF - mov r8,[rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A04: 49 8B CF - mov rcx,r15
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A07: E8 C4 EF FF FF - call theHunterCotW_F.exe+10989D0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A0C: E9 5D 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E6E
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A11: 4D 8B C6 - mov r8,r14
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A14: BA 32 04 00 00 - mov edx,00000432
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A19: 48 8D 4D BF - lea rcx,[rbp-41]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A1D: E8 6E F6 F9 FF - call theHunterCotW_F.exe+1039090
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A22: 90 - nop

To add script to someone else's table:
1. double click where it says <script> under values on any existing one.
2. delete all the existing text
3. paste the script code
4. click file > assign to current cheat table
5. click file->exit
6. rename the added script to something meaningful like "John's script for blah"

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(15.95 KiB) Downloaded 172 times

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by AngryCockatiel »

Player movement speed hack for 1.29 please? I've tried and tried and just can't figure out how to affect my player's speed. The game feels unplayable if you're used to having it. :?

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by brokegirl »

AngryCockatiel wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:27 pm
Player movement speed hack for 1.29 please? I've tried and tried and just can't figure out how to affect my player's speed. The game feels unplayable if you're used to having it. :?
did you find it?? i'm also looking.

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by brokegirl »

GoldenFox wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:19 pm
Bump. And an idea for the smart guys that figure this stuff out: is it possible to get a script that unlocks all need zones on the map? The general consensus is that the more need zones you have unlocked the more game there is on your map so if we could unlock a ton of them then reboot the game the animal population should be much higher.
you can't because need zones change per game i think. i don't think they are in the exact same spot for each game.
don't you get the need zones added to your map if you interact with another player? couldn't you just 'loot' need zones off of someone else?

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by acecel »

Any update ?

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by Martijn1234 »

can we get a update table for version: 1652570

thats what its said ingame at the main menu

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by lutefisk »

I noticed no trainer has any stealth or if it does, it no longer worked after they patched the fast knee glitch but I was reading how people were trying to figure it out and it seemed they were looking at the players noise. I noticed the noise depends on the foliage. Any flower, shrub, bush will give you red bars, but trails give you all white.

Also some dude on another forum said he had a table that tamed animals so they're never spooked like how the devs do it on their stream to show off animals.

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by xorps »

Here is expertize. Started playing, did not like the game :mellow:
no reload

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_____reload_,theHunterCotW_F.exe,EB * BA * * * * FF * * * * * C6 * * * * * * 0F B6 * * * * * C6 * * * * * * 84 * 75)
  db 00
  db 01

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE70

"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE49: 8B 1D 39 8E 9A 01              -  mov ebx,[theHunterCotW_F.exe+1F18C88]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE4F: FF 90 E0 00 00 00              -  call qword ptr [rax+000000E0]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE55: 4C 8B 07                       -  mov r8,[rdi]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE58: 48 8B CF                       -  mov rcx,rdi
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE5B: 3B C3                          -  cmp eax,ebx
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE5D: 0F 4C D8                       -  cmovl ebx,eax
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE60: 8B D3                          -  mov edx,ebx
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE62: 41 FF 90 B8 01 00 00           -  call qword ptr [r8+000001B8]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE69: 48 8B 5C 24 30                 -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE6E: EB 0B                          -  jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+56FE7B
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE70: BA 01 00 00 00                 -  mov edx,00000001
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE75: FF 90 B8 01 00 00              -  call qword ptr [rax+000001B8]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE7B: C6 87 DB 01 00 00 00           -  mov byte ptr [rdi+000001DB],00
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE82: 0F B6 87 BD 01 00 00           -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rdi+000001BD]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE89: C6 87 BD 01 00 00 01           -  mov byte ptr [rdi+000001BD],01
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE90: 84 C0                          -  test al,al
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE92: 75 0E                          -  jne theHunterCotW_F.exe+56FEA2
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE94: 48 8B 47 08                    -  mov rax,[rdi+08]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE98: 48 8D 4F 08                    -  lea rcx,[rdi+08]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FE9C: FF 90 48 01 00 00              -  call qword ptr [rax+00000148]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+56FEA2: C7 87 EC 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  -  mov [rdi+000001EC],00000000
unlimited ammo

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_______ammo_,theHunterCotW_F.exe,48 * * * * * 44 * * 44 * * 74 * 41 * * 48 * * * 41 * * * * * * 72 * * * * 41 * * * 74)
  db 90 90 90
  db 41 FF C1


"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DAC: CC                    -  int 3 
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DAD: CC                    -  int 3 
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DAE: CC                    -  int 3 
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DAF: CC                    -  int 3 
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DB0: 48 8B 81 50 02 00 00  -  mov rax,[rcx+00000250]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DB7: 45 33 C9              -  xor r9d,r9d
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DBA: 48 05 C4 08 00 00     -  add rax,000008C4
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DC0: 44 8B D2              -  mov r10d,edx
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DC3: 44 39 10              -  cmp [rax],r10d
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DC6: 74 13                 -  je theHunterCotW_F.exe+7E8DDB
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DC8: 41 FF C1              -  inc r9d
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DCB: 48 83 C0 04           -  add rax,04
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DCF: 41 81 F9 00 02 00 00  -  cmp r9d,00000200
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DD6: 72 EB                 -  jb theHunterCotW_F.exe+7E8DC3
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DD8: 33 C0                 -  xor eax,eax
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DDA: C3                    -  ret 
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DDB: 41 83 F9 FF           -  cmp r9d,-01
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DDF: 74 F7                 -  je theHunterCotW_F.exe+7E8DD8
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DE1: C6 81 90 02 00 00 01  -  mov byte ptr [rcx+00000290],01
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DE8: 48 8B 89 50 02 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rcx+00000250]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DEF: 49 63 C1              -  movsxd  rax,r9d
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+7E8DF2: 4C 8D 0C 81           -  lea r9,[rcx+rax*4]
super zoom

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(________op__Hook_,theHunterCotW_F.exe,F3 0F 59 B0 A4 00 00 00 F3 41 * * * F3 41 * * * 48 8B * * F3 * * * EB)
  mulss xmm6,[rax+000000A4]
  divss xmm6,[___zoom_]
  jmp return
  dd (float)12
  jmp newmem
  db 90 90 90
  db F3 0F 59 B0 A4 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922D9

"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922B0: 45 33 C0                 -  xor r8d,r8d
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922B3: 48 8B D0                 -  mov rdx,rax
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922B6: 48 8B CB                 -  mov rcx,rbx
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922B9: E8 A2 C4 E5 FF           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+2EE760
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922BE: 48 8B 4C 24 70           -  mov rcx,[rsp+70]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922C3: E8 88 FD 0D 00           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+572050
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922C8: 41 0F 28 F7              -  movaps xmm6,xmm15
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922CC: F3 0F 5E F0              -  divss xmm6,xmm0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922D0: 49 8D 4E 10              -  lea rcx,[r14+10]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922D4: E8 D7 63 FD FF           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+4686B0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922D9: F3 0F 59 B0 A4 00 00 00  -  mulss xmm6,[rax+000000A4]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922E1: F3 41 0F 59 F6           -  mulss xmm6,xmm14
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922E6: F3 41 0F 59 F5           -  mulss xmm6,xmm13
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922EB: 48 8B 45 B0              -  mov rax,[rbp-50]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922EF: F3 0F 11 30              -  movss [rax],xmm6
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922F3: EB 04                    -  jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+4922F9
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922F5: 48 8B 45 B0              -  mov rax,[rbp-50]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922F9: 48 89 44 24 20           -  mov [rsp+20],rax
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4922FE: 4C 8B CF                 -  mov r9,rdi
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492301: F3 44 0F 10 64 24 58     -  movss xmm12,[rsp+58]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492308: 41 0F 28 D4              -  movaps xmm2,xmm12
fix optic

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(_______op_fix_,theHunterCotW_F.exe,74 * F3 * * * * * 0F 28 * F3 * * * E8 * * * * F3 * * * EB * 0F 28 * F3)
  db 0F 57 C9 90 90 90
  db F3 41 0F 10 48 24

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D01

"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CD2: 48 83 EC 60              -  sub rsp,60
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CD6: 41 80 78 30 00           -  cmp byte ptr [r8+30],00
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CDB: 48 8B DA                 -  mov rbx,rdx
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CDE: 0F 29 74 24 50           -  movaps [rsp+50],xmm6
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CE3: 0F 28 F3                 -  movaps xmm6,xmm3
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CE6: 0F 29 7C 24 40           -  movaps [rsp+40],xmm7
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CEB: F3 0F 10 3D ED C0 0A 01  -  movss xmm7,[theHunterCotW_F.exe+1552DE0]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CF3: 44 0F 29 44 24 30        -  movaps [rsp+30],xmm8
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CF9: 44 0F 29 4C 24 20        -  movaps [rsp+20],xmm9
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6CFF: 74 18                    -  je theHunterCotW_F.exe+4A6D19
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D01: F3 41 0F 10 48 24        -  movss xmm1,[r8+24]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D07: 0F 28 C3                 -  movaps xmm0,xmm3
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D0A: F3 0F 58 02              -  addss xmm0,dword ptr [rdx]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D0E: E8 FB 7E E6 00           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+130EC0E
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D13: F3 0F 11 03              -  movss [rbx],xmm0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D17: EB 5F                    -  jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+4A6D78
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D19: 0F 28 CE                 -  movaps xmm1,xmm6
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D1C: F3 0F 58 0A              -  addss xmm1,dword ptr [rdx]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D20: F3 41 0F 5D 48 24        -  minss xmm1,[r8+24]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D26: F3 0F 11 0A              -  movss [rdx],xmm1
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4A6D2A: F3 41 0F 10 50 2C        -  movss xmm2,[r8+2C]
no recoil

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(_____recoil_,theHunterCotW_F.exe,F2 0F 10 40 38 F2 0F 11 * * * * * 45 0F 2E * * * * 45 0F 2E * * 74)
  db 0F 57 C0 90 90
  db F2 0F 10 40 38

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492370

"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+49233E: FF 90 F0 01 00 00              -  call qword ptr [rax+000001F0]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492344: 48 85 C0                       -  test rax,rax
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492347: 0F 84 AB 02 00 00              -  je theHunterCotW_F.exe+4925F8
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+49234D: 49 8B 04 24                    -  mov rax,[r12]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492351: 49 8B CC                       -  mov rcx,r12
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492354: FF 90 F0 01 00 00              -  call qword ptr [rax+000001F0]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+49235A: 0F 10 40 18                    -  movups xmm0,[rax+18]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+49235E: 0F 11 85 00 01 00 00           -  movups [rbp+00000100],xmm0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492365: 0F 10 48 28                    -  movups xmm1,[rax+28]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492369: 0F 11 8D 10 01 00 00           -  movups [rbp+00000110],xmm1
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492370: F2 0F 10 40 38                 -  movsd xmm0,[rax+38]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492375: F2 0F 11 85 20 01 00 00        -  movsd [rbp+00000120],xmm0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+49237D: 45 0F 2E 46 2C                 -  ucomiss xmm8,[r14+2C]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492382: 75 07                          -  jne theHunterCotW_F.exe+49238B
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492384: 45 0F 2E 46 30                 -  ucomiss xmm8,[r14+30]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492389: 74 3A                          -  je theHunterCotW_F.exe+4923C5
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+49238B: F3 0F 10 9D 1C 01 00 00        -  movss xmm3,[rbp+0000011C]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+492393: F3 0F 59 1D 0D 69 A8 01        -  mulss xmm3,[theHunterCotW_F.exe+1F18CA8]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+49239B: C6 44 24 28 01                 -  mov byte ptr [rsp+28],01
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4923A0: F3 44 0F 11 64 24 20           -  movss [rsp+20],xmm12
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+4923A7: 4C 8B 05 32 BF B6 01           -  mov r8,[theHunterCotW_F.exe+1FFE2E0]

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by turina3 »


I love this game (I have steam version) but I hate you haven´t a hotkey for enable disable the green hud (wind-weapon-health...) on the right down corner.

The same for tracks, a hotkey for seeing tracks only when you need them and not all the time.

You can enable or disable hud in menu-options, but in a game like this with so wonderful landscapes I really prefer playing without hud, so I have hud disabled in options.

But sometimes during the game, you need to know quickly the wind direction (or another detail from the hud) and must go to menu-options is a pain.

I have no idea about C++, programation, scripts and all that, but I am sure someone with knowledge can create it.

I would pay for this

If you can do it, please, let me know.

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by Goujyn »

Is there anything that can be done to remove the restrictions on Trophy mounts?

aka, let me put a deer on a mount it currently is unable to be placed on currently.

I ask due to the silliness of the trophy lodge having like 12 places for deer and 50 places for ducks. It's irritating that they made it so hard to display the main trophies of the game, the big game.

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by turina3 »

There is not an option for Unlimited Carry using steam version of the game. Please, if you can do it let me know

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by turina3 »

rambo99jose wrote:
Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:53 pm
Game version: 1.29 (CODEX)

Figured out how to freeze backpack weight.
The table is attached, the script will be found below instructions


1. Change to no backpack, it will remove all items from inventory.
(optional 1) change to whatever backpack you like if you don't care about the penalties

2. Activate 'freeze_weight'.
3. Put everything you own in your backpack

NOTE: You will be over the limit when you load a game, or deactivate the cheat.

If you bought new stuff and want to add it to overweight inventory: switch to any backpack and it will remove all items on your backpack.
Then you can change to "No backpack", and activate 'freeze_weight' and add everything back in

freeze_weight AOB script
{ Game : theHunterCotW_F.exe
Date : 2019-02-08
Author : axyd

This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(freeze_weight,theHunterCotW_F.exe,F2 42 0F 11 04 3A) // should be unique


mov [rdx+r15],0
jmp return

movsd [rdx+r15],xmm0
jmp return

jmp newmem


db F2 42 0F 11 04 3A


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999F5

"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999C9: 48 8B 55 AF - mov rdx,[rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999CD: E8 4E ED FF FF - call theHunterCotW_F.exe+1098720
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999D2: E9 97 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E6E
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999D7: 0F B6 45 AF - movzx eax,byte ptr [rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999DB: 42 88 04 3A - mov [rdx+r15],al
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999DF: E9 91 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E75
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999E4: 8B 45 AF - mov eax,[rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999E7: 42 89 04 3A - mov [rdx+r15],eax
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999EB: E9 85 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E75
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999F0: F2 0F 10 45 AF - movsd xmm0,[rbp-51]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999F5: F2 42 0F 11 04 3A - movsd [rdx+r15],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+10999FB: E9 75 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E75
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A00: 4C 8B 45 AF - mov r8,[rbp-51]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A04: 49 8B CF - mov rcx,r15
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A07: E8 C4 EF FF FF - call theHunterCotW_F.exe+10989D0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A0C: E9 5D 04 00 00 - jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+1099E6E
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A11: 4D 8B C6 - mov r8,r14
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A14: BA 32 04 00 00 - mov edx,00000432
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A19: 48 8D 4D BF - lea rcx,[rbp-41]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A1D: E8 6E F6 F9 FF - call theHunterCotW_F.exe+1039090
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+1099A22: 90 - nop

To add script to someone else's table:
1. double click where it says <script> under values on any existing one.
2. delete all the existing text
3. paste the script code
4. click file > assign to current cheat table
5. click file->exit
6. rename the added script to something meaningful like "John's script for blah"
It doesn´t work in steam version :( what a pity

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by rambo99jose »

like it wont let you add items? You have to remove all items from your person first, then activate cheat and move everything to bag

Haven't played in months let me know if still dont work and Ill reinstall

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by turina3 »

rambo99jose wrote:
Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:35 am
like it wont let you add items? You have to remove all items from your person first, then activate cheat and move everything to bag

Haven't played in months let me know if still dont work and Ill reinstall

Thank you very much, I don´t know what, but I was doing something wrong, it works!!

1 Remove all items
2 Change to without backpack
3 Activate cheat "Freeze weight"
4 Add all you want

I have the feeling this is a mod, a great mod!! XD

Things like these make I enjoy the game very much more. Thanks a lot :D

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Re: theHunter™: Call of the Wild

Post by Spuck »

l0wb1t wrote:
Mon May 29, 2017 4:31 pm
Hi Guys, i will also share something with you :)

Animals Stay Spotted (use Scope or binocular, just move cursur over them, they start glowing

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(_AnimalsStaySpotted,theHunterCotW_F.exe,F3 0F 10 03 F3 41 0F 5C 45 00) // should be unique
aobscanmodule(_AnimalsStaySpottedCheck,theHunterCotW_F.exe,74 11 41 0F 28 D8 41 0F 28 D0 48 8D 55 A8 E8 DA)


  db eb 11

mov [rbx],(float)5
  movss xmm0,[rbx]
  subss xmm0,[r13+00]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

  db F3 0F 10 03 F3 41 0F 5C 45 00
  db 74 11


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF95

"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF69: E8 02 9A FC FF           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+609970
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF6E: F3 0F 10 35 16 79 65 01  -  movss xmm6,[theHunterCotW_F.exe+1C9788C]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF76: 49 8B CE                 -  mov rcx,r14
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF79: E8 82 7C FA FF           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+5E7C00
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF7E: F3 0F 59 C6              -  mulss xmm0,xmm6
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF82: F3 0F 11 03              -  movss [rbx],xmm0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF86: 48 8B D3                 -  mov rdx,rbx
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF89: 48 8D 4C 24 60           -  lea rcx,[rsp+60]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF8E: E8 7D D8 01 00           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+65D810
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF93: EB 6E                    -  jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+640003
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF95: F3 0F 10 03              -  movss xmm0,[rbx]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF99: F3 41 0F 5C 45 00        -  subss xmm0,[r13+00]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FF9F: F3 0F 11 03              -  movss [rbx],xmm0
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFA3: 0F 2F C7                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm7
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFA6: 76 14                    -  jna theHunterCotW_F.exe+63FFBC
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFA8: E8 C3 99 FC FF           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+609970
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFAD: 48 8B D3                 -  mov rdx,rbx
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFB0: 48 8D 4C 24 60           -  lea rcx,[rsp+60]
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFB5: E8 56 D8 01 00           -  call theHunterCotW_F.exe+65D810
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFBA: EB 47                    -  jmp theHunterCotW_F.exe+640003
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFBC: 41 0F 28 D9              -  movaps xmm3,xmm9
"theHunterCotW_F.exe"+63FFC0: 41 0F 28 D1              -  movaps xmm2,xmm9
does someone know if its possible to update this feature? I liked it back in the day and never saw it pop up again...
I tried updating it myself but to no avail (pretty new to this)

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