- Bypass Online Check*
- Construct Console
- No Damage
- Inf. Potion Usage
- Invincibility
- Inf. Jump
- Sub Weapon - Inf. Ammo
- Keep Weapon & Sub-Weapon**
- Keep Gold and Soul Memory
- No Item Material Loss Upon Death
- No Magatama Loss Upon Death
- Quick Instant Flash***
- Enter Demonization
- Enhanced Unique Move****
- Ignore Gold and Soul when Raising Weapon Rank
- Ignore Gold when Buying
- Ignore Soul when Activation
- Debuff Immunity/Cleanse
- Soul Memory Multiplier
- Adjust Soul Devour Counter
- Break Damage Multiplier
- Item Material Multiplier
- Magatama Multiplier
- Gold Multiplier
- Jump Height Multiplier
- Movement Speed Multiplier
- Damage Multiplier
- NoClip and Fly
- Inventory Status (Quantity)
Cheat Commands:
//Enter without <>
Enable/disable free camera.
Slomo <NewTimeDilation>
Adjust game speed. NewTimeDilation: float value (default 1).
Activate all travel point in current area.
ApplyPlayerSoul <mainCount> <supportCount> <healthCount>
Adjust current player's soul enhancements. mainCount: int value, supportCount: int value, healthCount: int value.
* If this is your first time playing the game
Press Terms of Use > Close > Agree
Press Privacy Policy > Close > Agree
Internet connection is not needed
Block .exe in firewall if needed
** Before returning to title screen, if you are still in the base, make sure you enter the dungeon then return to title screen otherwise weapon/sub weapon will be gone next time you load the game.
*** Hold CAPS / DPAD UP + Press Attack Button to trigger instant flash. Need Xbox controller/emu.
**** Hold Right Mouse / Y when enemy hits to trigger desperation. Need Xbox controller/emu.
Thanks for the update Cyber, table is top frigging tier.
EDIT: How does the 'enter Demonization' cheat work? I press T or LS/L3 and it doesn't do anything... Is there some sort of prerequisite or unlock needed first? The other two ie Quick Flash and Desperation work fine... Its just the Demonization one that doesn't seem to do anything.
Thanks for the update Cyber, table is top frigging tier.
EDIT: How does the 'enter Demonization' cheat work? I press T or LS/L3 and it doesn't do anything... Is there some sort of prerequisite or unlock needed first? The other two ie Quick Flash and Desperation work fine... Its just the Demonization one that doesn't seem to do anything.
From v 1.1.0, demonization is not tied to timer anymore. So you need to hold the hotkey + attack the enemy to trigger it. I will change this script to demonization multiplier in the future update.
Suggestion maybe, use LUA to hook the ChangePlayerOgreModeLv command so that it just runs that command on press perhaps?
Damn, you're right. ChangePlayerOgreModeLv is a function.
Ok, i have uploaded a new table for v 1.1.1.
So you need to activate enter demonization (select level if needed) and in game, press the hotkey (T or left thumb).
- Bypass Online Check*
- Construct Console
- No Damage
- Inf. Potion Usage
- Invincibility
- Inf. Jump
- Sub Weapon - Inf. Ammo
- Keep Weapon & Sub-Weapon**
- Keep Gold and Soul Memory
- No Item Material Loss Upon Death
- No Magatama Loss Upon Death
- Quick Instant Flash***
- Enter Demonization
- Enhanced Unique Move****
- Ignore Gold and Soul when Raising Weapon Rank
- Ignore Gold when Buying
- Ignore Soul when Activation
- Debuff Immunity/Cleanse
- Soul Memory Multiplier
- Adjust Soul Devour Counter
- Break Damage Multiplier
- Item Material Multiplier
- Magatama Multiplier
- Gold Multiplier
- Jump Height Multiplier
- Movement Speed Multiplier
- Damage Multiplier
- NoClip and Fly
- Inventory Status (Quantity)
Cheat Commands:
//Enter without <>
Enable/disable free camera.
Slomo <NewTimeDilation>
Adjust game speed. NewTimeDilation: float value (default 1).
Activate all travel point in current area.
ApplyPlayerSoul <mainCount> <supportCount> <healthCount>
Adjust current player's soul enhancements. mainCount: int value, supportCount: int value, healthCount: int value.
* If this is your first time playing the game
Press Terms of Use > Close > Agree
Press Privacy Policy > Close > Agree
Internet connection is not needed
Block .exe in firewall if needed
** Before returning to title screen, if you are still in the base, make sure you enter the dungeon then return to title screen otherwise weapon/sub weapon will be gone next time you load the game.
*** Hold CAPS / DPAD UP + Press Attack Button to trigger instant flash. Need Xbox controller/emu.
**** Hold Right Mouse / Y when enemy hits to trigger desperation. Need Xbox controller/emu.