Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

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Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

Game Version: v1.5.594.6839 | v1.5.610.6990| v1.5.617.7048 | v1.5.672.7730 | v1.5.685.7919 | v1.5.766.8713 | v1.5.796.8956 | v1.6.838.9446 (GOG) | v1.7.907.10433 (GOG) | v1.7.1044.12217 (GOG)
Table Last Version: 20220516_v1.3


Code: Select all

.....updated Unlimited Stamina
.....updated Crewmate Editor
.....updated Time Finder

.....updated Fuel Pointer Finder
.....updated Crewmate Editor

.....updated Fuel Pointer Finder
.....fixed Crewmate Editor (lots of offsets changed)

.....updated Fuel Pointer Finder
.....fixed Crewmate Editor (they took a big chunk of memory out that used to be between old and new crew skills on last update)
.....redid HorsePower script: should no longer affect NPC boats, made it easier to update (no more ShortBus address bypasses :D )
.....Horse Power script is now named Engine Power v2
.....added pointer to boat HP address (changing it stays on saved game)

.....added Time Finder

.....updated Money Pointer Finder
.....updated Fuel Pointer Finder
.....updated Horse Power script
.....added new crew skills to Crewmate Editor

.....updated Horse Power script for v1.5.685.7919 (GOG)

.....updated Horse Power script for v1.5.672.7730
.....updated Unlimited Stamina script for v1.5.672.7730
.....updated Fuel Pointer for v1.5.672.7730

.....added Unlimited Stamina
.....added Crewmate Editor

.....updated Horse Power script for v1.5.617.7048

.....updated Horse Power script for v1.5.610.6990

[20210505_v0.2(RAW)(+hotkeys v3)]
.....redid hotkeys for better speed management (More horsepower hotkeys for bigger ships)

[20210505_v0.2(RAW)(+hotkeys v2)]
...DELETED, use (+hotkeys v3) instead as it has more for bigger ships

.....added hotkeys for quick Horse Power change
  • Money Pointer Finder (Need to be Docked)(8-byte number where the last 2 digits are the cents)
    • address no longer unique (think its from crew payment exploit fix), added additional check to find money. ----> IF MONEY ADDRESS CHANGES TO SOMETHING ELSE REPEATEDLY DO NOT EDIT
  • Fuel Pointer Finder
    • Current Fuel
    • Hull Integrity Percent (50%= 0.5, 100%= 1.0)
  • Engine Power v2 (with hotkeys) To change hotkeys click "enter HP." entry then press CTRL+H to bring up CE menu
    • enter HP: enter value or use hotkeys
    • base boat HP pointer /!\ CHANGING THIS STAYS IN SAVED GAME /!\
    HorsePower Hotkeys

    Code: Select all

    Ctrl+1 = set HP to 0 (disable)
    Ctrl+2 = set HP to 500
    Ctrl+3 = set HP to 700
    Ctrl+4 = set HP to 800
    Ctrl+5 = set HP to 900
    Shift+1 = set HP to 1000
    Shift+2 = set HP to 2000
    Shift+3 = set HP to 3000
    Shift+4 = set HP to 4000
    Shift+5 = set HP to 5000
    Shift+6 = set HP to 6000
    Shift+7 = set HP to 7000
    Shift+8 = set HP to 8000
    Shift+9 = set HP to 9000
    Ctrl+Shift+1 = set HP to 10000
    Ctrl+Shift+2 = set HP to 15000
    Ctrl+Shift+3 = set HP to 20000
    Ctrl+Shift+4 = set HP to 25000
    Ctrl+Shift+5 = set HP to 30000
    OLD HP script update instructions

    Code: Select all

    Step 1(find AOB address): array of bytes search
    ........make sure writable,copyonwrite,executable have solid black square
    Step 2(open memory viewer):
    ...right click value and Disassemble this memory region
    Step 3(update code label):
    ...update jle instruction address 
    ...update movsxd instruction address (copy and paste in case the register changes)
    Step 4(update bypass jump address):
    ...update custom jmp address (ret just before the int 3 instruction)
    Step 5(done): ok and test
    If the game crashes then either you didn't update the addresses/instructions right, or there was major changes to the game
  • Unlimited Stamina (sets to 20 by default)
  • Crewmate Editor (repair cheese) (READ ALL STEPS)
    1. ALL CREW SHOULD BE FULLY RESTED, and in Resting slot (Enter town to rest)
    2. Undock from town and take a bit of damage (5% at least), or set damage from fuel pointer script
    3. Move crewmate you want to edit to Repair slot
    4. Activate this script (check that the skills match the crewmate and fall in range, ex. 14 Cooking is a float between 13.00000001-14.99999999)
    • /!\ To edit another teammate repeat process. ALL MUST BE FULLY RESTED AND IN RESTING SLOT FIRST /!\
    • 2. Activate while boating, then open map
    • 3. Calculate seconds range with [Link] or any tool.
      • It's from the 1st second of the 1st year (Gregorian) until date/time in-game that you want to set. You can even go back in time!
      • Pot Timers are affected by it (not sure about fish yield calculations, maybe go back 1 hour before the time you want and skip 1 hour to force update)
      • /!\ ONLY REPLACE FIRST 11 DIGITS (up to seconds), but needs total 18 digits/!\
      • /!\ Subtract 2 days from date you want on calculator /!\
  • Money is 8-byte integer with cents as last 2 digits, ex: 900069 = $9000.69
  • Hull Integrity is a float with range 0.0 to 1.0: an undamaged boat has value of 1.0, a blown-up boat has value of 0.0
  • Crewmate skill is a float (visually rounded to int), ex: 13 cooking = somewhere in range 12.00000001-13.99999999
  • Set Total Horse Power affects acceleration and top speed. Change HP then decelerate + accelerate to update
  • Game uses Gregorian nanoseconds since 1st second of 1st year (minus 2 days, not sure why)
  • Engine Power v2: added check to find only player boats (assuming player faction = 4). Should be much easier to update now too. Ignoring engine updates if setting custom value to make it more accurate

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(3.56 MiB) Downloaded 3479 times
(3.53 MiB) Downloaded 762 times
(3.49 MiB) Downloaded 124 times
(3.45 MiB) Downloaded 119 times
(1.81 MiB) Downloaded 101 times
(1.6 MiB) Downloaded 87 times
(1.52 MiB) Downloaded 72 times
(1.5 MiB) Downloaded 75 times
(1.19 MiB) Downloaded 72 times
(1.08 MiB) Downloaded 93 times
(1.06 MiB) Downloaded 90 times
FNA-20210505_v0.2(RAW)(+hotkeys v3).CT
(1.04 MiB) Downloaded 205 times
(1.03 MiB) Downloaded 88 times
(1.03 MiB) Downloaded 146 times
Last edited by rambo99jose on Tue May 17, 2022 2:08 am, edited 33 times in total.

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

Ludicrous speed!
Bacalhau (cod) location NNW
Lobster + crab location South

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by GDMT »

Can we get steam support please? Would love to have the speed hack as well

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

GDMT wrote:
Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:50 pm
Can we get steam support please? Would love to have the speed hack as well
If anyone wants to modify my scripts for steam go for it. I will only do GOG updates.

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by michaelhost »

Could you update or maybe check for the V1.5.710.8221 (GOG) especially for the crew edit because even though the crew skill for example i set it on 19 they keep on missing when hauling deep lines and the long line nets. I also have tested it with my unedited crew just in case my game was bugged and they could do the deep lines and long line nets better than my edited crew that always missed when catching the fish.
but the rest of the features works fine, thanks :D

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

Scallops NW location (2 ingame days passed since patch)

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by Zatlap »

Could you perhaps update this for GOG version 1.5.796.8956?
I tried your HP update instructions, but I could not get it to work. Searching didn't work. Looking around that memory address gives me a lot of the same looking stuff, but nothing in particular. Searching for the various instructions just before the changed code also didn't give me anything to work with.
Even better if you could let me know if I went wrong somewhere with my search.

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

Zatlap wrote:
Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:00 pm
Could you perhaps update this for GOG version 1.5.796.8956?
I tried your HP update instructions, but I could not get it to work. Searching didn't work. Looking around that memory address gives me a lot of the same looking stuff, but nothing in particular. Searching for the various instructions just before the changed code also didn't give me anything to work with.
Even better if you could let me know if I went wrong somewhere with my search.
Waiting on "trial" version of last update to release, I dont have it on GOG itself.

I forgot the reason why I hooked on that address, but it had to be there. This is a dirty fix that breaks every update, because we force jump past additions to ship HP like part upgrades and such. The addresses' offsets might be different but usually not by much so you can kind of find the pattern.

First make sure in search Writable, Executable, CopyOnWrite are set to black boxes. Also set Fast Scan to 1 or disable it.
Try to use this on search: 7E 1C 48 63 91 ** ** ** ** 48

Its likely that [rcx+00000204] has changed (you read offsets backward in pairs of bytes due to cpu endianess). 00000204 = 04 02 00 00 in hex, so we can try wildcards to 'ignore' those 8 bytes.

For HP update you want to update the "jmp" address to bypass additions to HP (ship upgrades) in order to set a fixed hp. To do that the script jumps to the address of the 2nd "ret" instruction past the hook address. You take that address in STEP 4 and put it on that jump (green arrow).

copy this image address so you can zoom easier to see the steps better

Code: Select all
PS: my room flooded so I'm having to deal with that and wont be using computer much (humidity over 85% inside >_>)

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by Zatlap »

Aah, I was searching totally wrong. I had those boxes ticked, but there are three options for those boxes. Empty, ticked and grayed out. And the last is what was needed. Thanks!!
Got the HP one working:

Code: Select all

  //jumping to ret address past where this instruction points to (memory viewer)
  //jle FNA-Win64-Shipping.exe+xxxxxx
  jmp FNA-Win64-Shipping.exe+B97B0D
  jmp return

  jle FNA-Win64-Shipping.exe+B97B05
  movsxd  rdx,dword ptr [rcx+00000204]
  jmp return
unlimted stamina is the same from 1.5.766, looks to be working.
money is also the same, but I can't get it to display the correct amount.
Last edited by Zatlap on Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

Ok table updated to v1.5.796.8956 (GOG)
I redid HP script but it needs testing since I try to make it only affect player's boat (it will likely break at some update).
Please let me know if something doesn't work.

For the money the cents are the last two digits, so $55.67 will show as 5567. If you want to have a thousand dollars its 100000, 1000 dollars and 00 cents :D

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by Zatlap »


Viking Power is incredibly easy to fill up, but it's better to control the arms yourself. Then you can put them on auto release. Even with the maximum fishing quota it's done for the year already. I found out that if you find scallops, you can just reverse over the spot and go on a second run. (and a third, etc)

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

Does horse power script work alright for you? It has a wild guess to separate player from npc ships

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by Zatlap »

Yep. I don't think this boat should go above a 100 knots :D

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by rambo99jose »

Zatlap wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:49 pm
Yep. I don't think this boat should go above a 100 knots :D
Right click on the speed address and modify the hotkeys.

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Re: Fishing: North Atlantic (GOG)

Post by Zatlap »

rambo99jose wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:14 am
Right click on the speed address and modify the hotkeys.
It was just that I think it's working because you don't get to those speeds normally.
The funny thing is that some boats are horrible, while others still handle reasonably well.

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