^ & ^^: while the table has indeed been created/tested for v1.12, I do - as correctly stated by #theman555 - take the effort to support the latest version as well; and - if permitting (...) - include the plus version...
that said: thx to that image, i have some lead now. The script seems to fail/load 'acvh_plus' but instead tries 'acvh.exe'; as configured in the table... I'll have a look on why that happens ?! (this is/should be a bug in my script code somewhere ?!
In the mean time, you can do following:
1. [Tools ~ Error & Settings...]
2. below '(fill in Game's EXE name...', change the exe name by your 'acvh_plus.exe' (as shown in winTitle)
3. save the table, close/quit and reopen it; then try that script again...
4. report back...
rookie mistake: when you open the script, you'll see this: [ aobscanmodule(MapIcon,ACValhalla.exe,FF 90 E0 00 00 00 48 8B C7) ]
=> it should state: [ aobscanmodule(MapIcon,$process,FF 90 E0 00 00 00 48 8B C7) ]
I'll have the table updated accordingly... in the mean time, just edit the script (double-click <script> tag), change exe name to '$process' (without them '' ofc), press OK, then save the table... and you are good to go
...Table updated !