AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

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AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by Paul44 »

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Uplay v1.1.2 ~ v1.70

* Player Status:
- Health (incl Godmode)
- Invisible
- Infinite Consumables
- Adrenaline
- Enemy 1-Hit Kill/Defense (incl godmode friendly)
- Stamina, Stamina horse, Oxygen
- Ignore Fall Damage
* Inventory: edit/list all resource/item values (and more)
* Teleport & Coordinates (teleport, free roam, cam distance, save/restore coordinates)
* Miscellaneous:
- Raid Alarm Level, Timer Hugr Power, Timer Helfire, Mastery Challenge
- Time Of Day
- Progression (experience, charisma level, settlement level, skills)

- UPDATE 1 - v1.7
"Finalised" Enemy 1-Kill script: should now clearly distinct between friendly/enemy;
and should cover most/all Bosses (special enemies).
If you do come across enemies that are not tackled by this script, let me know!

- UPDATE 2 - v1.8
* Teleport to waypoint: changed to support current version 1.2.1 (did also some "proper" testing by travelling between worldmaps while enabled - if it would evt die, let me know: plenty more ptr_chains available)
* Minor changes: table should/could be more stable now (have moved some var_declarations)
* Added additional tests "disabling certain checks" during 'transitions & play'...
(all seem ok, but let me know if you notice something no longer working; while still fine in prev table)

- UPDATE 3 - v1.9
* Added options 'List/Remove Duplicates' in Inventory section
(again, check readme for details ~ will leave v1.7 for time being, just to be sure...)
Note: see also related pdf in post 2 below

- UPDATE 4 - v2.0
* Optimized the Inventory routine/script a bit more
* 'Full inventory' list is now sorted by type/category (made more practical sense)
* EDIT: further improved List performance...

- UPDATE 5 - v2.4
* Updated for v1.2.2: oxygen, experience & skills, inventory, free roam)
(note: experience reported as still not enabling ~ you must provide me error_msg accordingly !)
* Added: inventory: Full Items List & Item Sets + option to export to file !
(see also post 2 below related to Items List)

- UPDATE 6 - v2.6
* Updated for v1.3 (and now also Experience & Skill info should work fine)
Special thx to #machine4578 (main aob update) & #LoneStar2911 (experience & skill research info)
Note: if some values still not show properly, expand (greyed) '(pBhvChain) - Base' and upload image for me to check...
-EDIT-: added minor correction for Progression data...
-EDIT2-: minor correction for Adrenaline (now using script)...
-EDIT3-: minor correction for 'Map Waypoint' (plus_exe users) <= work in progress...
(enabling this will crash +_gamers <~ contact me if you want this fixed...)

- UPDATE 6 - v2.7
* some minor updates/clean_ups
* inventory script now runs in async mode !
* updated to latest gui
-EDIT- Important: while working on this table this weekend, I noticed i had forgotten to copy some important lua code !
(this possibly would result in not updating certain values correctly; or not at all. my bad/apologies...)

- UPDATE 7 - v3.0
* some minor updates in back-end (all cheats/scripts remained untouched, apart from...)
* Inventory completely revamped (using Form now) !
(while done all proper/extensive testing, do report back if something is out of the ordinary)

- UPDATE 8 - v3.1
* updated for latest game update
* now using AOBs for all (most) pointers
(non-legit users probably best stick to prev vs; or follow guidelines explained in Readme)
* only done testing good working; not really played, apart from several FTs
* if a script does not enable, let me know (will have missed that one probably)
* if you are a plus-user, get me your exe for me to test (if needed)
* 2 features of concern: ' Enemy 1-Hit Kill' & 'Teleport to waypoint' (since these rely on specific struct_values)
(please, at least confirm good working of these 2)
* Teleport to waypoint: should now also work for Plus vs (it returned 2 sigs, and unfortunately took the wrong/1st one)
(+ additional test in tele_script to skip "init" values)

- UPDATE 9 - v3.2
* updated for v1.51 (did basic testing - populating values, enabling scripts, teleport)
ps: yep, need to revisit my roaming routine... in due time...

- UPDATE 10 - v3.7
* updated for current game v1.5.3 (and probably also works for 1.5.2) ~ the table continues to work for v1.1.2
(if the table - or parts of - does not work for you, continue/try using prev table version)
* Skills: will now be picked up immediately (no need to go to the Skills menu)
* Inventory:
- added additional exotic resources (incl "ragnarok" section)
- Resource List now allows to edit any resource item; or set them to a predefined max_value
* any non-working values/scripts should now also work for v1.5.3
=> Special thx to :
- #VixHexven especially, for taking time, research & patience to bring this table to current game_version !
- #Sumber: for testing the table rigorously

- UPDATE 11 - v3.7d
Added: Lock Resources & Hugr to 'Inventory ~ Consumables' (research by #VixHexven)

- UPDATE 12 - v3.8 (research/testing by #VixHexven... again :ph34r: )
Added: 'Resources - DLC The Forgotten Saga...' section in Inventory
Updated: Adrenaline script
(also: check readme Prenotes re: latest update)

- UPDATE 13 - v3.9
* GUI backend updated to latest release
* complete revamp of Free Roam feature (mouse-controlled now)
* added: save & restore coordinates
Note: at some point, v1.53-related coding will be removed (~ for performance reasons)

- UPDATE 14 - v4.0
* fixed adrenalin
* only supports: v1.12 & v1.6x onwards now.
note: only done limited testing, so do report back if needed

- UPDATE 15 - v4.2
* Important: v1.7x only
* several (minor) bugs
* all scripts now use 'jump far' instruction
* inventory: added descriptives for inventory lists (+ additional features); faster list_building
* adrenaline updated
* 1-Hit Kill/Defense updated (now using faction for Id-ing - also see readme)
* Infinite Consumables: updated per #Pyro's research (see pg 10-11 - big thx for that)
a. to minimize chance of crashes while travelling to a different map_location, disable any locked values (~ [Ctrl+F11)]
b. not tested with (most) DLCs (yet)

- UPDATE 16 - v4.3
* reshuffled 'player status' (seems more practical)
* added 'Miscelleanous' (incl Timer Hugr Power, Timer Helfire, Mastery Score Pts)
* some additional inventory entries (primarily _skills)
* added Weather feature (see Time of day)
* all DLCs tested

- UPDATE 17 - v4.4
* updated to latest gui
* added: Ignore Fall Damage (primarily used in teleporting)
* 2 important changes
> using 'ignore fall damage' vs 'godmode' now
> back-end aob_search routine updated
(if certain scripts no longer enable or give incorrect info, do report back!)
* changed all var_inits to hexvals
* several minor/important bugs corrected
* inventory: itemset list corrected
* reshuffled features (seems to make more sense)
* now using Edge + Google to open 'info' link (see Settings)

Readme updated accordingly !

Please, report back when having crashing issues. And make sure you can reproduce it; so that I have something to go on !
Important: read included Readme for more info (!), to avoid frequent crashing...

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
pw = Fearless
(114.68 KiB) Downloaded 10865 times
pw = Fearless
(111.46 KiB) Downloaded 6403 times
pw: Fearless
(75.02 KiB) Downloaded 10624 times
Last edited by Paul44 on Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:09 pm, edited 32 times in total.

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by paul44frf »

There are several good AC VH tables posted @FRF:
* #Sunbeam: [ viewtopic.php?p=163960#p163960 ]
* #aSwedishMagyar: [ viewtopic.php?p=164889#p164889 ] (I've used the 'Drinking/Orlog' cheats myself)
* #mochongli: [ viewtopic.php?p=164086#p164086 ]
* #budabum's Inventory Editor: [ viewtopic.php?p=164592#p164592 ]
Note: do read the respective/included instructions before asking any questions !

* Study/analysis Friendly/NPC vs Enemy: [ [Link] ]
* Structure Inventory: [ [Link] ]
(collected UniqueID info from #budabum's table)
* Structure Map Waypoint: [ [Link] ]
* Inventory Editor - HowTo remove duplicates: [ [Link] ]
I had done some experimenting with that table, and got multiple entries in the process. And a hard time identifying them "double" entries...
- Inventory: HowTo Items List Compare: [ [Link] ]
* Inventory 'Form evolution' (~ chasing down performance): [ [Link] ]

If something is still unclear, let me know.
Last edited by paul44frf on Sat Nov 20, 2021 2:34 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by faster201 »


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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by SunBeam »

^ ... yo momma?

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by Paul44 »

^ if you:
a) refer to the password request, then you're right: he should call in his mama, who will see the pw in a blink of an eye :oops:
b) mean "what? another Valhalla table", then you are right again :) It is mostly based on my experience with Immortals (lots of similarities/code). Plus: this is actually the first game - in a long time - that I am truly playing...
c) mean "some nice additional features": why, thank you 8-)
d) ... yo poppa?

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by totodudu »

hi paul44 is still thank you for the table, I have a problem with the teleport the ctrl + p does not work?

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by Paul44 »

a) the 'Map Waypoint... *' script must be enabled first. either you can not enable this, or have not done so
if you can not enable the script, tell me which version you are using (perhaps upload your game EXE for me to check/compare)?
b) it might be possible that [Ctrl+P] is configured on your pc already; try running the 'Teleport to Waypoint...' script manually. If that works, then you can change the hotkey_combo using 'set/change hotkeys' (CE feature ~ do not forget to save the CT table...)
tip1: experiment while windowed...
tip2: follow guidelines in readme...

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by totodudu »

I am on update 1.2.1, the script does not activate

Paul44 wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 4:51 pm
a) the 'Map Waypoint... *' script must be enabled first. either you can not enable this, or have not done so
if you can not enable the script, tell me which version you are using (perhaps upload your game EXE for me to check/compare)?
b) it might be possible that [Ctrl+P] is configured on your pc already; try running the 'Teleport to Waypoint...' script manually. If that works, then you can change the hotkey_combo using 'set/change hotkeys' (CE feature ~ do not forget to save the CT table...)
tip1: experiment while windowed...
tip2: follow guidelines in readme...

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by velvetio »

First of all, thank you. I only use pause time and when I load a save or die, the game always stops saving. It is only fixed with a fast travel. As the script is "problematic" it must be normal, did it?

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by Paul44 »

^ if you are referring to 'Time Of Day' option, then I was/am not aware of this side-effect. I'm using the game's own "pause"-flag; which means it is designed that way. whether or not this is a bug...?!
ps: this is actually one of the scripts that is NOT problematic ~ no injection :)
ps2: what you also can try, is lock the time (instead of using that flag); have not tested this, but should work... logically 8-)

@totodudu: i've sent you a pm...

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by totodudu »

sorry I had not seen the private message, I actually have an error when I double click on the script when pressing ok ( not all code is injectable. lua error in the script at line 11 are you sure you want to edit it to this ? . sorry I cannot send a personal message yet [Link]

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by Paul44 »

^ you actually tried the wrong script; this one is from the Help function; and should give no probs... :) (ps: i also get that error this way)
Bizar though: you can "only" access this help option, AFTER enabling the 'Map Waypoint...' script (unless you 'unhide' it) ?!

Just to be sure/clear: once that script gets enabled, you can start teleporting. Nothing else needs to be done here, as you can use [ctrl+P] (which basically = running 'Teleport to Waypoint...' script)

To reiterate:
a) can you enable the 'Map Waypoint...' script ? if not:
1) right-click that script, which will normally show an error then: make a printscreen of that (get me a link...)
2) upload(link) your game_EXE so I can have a look myself
b) as stated in Readme, it will not do so sometimes. My best experience is to FastTravel to a less/non-crowdy FT point, and try to enable the script there... (ps: if you tried to click the script a couple of times, do not be surprised the game will crash while trying to FT ~ do not ask, i do not know...)

fyi: this way of travelling is asking a lot of the game engine; proof being that upon "arriving" you'll see textures 'physically' loading, and many times NPCs appears seconds (plural) later... so do not be surprised if the game "hickups" now and then 8-)

ps: i completely forgot about 'minimal posts' before being able to pm...

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by totodudu »

so I tried again there is that the teleport at the point which does not work impossible to activate with ctrl + p nor manually on the table the rest yes example the free roam works well.

sorry i'm french i use the translation


Paul44 wrote:
Wed May 05, 2021 10:46 am
^ you actually tried the wrong script; this one is from the Help function; and should give no probs... :) (ps: i also get that error this way)
Bizar though: you can "only" access this help option, AFTER enabling the 'Map Waypoint...' script (unless you 'unhide' it) ?!

Just to be sure/clear: once that script gets enabled, you can start teleporting. Nothing else needs to be done here, as you can use [ctrl+P] (which basically = running 'Teleport to Waypoint...' script)

To reiterate:
a) can you enable the 'Map Waypoint...' script ? if not:
1) right-click that script, which will normally show an error then: make a printscreen of that (get me a link...)
2) upload(link) your game_EXE so I can have a look myself
b) as stated in Readme, it will not do so sometimes. My best experience is to FastTravel to a less/non-crowdy FT point, and try to enable the script there... (ps: if you tried to click the script a couple of times, do not be surprised the game will crash while trying to FT ~ do not ask, i do not know...)

fyi: this way of travelling is asking a lot of the game engine; proof being that upon "arriving" you'll see textures 'physically' loading, and many times NPCs appears seconds (plural) later... so do not be surprised if the game "hickups" now and then 8-)

ps: i completely forgot about 'minimal posts' before being able to pm...

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by Paul44 »

^ when you look at your image, you'll notice that the value (= pointer) next to '(MapMarker)' (greyed info) is '0'. And yet the script does enable...?! This could mean that v1.2.1 has that code, but does not use it (anymore)...

I can come up with several alternatives; incl ptr_scans... i'm pretty sure i do not have to ask you to do some breakpt exercises; probably out of your comfortzone. So I'll prepare some of those alternatives, and upload a test table for you to try out...

meanwhile: try to a) in map, set several waypoints and see if that greyed value does get a value OR b) select some icons OR c) set a waypoint while flying your Raven...

ok: try this table... I'm particularly interested to see/know if the mapbase ptr gets updated after FT-ing (i did this test without probs), finishing cutscenes/quests/andwhatnots. Iow: once enabled - and working - keep that script enabled all the time... (you can collapse it altogether since you'll be using the [ctrl+p] anyways)
you can now use v1.8
Last edited by Paul44 on Sat May 08, 2021 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AC Valhalla (Uplay v1.1.2)

Post by totodudu »

it works perfectly I thank you can I use this table ?

Paul44 wrote:
Wed May 05, 2021 5:56 pm
^ when you look at your image, you'll notice that the value (= pointer) next to '(MapMarker)' (greyed info) is '0'. And yet the script does enable...?! This could mean that v1.2.1 has that code, but does not use it (anymore)...

I can come up with several alternatives; incl ptr_scans... i'm pretty sure i do not have to ask you to do some breakpt exercises; probably out of your comfortzone. So I'll prepare some of those alternatives, and upload a test table for you to try out...

meanwhile: try to a) in map, set several waypoints and see if that greyed value does get a value OR b) select some icons OR c) set a waypoint while flying your Raven...

ok: try this table... I'm particularly interested to see/know if the mapbase ptr gets updated after FT-ing (i did this test without probs), finishing cutscenes/quests/andwhatnots. Iow: once enabled - and working - keep that script enabled all the time... (you can collapse it altogether since you'll be using the [ctrl+p] anyways)

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