Cheat engine on Diablo 2 resurrected

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Re: Cheat engine on Diablo 2 resurrected

Post by Venom_Hunter »

STN wrote:
Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:30 am
Venom_Hunter wrote:
Wed May 19, 2021 5:53 pm
I have only managed to hack the experience so far. from it you can pump the lives / mana / stamina, level and abilities of the character. Everything else that I tried to hack is not hacked
Post in English next time. This is an English only forum
Yes, it seems that there are no problems with online translators today, what is the problem if I wrote in Russian? Or is it purely principled? Or since this is an English form = users with other languages ​​are not welcome here? When other guys "overseas" on Russian-language forums write in English, we, on the contrary, appreciate it - that here they paid attention right from there! Here the reaction is not clear... :shock:

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Re: Cheat engine on Diablo 2 resurrected

Post by STN »

Venom_Hunter wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:17 pm
Yes, it seems that there are no problems with online translators today, what is the problem if I wrote in Russian? Or is it purely principled? Or since this is an English form = users with other languages ​​are not welcome here? When other guys "overseas" on Russian-language forums write in English, we, on the contrary, appreciate it - that here they paid attention right from there! Here the reaction is not clear... :shock:
Majority of this forum is English speaking, it's rude to force people to have to use a translator. I could write this reply to you in my native tongue forcing you to use a translator but that would make me a dick, wouldn't it? And it wouldn't work very well either because translators suck. Perhaps, those forums you speak of has shitty administration who needs to enforce their rules? I know many chinese forums where the audience refuses to use translators and you have to write in chinese if you expect any sort of response.

Following forum rules and sticking to one language doesn't mean anyone isn't welcome, that's just absurd.

If we followed your lovely advice, it would be quite a circus here. Someone would be posting in creole, another in swahili, another german, japanese, russian, spanish...imagine reading a topic and the audience here is from different regions like that.

Do you understand why there has to be one language now?

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Re: Cheat engine on Diablo 2 resurrected

Post by john_5 »

found this forum on google while i was out for a solution on defeating anti debug in this game.
had no luck using ce's veh debugger on this game,kernel mode debugger is detected immediately right after launching dbvm,probably signature detections.
i tried undetectable ce with modified kernel debugger but couldn't launch the kernel drvier.
i also tried titan hide drvier and ScyllaHide plugin but again no luck.
anybody had any luck on debugging this game?

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