I may work on some of these final requests, but might not have much time to play over the next few days as my family requires my time right now.
There seems to be a problem on one of the cheats.
On the Character Editor, when I put a specified on the 'Experience' it doesn't stick when leveling up.
I may work on some of these final requests, but might not have much time to play over the next few days as my family requires my time right now.
There seems to be a problem on one of the cheats.
On the Character Editor, when I put a specified on the 'Experience' it doesn't stick when leveling up.
Never mind, you cant skip multiple levels in the Experience Cheat
You have to level up one at a time
I may work on some of these final requests, but might not have much time to play over the next few days as my family requires my time right now.
There seems to be a problem on one of the cheats.
On the Character Editor, when I put a specified on the 'Experience' it doesn't stick when leveling up.
Never mind, you cant skip multiple levels in the Experience Cheat
You have to level up one at a time
What you can do to level up fast would be to edit your level directly, then modify your experience so you're 1 exp away from level up.
Make a copy (literally just click on the Experience listing, and control+c>control+v), then double click on the address value and change it from [CharacterBasePtr]+[CurrentSelectedCharacter]+3C to [CharacterBasePtr]+[CurrentSelectedCharacter]+40, then set the type from 4 bytes, to 2 bytes.
There seems to be a problem on one of the cheats.
On the Character Editor, when I put a specified on the 'Experience' it doesn't stick when leveling up.
Never mind, you cant skip multiple levels in the Experience Cheat
You have to level up one at a time
What you can do to level up fast would be to edit your level directly, then modify your experience so you're 1 exp away from level up.
Make a copy (literally just click on the Experience listing, and control+c>control+v), then double click on the address value and change it from [CharacterBasePtr]+[CurrentSelectedCharacter]+3C to [CharacterBasePtr]+[CurrentSelectedCharacter]+40, then set the type from 4 bytes, to 2 bytes.
Thank you for your instructions, I'll try your suggestion. I want my characters and quartz to be all evenly levelled becaused it triggers my OCD.
vantage card cheat problem for me: the enemy 1 shots me and is invincible, I'm using some inverted camera setting if that don't know if that affects the cheat somehow
I spent some time on a few of the final requests I'm going to look at for now. I have Thors Unity Rating Multiplier which multiplies the gains of the Thors Unity Rating. I also put in Infinite Turns Good Status For Allies and tested it some and hope this works for everything. I attempted to make this work just for allies and only for good status, but let me know of issues you see with it. Finally, I put in Pointers to Difficulty, Thors Unity Rating, Last Selected Master Quartz EXP & Level.
vantage card cheat problem for me: the enemy 1 shots me and is invincible, I'm using some inverted camera setting if that don't know if that affects the cheat somehow
I noticed this on one of my games, but it appears to work sometimes for me and I haven't played very far yet. Do you happen to have a save game where this is broken consistently right where you play the person? I think I need to modify how I determine if it's an enemy card or not.
Force Pause Animation
Must be activated first. In-game press F5 to pause the animation and F6 to resume the animation.
Hide Field HUD
Hide some field HUDs like date, status, and minimap. Hotkey: F7.
Hide Battle HUD
Hide some battle HUDs like turn-order, status, etc. Hotkey: F8.
Increase Tilt Limit (Field)
Increase tilt limit to min -89 degrees and max 89 degrees.
Disable Tilt Limit (Battle)
Disable camera tilt movement restriction during battle.
Free Camera
Hotkey : Num 0 (Toggle On/Off)
After activating the script player can use the following hotkeys
Num 8 : Forward
Num 5 : Backward
Num 4 : Left
Num 6 : Right
Num 8/Num 4 : Forward/Left
Num 8/Num 6 : Forward/Right
Num 5/Num 4 : Backward/Left
Num 5/Num 6 : Backward/Right
Num - : Up
Num + : Down
Arrow Up : Tilt Up
Arrow Down : Tilt Down
Arrow Right : Pan Right
Arrow Left : Pan Left
Num 9 : Roll Right
Num 7 : Roll Left
Num 3 : Set Roll to 0
F1 : Decrease Camera Speed (Press and Hold)
F2 : Double Camera Speed (Press and Hold)
F3 : Quadruple Camera Speed (Press and Hold)
Unlock Rotation - Battle (Optional)
Activate ONLY when mouse/pad can't be used to do rotation during certain animations in battle. Allow player to do rotation using Arrow Keys.
Unlock Rotation - Cutscene (Optional)
Activate ONLY when mouse/pad can't be used to do rotation during cutscene. Allow player to do rotation using Arrow Keys.
Disable Free Camera and Unlock Rotation (Num 0) to restore camera coordinates and movements to the character.
v 1.2 - Update 2
- Changed Camera Status script that accesses more than 1 address when player is in town.
v 1.2 - Update 1
- Free camera is now completely independent from character during free roam.
- Tweaked Force Pause Animation script that causes syntax error when free camera script is activated first.
Thanks so much for this! The free camera is very nice, and it's always fun to see just how much detail there is in places the player would never normally see in these games. Try checking Randy's room in the prologue for example.