I am trying to find the values of HP, Ammo and Fatigue (stamina) in battle.
I have been able to find the pointers of units outside battle.
I can easily find the display values. But not the actual values.
For eg. If I have platoon of 60 solders. Battling them reduces there numbers to 56. But that value is just a visual reference. The actual platoon health as a whole is a different value.
Can anyone help me learn the usual way for finding the actual value or the instruction that access the actual value.
Code: Select all
ShogunW.exe+24184 - 2B F7 - sub esi,edi
ShogunW.exe+24186 - C1 E6 05 - shl esi,05 { 5 }
ShogunW.exe+24189 - 8D B4 35 C04A0000 - lea esi,[ebp+esi+00004AC0]
ShogunW.exe+24190 - 8B 5B 3C - mov ebx,[ebx+3C]
ShogunW.exe+24193 - 3B DE - cmp ebx,esi
ShogunW.exe+24195 - 73 3D - jae ShogunW.exe+241D4
ShogunW.exe+24197 - 89 4C 24 0C - mov [esp+0C],ecx
ShogunW.exe+2419B - 89 54 24 08 - mov [esp+08],edx
ShogunW.exe+2419F - 89 6C 24 10 - mov [esp+10],ebp
ShogunW.exe+241A3 - 8B 53 10 - mov edx,[ebx+10]
ShogunW.exe+241A6 - 8B 6B 70 - mov ebp,[ebx+70]
ShogunW.exe+241A9 - 8B 7A 3C - mov edi,[edx+3C]
ShogunW.exe+241AC - 8B 4D 3C - mov ecx,[ebp+3C]
ShogunW.exe+241AF - 89 4A 3C - mov [edx+3C],ecx
ShogunW.exe+241B2 - 89 7D 3C - mov [ebp+3C],edi
ShogunW.exe+241B5 - 8B 4B 10 - mov ecx,[ebx+10]
ShogunW.exe+241B8 - 8B 53 70 - mov edx,[ebx+70]
ShogunW.exe+241BB - 89 53 10 - mov [ebx+10],edx
ShogunW.exe+241BE - 89 4B 70 - mov [ebx+70],ecx
ShogunW.exe+241C1 - 83 C3 60 - add ebx,60 { 96 }
ShogunW.exe+241C4 - 3B DE - cmp ebx,esi
ShogunW.exe+241C6 - 72 DB - jb ShogunW.exe+241A3
ShogunW.exe+241C8 - 8B 4C 24 0C - mov ecx,[esp+0C]
ShogunW.exe+241CC - 8B 54 24 08 - mov edx,[esp+08]
ShogunW.exe+241D0 - 8B 6C 24 10 - mov ebp,[esp+10]
ShogunW.exe+241D4 - 89 95 204B0000 - mov [ebp+00004B20],edx
ShogunW.exe+241DA - 89 8D 244B0000 - mov [ebp+00004B24],ecx
ShogunW.exe+241E0 - C6 85 2C780000 00 - mov byte ptr [ebp+0000782C],00 { 0 }
ShogunW.exe+241E7 - FF 4D 10 - dec [ebp+10] <--------the dec instruction that reduces the number of units you have. Display value
ShogunW.exe+241EA - 84 C0 - test al,al
ShogunW.exe+241EC - 74 03 - je ShogunW.exe+241F1
ShogunW.exe+241EE - FF 4D 0C - dec [ebp+0C]
ShogunW.exe+241F1 - 83 C4 14 - add esp,14 { 20 }
ShogunW.exe+241F4 - 5B - pop ebx
ShogunW.exe+241F5 - 5D - pop ebp
ShogunW.exe+241F6 - 5E - pop esi
ShogunW.exe+241F7 - 5F - pop edi