REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Game Name: Idling to Rule the Gods
Game Engine: Unity (.NET) (thank you dasmau89!)
Game Version: 3.5.1219
Options Required: Amount of clones, amount of god power, unlimited upgrade levels of monuments
Steam Website:
Other Info: -
Game Engine: Unity (.NET) (thank you dasmau89!)
Game Version: 3.5.1219
Options Required: Amount of clones, amount of god power, unlimited upgrade levels of monuments
Steam Website:
Other Info: -
Last edited by Damaskox on Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
So I got kind of exited about playing this game again. Previously I always modified the dll diretly, but the frequent updates discouraged me. So now I learned how the Mono feature works in CE and threw together a little table.
Version 11
instant crafting
old versions
Version 1
The table works by manipulating the odds of getting a specific outcome on the Lucky Draw. The game creates a pool of possible draws (the most beeing "get 1 god power" (130 times)), each option adds the specific thing 9999 times to the pool, so you can combine them if you want Version 2
unlimited lucky draw use. If an additional lucky draw has been drawn, the amount of lucky draws is increased by 127 instead of 1 Version 3
added 100 crystal power to the lucky draw pool (you can't get this one regularly, but the code that processes your lucky draws still has it) Version 4
added booster options to creation, HP regen and training
TBS minigame that increases the hit area as well as always have a hit when in hit area Version 5
no avatar point costs (cosmetics)
Ultimate Beings (V1) - Set Revert time to 0 seconds Version 6
structure for scripts
scripts for creation buy cost, monument building and some divinity generator Version 7
divinity generator fast upgrade
UBs V2
Pet campains Version 8
unlock for physical training & skills (unlocks might in the process)
no might cooldown Version 9
maximum monument rebirth cap raised
ignore rebirth cap on monuments Version 10
fixed HP regen (somewhat)
pet dungeon finish
The table works by manipulating the odds of getting a specific outcome on the Lucky Draw. The game creates a pool of possible draws (the most beeing "get 1 god power" (130 times)), each option adds the specific thing 9999 times to the pool, so you can combine them if you want Version 2
unlimited lucky draw use. If an additional lucky draw has been drawn, the amount of lucky draws is increased by 127 instead of 1 Version 3
added 100 crystal power to the lucky draw pool (you can't get this one regularly, but the code that processes your lucky draws still has it) Version 4
added booster options to creation, HP regen and training
TBS minigame that increases the hit area as well as always have a hit when in hit area Version 5
no avatar point costs (cosmetics)
Ultimate Beings (V1) - Set Revert time to 0 seconds Version 6
structure for scripts
scripts for creation buy cost, monument building and some divinity generator Version 7
divinity generator fast upgrade
UBs V2
Pet campains Version 8
unlock for physical training & skills (unlocks might in the process)
no might cooldown Version 9
maximum monument rebirth cap raised
ignore rebirth cap on monuments Version 10
fixed HP regen (somewhat)
pet dungeon finish
instant crafting
Last edited by dasmau89 on Tue May 04, 2021 3:52 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
So I wait until my next lucky draw cooldown is over, then I open the file, select the game process to open, select enable mono, lucky draw and god power (100 bonus) and open a lucky draw (I couldn't check unlimited lucky draws though)?
So I wait until my next lucky draw cooldown is over, then I open the file, select the game process to open, select enable mono, lucky draw and god power (100 bonus) and open a lucky draw (I couldn't check unlimited lucky draws though)?
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Strange that you couldn't select unlimited lucky draws.
There was an Update today, but I could check this option with the current version on my side.
Yes, the process would be to get a bunch of lucky draws, and than select what you need. I checked Lucky Draws and God Power and let an autoclicker hammer away on the "Open one" button to get more lucky draws and god power. If you don't have any lucky draws I would recommend that you would only go for more lucky draws in the beginning, since it could very well be god power that you get and you would have to wait a day again.
Unlimited lucky draws is supposed to lift the limit of 100 per day as well as allowing you to use lucky draw even if you don't have any or aren't allowed to use them (challenges). As far as I know a negativ number of lucky draws doesn't make you a cheater, but I wouldn't recommend it.
But to figure out why unlimited lucky draws doesn't work on your side, I would need you help. Please copy the unlimited lucky draw script and edit it. Delete everything in the [ENABLE] part after the assert() statements and delete everything in the [DISABLE] part. Then you need to take out (place // at the beginning of the line) each assert statement one by one and check what is blocking it
Another thing to try would be to disable optimisations (which I have). To do this, you would go to the local files (..\Steam\steamapps\common\Idling to Rule the Gods\Idling to Rule the Gods_Data\Managed) and create a file Assembly-CSharp.ini with this content
restart the game and try again
There was an Update today, but I could check this option with the current version on my side.
Yes, the process would be to get a bunch of lucky draws, and than select what you need. I checked Lucky Draws and God Power and let an autoclicker hammer away on the "Open one" button to get more lucky draws and god power. If you don't have any lucky draws I would recommend that you would only go for more lucky draws in the beginning, since it could very well be god power that you get and you would have to wait a day again.
Unlimited lucky draws is supposed to lift the limit of 100 per day as well as allowing you to use lucky draw even if you don't have any or aren't allowed to use them (challenges). As far as I know a negativ number of lucky draws doesn't make you a cheater, but I wouldn't recommend it.
But to figure out why unlimited lucky draws doesn't work on your side, I would need you help. Please copy the unlimited lucky draw script and edit it. Delete everything in the [ENABLE] part after the assert() statements and delete everything in the [DISABLE] part. Then you need to take out (place // at the beginning of the line) each assert statement one by one and check what is blocking it
Another thing to try would be to disable optimisations (which I have). To do this, you would go to the local files (..\Steam\steamapps\common\Idling to Rule the Gods\Idling to Rule the Gods_Data\Managed) and create a file Assembly-CSharp.ini with this content
Code: Select all
[.NET Framework Debugging Control]
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
I tried it again without your newest instructions - this time I enabled Cheat Engine table after I opened the lucky draw window. This time it let me check the unlimited option.
So - when the cooldown drops to 0, I enable only mono, lucky draw and unlimited for now?
Haha - wished one could drop it to zero with CE!
So - when the cooldown drops to 0, I enable only mono, lucky draw and unlimited for now?
Haha - wished one could drop it to zero with CE!
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
There you go: on calculating your offline progress you should get your free draw (pw is CE)
replace the dll in Idling to Rule the Gods_Data\Managed with the one from archive
replace the dll in Idling to Rule the Gods_Data\Managed with the one from archive
- Attachments
- Assembly-CSharp.7z
- (485.63 KiB) Downloaded 1490 times
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Okay cool.
After replacing the file, enabling the table and activating the necessary cheats, I clicked "Get free draw!"
The game said "You got one free draw!". I clicked "Open one" and received a price. But when I click "Open one" again, it says "There is no draw recorded yet".
I tried this twice; re-replacing your file on a new attempt. But it seems that getting more than one ticket per one free draw is not working for some reason?
At least now that I have your file, I get one free reward every time I re-replace the file in the game, so that's a lot of goodness already!
(Can it be replaced while the game is open?)
After replacing the file, enabling the table and activating the necessary cheats, I clicked "Get free draw!"
The game said "You got one free draw!". I clicked "Open one" and received a price. But when I click "Open one" again, it says "There is no draw recorded yet".
I tried this twice; re-replacing your file on a new attempt. But it seems that getting more than one ticket per one free draw is not working for some reason?
At least now that I have your file, I get one free reward every time I re-replace the file in the game, so that's a lot of goodness already!
(Can it be replaced while the game is open?)
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Try unlimited free lucky draws and free lucky draw as the result for a start until you got a bunch of tickets.
Replacing the dll should not be necessary, it should only be needed when you check your local files through steam, as it will replace it with the original. I don't think you can replace the dll while the program is running, but I didn't test it
Replacing the dll should not be necessary, it should only be needed when you check your local files through steam, as it will replace it with the original. I don't think you can replace the dll while the program is running, but I didn't test it
Last edited by dasmau89 on Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Do you mean that I would enable only enable Mono and unlimited lucky draws?
I tried this but received only one ticket again.
I didn't understand much what you meant.
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Sry, I meant that you should do this the first couple of times

Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Oh! Didn't notice that option before!
The first attempt failed, the second attemp was a success. It seems that the unlimited draw freezed the number (limit) you can open them per day.
The first attempt failed, the second attemp was a success. It seems that the unlimited draw freezed the number (limit) you can open them per day.
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Yes that is the purpose. You should be able to use as many lucky draws as you want per day if you activate that option. I added that option in version 2 but moved it to the top in v3
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
Thank you for your hard work!
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
You're welcome.
I think I will play the game for a little while longer, so there might be an update or two to the table
Edit: and I added a new table to my first post
I think I will play the game for a little while longer, so there might be an update or two to the table
Edit: and I added a new table to my first post
Re: REQUEST Idling to Rule the Gods (Steam version)
I think that something may have changed in-game.
Yesterday I got a "You can't use lucky draws while you are in this Challenge!" but I somehow managed to slid past it. Today it came back and I seem not to be able to bypass it anymore. I don't know what it means - I am in no challenge at all, just playing the basic game.
I tried closing the game and closing Cheat Engine, but it didn't help.
EDIT: Welp, it's still working, but it sometimes feels very sensitive, to open programs and doing the steps in the right order to make it work.
I think that something may have changed in-game.
Yesterday I got a "You can't use lucky draws while you are in this Challenge!" but I somehow managed to slid past it. Today it came back and I seem not to be able to bypass it anymore. I don't know what it means - I am in no challenge at all, just playing the basic game.
I tried closing the game and closing Cheat Engine, but it didn't help.
EDIT: Welp, it's still working, but it sometimes feels very sensitive, to open programs and doing the steps in the right order to make it work.
Last edited by Damaskox on Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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