xXxNeytirixXx wrote: ↑Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:19 am
Is there an easier way to kill all enemy types in doom 1 & 2?
Starting note is that God Mode might disable any of these kills counting towards the achievement. So just don't use it and use max health instead
Doom 1 has 10 enemy types to be killed. Doom 2 has 17.
Doom 1:
Code: Select all
1. Zombieman
2. Shotgun Guy
3. Imp (brown demon that throws fireball)
4. Demon (growling pink enemy)
5. Spectre (partially invisible version of Demon)
6. Baron of Hell (Minotaur-like demon with green projectiles)
7. Cacodemon (Flying head demon)
8. Lost Soul (flying flaming skull)
9. Cyber Demon (boss of Shores of Hell)
10. Spider Mastermind (boss of Inferno)
If you are using no clip to speed up the levels hold down the fire button on the BFG while doing so. You'll get this before you finish the game.
Doom 2:
Code: Select all
1. Pistol zombie
2. Shotgun zombie
3. Chaingun zombie
4. Imp (brown fireball guys)
5. Demon (pink pig)
6. Spectre (invisible pink pig)
7. Lost soul (flaming skulls, although I’m not sure if these count, but you’ll surely be killing these).
8. Cacodemon (floating tomatoes)
9. Hell knights (goats who say ”aurora” when they die)
10. Revenant (skeleton guys)
11. Spider mastermind (big spiders). You’ll first meet this guy on Map06 (on ultra-violence difficulty).
12. Arachnotrons (small spiders)
13. Mancubus (fat guys who say ”cannibael-o”)
14. Baron of Hell (stronger goats)
15. Cyberdemon (the big goat with rocket launcher). You’ll first see these in Map08.
16. Pain Elemental (floating moldy potatoes who spit lost souls at you).
17. Archvile (skinny guys who use magic at you and say ”Avatar!” when they die). You’ll meet first of these guys in Map11 (UV).
If you use the above noclip/hold fire button method from Doom I there is a chance you'll miss some of these. So when you are "no-clipping" towards an exit, pause your route in the open areas and shoot some enemies in these open areas. When you beat the game (I only did one play-through on co-op nightmare) it will actually show you the enemies you killed. NOTE: the above list is in order of when you first encounter the enemy and your "pre-credits enimies" ( i guess we should call it) are not in the same 1-17 order. I recommend making a notepad of this 1-17 and then deleting each one that appears in your "pre-credits". Also note that you can just mash your action button and skip this pre-credit information very quickly but it won't advance unless you press the action button (I play on a controller so its "A"). You can use level select to get the ones you missed.
If it helps, after my no-clip speed run: I was missing 6, 11 and 14.
**edit** spelling its after midnight