pathfinder cary weight pointer found 0 address

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pathfinder cary weight pointer found 0 address

Post by maload »

i dont know which website is good for image posing.

so i try to do carrywight thing in pathfinder . so i use float s and scan exactly that number .
the reasult is guick ,i got 1 address and look what access to that adresss. this address change with same number as in game so i really sure this is the address that i looking for .but it cant be use because i know it will gone if i restart the game so then i need to find pointers.

i scan for that rax in hex and 4 byte . i pretty sure i follow this step but i found 0 adress.some time its found 1 address i dont know why but when i use the result + offse oc . its show ??????? . ending here .

so nothing i can do about it ? is there other way to do carryweight thing in game ?

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