Baldr Sky | Realtime moveset swapper & more

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Baldr Sky | Realtime moveset swapper & more

Post by Stylence »

I've created a cheat table (dubbed "Baldr Sky Unlimited") that aims to make lateral changes to Baldr Sky's combat system which bring it in line with games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, enabling greater freedom in how players construct their combos and express their style.

-Realtime in-battle moveset swapping functionality
-Move limit restriction removal (infinite move use)
-Infinite dashes/dash cancels
-Various options to remove/bypass heat limitations
-Infinite force crash
-Various HP/Damage options

Moveset Swapper:
-DInput controllers (Sony Dualshock series) unsupported
-Differences in properties of moves in the same attack slot in different movesets can cause some moves to fail to produce projectiles. Seemingly rare issue, loading a save and then exiting the equipment menu with the moveset containing the glitched move equipped fixes it.

Move Limit Removal:
-Removing force crash move limit restrictions allows the game to double register a single force crash attack input, spending both of the user's FC gauges (if both are full) on a single force crash, and is therefore not recommended.

Planned Improvements:
-Easier moveset swapper configuration (Pending request)

-Ver 1.6:
-Removed Raise Max Health Overflow script (it was causing crush repair plug-in to give too much HP at HP totals > 2000)
-Added new Raise Max Health script and Player Max Health pointer
-Renamed original Raise Max Health script to Raise Max Health Fill
-Ver 1.5:
-Added keyboard support for moveset swapper (default inputs N and B for forwards and backwards through movesets)
-Added pointer to player HP, Enemies Deal No Damage script, Player And Enemies Deal No Damage script, and a pair of scripts for raising player's maximum HP (Raise Max Health and Raise Max Health Overflow)
-Ver. 1.4:
-Added conditional logic to Disable All Move Restrictions script exempting Force Crashes in order to prevent double force crash input issue
-Added new moveset swapper input for use with >= 3 movesets (players can now go back and forward through movesets using separate inputs)
-Changed default moveset swapper inputs to left trigger and right trigger
-Ver. 1.3: Narrowed scope of what was affected by "Moves Instantly Fill Heat Gauge" script
-Ver. 1.2: Decreased input reading interval for moveset swapper input
-Ver. 1.1: Scripts no longer affect enemies

Anyone is welcome to redistribute or make changes/additions to this table at any time, but credit me as the original creator if you do. Please report any crashes or unexpected behavior with as much detail as you can provide (e.g. when the crash occurred, which options were enabled, etc.).

Let me know if you have questions or suggestions.

(Created using Baldr Sky GOG ver. 1.01)
Baldr Sky Unlimited V1.6
(92.45 KiB) Downloaded 322 times


-Moveset Swapper: After enabling moveset swapper, player can select a configurable number of movesets (default 2) to switch between at the press of a button (default left and right triggers on XInput (Xbox/first party Microsoft) controllers or B and N on keyboard).

1. First tick "Enable Moveset Swapper" box to initialize the moveswapper. There is no need to interact with this option afterwards.

2. Navigate to in-game equipment menu and select (from the left side menu) the first moveset you wish to queue.

3. Tick "Insert Moveset In Swapper Queue" box to queue the currently selected equipment menu moveset to the moveset swapper. A readout of your currently selected movesets will appear, which you can compare to the "Currently Equipped Moves" list if you lose track of your movesets (See "Currently Equipped Moves" two sections down for further information).

4. Untick "Insert Moveset In Swapper Queue" box.

5. Repeat steps 2. through 4. until all moveset queue positions are filled.

6. If you wish to make alterations to an individual moveset then, when you wish to reinsert it into the queue, you will need to re-queue all movesets from the start to force the redundant moveset(s) out of the queue. Yes, annoying.

-Configuration of # of movesets and swapper input buttons follows this basic formula:

1. Right click the "Enable Moveset Swapper" script and select the "Change Script" option.

2. Within the code editor, replace the portion of text relevant to your desired changes (see further below for specific details on this step).

3. Within the code editor's file menu (top left), select the "Assign to current cheat table" option.

4. Locate the newly added script (automatically titled "Auto Assemble Script") at the bottom of the cheat table and click+drag it below the original version of the "Enable Moveset Swapper" script.

5. Either rename the new script "Enable Moveset Swapper" and delete the original "Enable Moveset Swapper" script, or name your newly changed script something distinct in order to differentiate the two.

6. Save the changes to the table, close, and reopen Cheat Engine before using the altered table.

Changing # of movesets: replace the number on the 7th line of code ("numberOfMovesets = 2") with your desired number of movesets (e.g. "numberOfMovesets = 5").

Changing moveset swapping inputs: The 13th and 26th lines of code are what check for moveset swapper inputs. Both of these lines contain expressions that check for both Xinput input and keyboard input. 13th line handles swap forward input, 26th line handles swap backward input.

Line 13: if (xboxState.RightTrigger > 10) or isKeyPressed(VK_N) then
Line 26: if (xboxState.LeftTrigger > 10) or isKeyPressed(VK_B) then

If you wish to change Xinput inputs, you will edit the indexes directly after "xboxState.", replacing them with your chosen input from the Cheat Engine wiki's Lua:getXBox360ControllerState article. If your chosen input(s) are booleans (stated in the article), see below examples for what else you have to change. If you wish to change keyboard inputs, you will replace the constant in parentheses in isKeyPressed() with your chosen input from the Cheat Engine wiki's Virtual-Key Code article.

Example replacement code (don't copy the quotation marks):
-For nonboolean Xinput inputs (e.g. right thumbstick x axis) : "if (xboxState.ThumbRightX > 200) or isKeyPressed(VK_N) then"
-For boolean Xinput buttons (e.g. Xbox pad Y button): "if (xboxState.GAMEPAD_Y == true) or isKeyPressed(VK_N) then"
-For keyboard keys (e.g. keyboard A key): "if (xboxState.RightTrigger > 10) or isKeyPressed(VK_A) then"

Remember you'll have to change expressions in both lines if you want to customize forward and backward inputs. If anyone needs help configuring the table to their preferences, feel free to ask. I'd be happy to provide assistance.

-Equip Menu Slots:

-Displays Moves currently selected in equipment menu. These are the values fed into the queue when inserting movesets. Technically you should be able to create and queue a moveset into the swapper outside of the equipment menu by editing the individual values (which have a dropdown menu of all attack values) and then ticking the "Insert Moveset In Swapper Queue" box, but this is cumbersome.

-Currently Equipped Moves:

-Displays the current actual in-battle moveset Kou has equipped. These are the values that should visibly change when movesets are swapped in battle. These records are not what is inserted when a moveset is inserted into the swapper queue, and though they could technically be individually changed manually to customize Kou's moveset in realtime, this is impractical.

-Move Restriction Options: Options which disable the one-use-until-heat-depletion limitation on moves.

-Disable All Move Restrictions:
-Theoretically the stabler option, as it relies on code injection rather than locking values. Recommended option for infinite move use. Removes move use limitations on all moves except force crashes. To remove force crash move use limits, see Disable Individual Move Restrictions.

-Disable Individual Move Restrictions:
-Theoretically unstable and may cause crashes, but has not been observed to in testing. Includes the option to disable Force Crash move use limit restrictions, but be aware that disabling these limits will make force crashes use two Force Crash bars if both are filled. See Force Crash Options if you wish to circumvent this issue with infinite Force Crash gauge.

-Dash Restriction Options: Suite of options for enabling infinite dashes. Lock Dash Gauge value or toggle "Disable Dash Restrictions" (preferred method) for infinite dashes and dash related cancels.

-Heat options: Various options related to bypassing or disabling heat generation and overheat limitations.

-Heat Gauge value can be locked at 0 to prevent heat gain, locking at other values produces inconsistent behavior. Recommend Ignore Overheat instead.

-Ignore Overheat:
-Exceeding one bar of heat will no longer place Kou in overheat state. Emulates Initializer overheat restrictions, meaning Kou can generate up to three bars of heat, and will not overheat when exceeding this limit. Essentially removes the overheating mechanic from the game.

-Disable Heat Generation:
-Universally removes heat generated by moves. Severely limits utility of heat charge moves. Recommend Ignore Overheat instead.

-Instant (Nearly) Heat Cooldown:
-Heat cooldown is near-instantaneous, which circumvents the momentary inability to attack associated with normal heat cooldown.

-Moves Instantly Fill Heat Gauge:
-Intended to supplement Ignore Overheat. For players who want full heat as frequently as possible. Very dangerous due to high heat meaning higher enemy damage.

-Force Crash Options:

-Force Crash Gauge can be locked at >= 10000 for infinite player Force Crashes.

-Disable Force Crash Cost:
-Reduces Force Crash cost to zero.

-Moves Instantly Fill Force Crash Gauge:
-Fully fills Force Crash gauge with every attack.

-Health Options: Options related to manipulating health/damage etc. (Not thoroughly tested, but should be stable).

-Player Health can be locked at >= 2000 (default max health with all health upgrades enabled) for infinite HP.

-Player Max Health pointer value can be edited and locked to raise player's maximum HP, but setup screens and other full-heal event triggers will still only heal player to default max HP (2000) unless Raise Max Health Fill script (see below) is activated.

-Enemies Deal No Damage:
-Enemies deal no damage to the player. Lightly tested in normal combat, untested with explosive environmental destructibles (which are rare). Preferred setting for player invincibility, theoretically stabler than locking HP value.

-Player And Enemies Deal No Damage:
-Both player and enemies are unable to do damage. See above regarding testing.

-Raise Max Health:
-Includes two scripts, Raise Max Health and Raise Max Health Fill. For intended function either lock Player Max Health pointer at desired value and activate Raise Max Health Fill, or activate both scripts under Raise Max Health header (preferred). Raises player's maximum HP to a value specified in both scripts. Game default is 7D0 in hexadecimal (2000 in decimal), or two HP bars. Default value for both scripts is BB8 (3000 in decimal), or three HP bars. Game only fills player's HP to maximum at specified points (e.g. setup screens), so you may need to edit player HP using the HP pointer if you wish, for example, to be at max HP when using the scenario chart to load a battle that does not start with a setup screen.

-Choosing a custom maximum HP:
1. See the "Configuration of # of movesets and swapper input buttons follows this basic formula" section under the Moveset Swapper Instructions/Explanations entry to find basic instructions on how to edit scripts.

2. Values to be changed are BB8 on line 18 of Raise Max Health ("mov [esi+00001560],BB8") and BB8 on line 18 of Raise Max Health Fill ("mov [esi+00001564],BB8").

3. Decide your preferred max health in decimal (e.g. 4000, or four bars), convert that value into hexadecimal (type "4000 to hex" in google and then drop the 0x at the beginning of the result e.g. 0xFA0 becomes FA0 for 4000), and replace the aforementioned BB8 values in both scripts with your new (hexadecimal) value.

4. Follow the rest of the steps for saving your edited script etc.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by Stylence on Mon May 10, 2021 6:31 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Baldr Sky | Realtime moveset swapper & more

Post by swaggs994 »

Wow this is so cool! Really appreciate it feels like a whole new update to gameplay.

Was wondering if it could be updated to increase health :?: currently playing using "Moves Instantly Fill Heat Gauge" and the enemy damage is too high on very hard difficulty turns into nightmare.

Looking forward for keyboard support.

Anyway, thanks a lot :)

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Re: Baldr Sky | Realtime moveset swapper & more

Post by Stylence »

Thank you swaggs, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the table.

I added keyboard support for the moveset swapper, but I wasn't sure what good default key inputs would be, so you'll probably have to customize those to your preference. For now they're the N and B keys for going forward/backward through movesets.

I also added a bunch of health options to the table, including the ability to increase the player's maximum HP. The descriptions for those options are at the bottom of the original post. The max HP scripts are configured by default to a maximum of 3000 HP (three bars), but I included some instructions for customizing those scripts as well.

Lemme know if anything isn't working properly. For the time being I'm going to keep the input handling for both Xinput and keyboard in the same script just to reduce clutter in an already cluttered table, but if anyone's performance is impacted by the simultaneous checking of all Xinput and keyboard inputs then I can divide them up into separate scripts to be activated individually.

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Re: Baldr Sky | Realtime moveset swapper & more

Post by swaggs994 »

Thanks again! you really came through.

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Re: Baldr Sky | Realtime moveset swapper & more

Post by Stylence »

Messed up on the Raise Max Health Overflow script, see ver. 1.6 changelog for details on the fix.

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Re: Baldr Sky | Realtime moveset swapper & more

Post by limoonfeat »

can you update it for steam version?

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