local dict=StaticFindObjectAlgo('/Game/Inventory/DataTables/Armors_DataTable.Armors_DataTable')+0x30
for i=0,readInteger(dict+8)-1 do
local pointer=readPointer(dict)+i*0x18
local fname=readQword(pointer)
local len=readInteger(pointer+8)
need to bypass EAC no? from launch the game from :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\OUTRIDERS Demo\Madness\Binaries\Win64\OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping.exe
I am doing :
-launch game
-select charater, first slot.
-star histoty
-launch table, and inject to .exe of outriders
-and try to activate the trainer
need to bypass EAC no? from launch the game from :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\OUTRIDERS Demo\Madness\Binaries\Win64\OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping.exe
I am doing :
-launch game
-select charater, first slot.
-star histoty
-launch table, and inject to .exe of outriders
-and try to activate the trainer
but nothing happends
thx for help
I finaly make ti work, but only can see character stats.
how work with armor or weaponds? i have selectect but can not see the stats
Updated as of 3/12 -- In order to bypass EAC, change name of OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping to EAC_Outriders.exe and EAC_Outriders to OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping. Directly launching game from folder without name switch no longer works. Tables seem to work.
Updated as of 3/12 -- In order to bypass EAC, change name of OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping to EAC_Outriders.exe and EAC_Outriders to OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping. Directly launching game from folder without name switch no longer works. Tables seem to work.
Updated as of 3/12 -- In order to bypass EAC, change name of OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping to EAC_Outriders.exe and EAC_Outriders to OUTRIDERS-Win64-Shipping. Directly launching game from folder without name switch no longer works. Tables seem to work.
which one of those methods work the best?
and do i need to still launch the game through the folder? and if i do what exe to choose?
thanks in advance!
is there a way to increase the overall loot chance, like if I want to get a loot drop for every enemy i kill?
or a loot drop increase for when loot actually drops? (example: when i kill a elite enemy and i get 2 legendary drops)