Hi your table is great thx for making it though is there a way to edit dna, gold and the other two resources? i appear to be legally blind if taht is already included. if its not included can i ask if you would add it to the table?
If anybody is still playing. It seems the cheat table has stopped working for me with the last update of the game.
It was working fine initially, but now it crashes the game on activation. If anybody has an idea, it would be very
appreciated. =)
Hey Tsahion, that was a good hint. I have been looking for version 7.2 of cheat engine, but couldn't find a working installer.
But with 7.3 the tables work just fine. I'll leave that here as a heads up for anyone still coming around here. =)
I have made a new table but with a lot fewer features but it is something. This table gets all player unit's health, shields and armour.
the values are populated when entering combat. I will add more stuff later. You can edit things like DNA and credits by editing your save file
located in the Documents folder. Just search for resourceAmounts and you should find a list of numbers which match the 4 currencies in the game.
Eg resourceAmounts":[16,44,7,118,1,1,1,1,3,4,1,1,5,2,1,1,1,3,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,6,5,6,7,12,8,8,20,20,6,9,14,9,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,21]}. The first 4 values are the currencies .
edit: added pointers to currencies so they can be modified in game. I am also sort of figured out equipment traits though I am unsure about some traits like bleeding. This game uses a lot of hashes for things including item pick ups and generated traits so it may take me a while to figure it all out.
I have created a new table witch contains an experimental generate equipment feature.
Expand the item gen header in the get game address script to use this feature. Get the value from the "item id starting address" entry and
copy it into the "gen item id starting address" entry. if it has no value then make sure that either your character in the first slot in the formation has an item in its first slot or you have an item in the first slot in your squad inventory. Then put the item id of the item you want into the "gen item id string" entry. then set the value of "gen item id string length" to the length of the ID then set the "gen item" entry to 1.
This will only work when in the overworld and not in any menu and you can walk your squad around. The item gets placed into your second slot
and will not work if something else is already there.
I will come up with a better solution to the item id starting address and make the slot number changeable when I get the time.
A version of the table with the generate equipment functionality improved. You must still have at least 1 equipment in slot 0 in the player inventory for it to work but all you need to do to generate equipment is set the gen item id with the string of the item you want and then enable the "gen item set up" script and then set the slot number to an empty slot number and then set the "gen item" value to 1 and then while in the map overworld move, around a bit and then you should see the value of "gen item" get set back to 0. Then the item has been generated.
Edit. Have a new version of the generate item script. All you need to do is check the "gen item set up" script once and it should all just work assuming you have a piece of equipment in the first slot of your inventory.
The Password is my name
Could someone possibly update this cheat table for the current version of the game? It's currently I'd really like to use the cheat table to mess around with some numbers and especially for unlimited cards during camp sessions. Unfortunately, the existing version of the cheat table won't work with the current version of the game.