CE GUI Framework

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CE GUI Framework

Post by Paul44 »

This framework allows you to easily add following features to your table; and basically adds following 2 menus:
* Compact versus Developer View
* Launch the game directly from your CE table
* Disable any scripts and locked values instantly
* Show the currently loaded CT table name
* Configure the CT table to your likings (e.g. auto-attaching)

* Open Memory Viewer
* Open Dissect Structure
* Open Lua Engine
* Show CE Debug Info
* Dissect Code (Build, Load, Save & Clear)
* getName: Anvil - UE2/3/4
* Switch Lua Engine GUI

As tablemaker, you can (re)use any/all parts you see fit. Iow it is not mandatory at all to take over the complete framework as it stands... (see manual below for more details)

- UPDATE 1 - v1.3
* Submenu 'Design': to get quick access to (without the need to Show Full View)...
(can be dis/enabled prior to release)
- Memory View
- Dissect Structure
- Lua Engine
- CE Debug Info (~ i'm thinking about placing this in 'Tools' menu for support reasons)
* Scripts to run per Timer interval (in Maintenance scripts section): basically any script/code added here will be executed at every Time_Interval tick... (primarily introduced to get some Lua scripts "updated")

- UPDATE 2 - v1.5
Added: Dissect Code: Build, Load, Save & Clear
(learned about this feature in #Cake-san's UE4 template/table)

- UPDATE 3 - v1.6
Added: Dissect Structure getName(Anvil) ~ (structure's Fn integration researched by #aSwedishMagyar)
Note: in the mean time, he has updated this routine, but i have yet to test/integrate this here...
see also:
* AC 4 Black Flag article (source #Sunbeam): [ viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12241 ]
* Assassin's Creed Valhalla [Standard Edition] (#aSwedishMagyar routine): [ viewtopic.php?p=164889#p164889 ]

- UPDATE 4 - v1.9
Added: Switch Lua Engine GUI to Design menu
* noAutoattach option '9' now working properly via 'launch game'
* some minor updates

- UPDATE 5 - v2.2
Added: Dissect Structure [Design] menu (see also here: [ viewtopic.php?f=23&t=14414 ])
(related to #Cake-san's tool 'Basic UE4 Win64 Base Table')
* minor/major updates
* support for Form(Designer) scripts

- UPDATE 6 - v2.3a
Added: dissect structure support (getName) for UE engines
Added: startup parameter (for game exe)
Added: Special Scripts section (moving game_specific routines away from "standard" Lua startup script section)
Added: Form & related scripts for example purposes
+ minor updates

- UPDATE 7 - v2.4d
* some minor updates
* Added: UE4.1x getName routine (which uses GNames struct ~ see also post 2)

Readme updated accordingly: [ [Link] ].

This document explains in detail how to add abovementioned features to your table, with minimum effort. In fact, I'm using this template - and the way to implement it - myself for quite some time now. While this template obviously/primarily offers a feature-set to my likings, this is - and remains - a work in progress. I'm sure more features will be added as I go; and how table authors respond of course...

Important: I will highly appreciate any/all feedback that can/could increase the current routines effectiveness and/or performance !
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Re: CE GUI Framework

Post by paul44frf »

* text-document explaining the [Tools] menu in detail: [ [Link] ]

* HowTo: use GNames & GObjects (incl Names/Object_Dumps): see here: [ [Link] ]
(example from Dishonered)

* HowTo: getName in UE4.2x: Google: Unreal v4.23+ "GNames" - FNamePool enumeration
(some FNamePool UE4 info: [ [Link] ])

* HowTo: getName in UE4.1x: [ [Link] ]
(explains how to find the getName routine ~ should actually apply to any UE version ?!)

* UE: Find GNames/FNamePool "easily": [ [Link] ]
Last edited by paul44frf on Wed Mar 16, 2022 5:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: CE GUI Framework

Post by Paul44 »

Important update: added dissect structure support for UE engines
(check respective functions for detailed info)

Also important: I have very little/no technical knowledge related to UE engines (any version for that matter). This info has been collected initially/primarily by researching #Cake-san's tool; and googling on the subject to get specific detail info.
(iow don't ask, don't know... kinda :oops:)

And while I have tested the routines on my own UE tables, it obviously is no guarantee that it will work in your situation (well, UE2/3 seem to be pretty consistent as far as GNames is concerned ~ but do not take my word for it)

-Update- (note that these changes are not present in current table ~ pm me if needed)
* UE3 routine: now also processes 64bit games; also Fnamepool ptr collected only once (and not with every lookup)
* UE4: it seems that there is a 4.1x still using 'GNames' principle (but using chunks/blocks though); currently doing some research on how to identify the proper block... (if you happen to know how this works, pm me)

-Update 2-
* I've found the getName opcode for UE4.1x, and "translated" this to Lua routine. Will be doing some additional testing, but everything seems to work fine now. Will probably update/upload table this weekend...

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Re: CE GUI Framework

Post by Akira »

Just a small problem I saw when using dark mode in CE 7.4, when you disable the "Compact View" the background turns completely white.

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Re: CE GUI Framework

Post by Paul44 »

^ "dark... what" ? 8-)
I'm running v7.2 atm, but yep; vaguely recall coming across the term/option a few times... (not really my thing, but to each his/her own of course)

anyways: the reason i'm setting it to 'white' in such case is because - when one fills in an incorrect color_hexval - the gui completely turns black (... go figure :)). find 'if state then setListColor('0xFFFFFF') else' in lua script; and try changing this to a different (more grey-ish ?) value.
ps: i just tested with v7.4 (and changed my win10 to Dark theme), but still ok on my side

Overall remark:
and just to be clear, gents: one can use (part of) anything one finds interesting in this template. and if you want some clarifications here and there, just shout...
e.g.: you would like to use the UE3 getName routine while researching a game. it should take little effort to copy/paste that lua code to your own table (as a separate script).

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