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Re: Valheim

Post by johjs329 »

Akira wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:07 pm
johjs329 wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:21 pm
Just a heads up about that discord link posted above, I tried to join with my discord and as soon as I entered the server my account got locked and required a phone number to unlock it. If you do not have a phone you are willing to use do NOT join it.

Edit: I am not blaming the owners of the server because I do not know if they caused the issue themselves, just be aware that it does require phone verification.
The discord server is linked in the first post under the table since...well it was always there.
The Server doesn't allows guest accounts which is why you need to verify your account.
But you do NOT need to add a phone number, you can also make the verification through your e-mail.
my account is verified but joining immediately locked my account and made me unable to use it at all without giving them my phone to unlock it

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Valheim

Post by Akira »

johjs329 wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:15 pm
my account is verified but joining immediately locked my account and made me unable to use it at all without giving them my phone to unlock it
Sounds like it's a problem on your end.

I even made a test account to check it.

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Re: Valheim

Post by Teyoto »

Hey, great table as always ! ^^

Recently i've been unable to activate "Free Crafting/Upgrading | No Resources required | Activate while in Inventory or Workbench)" at all. And the others one isn't as usefull as this one. Someone know why I can't use it ?

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Re: Valheim

Post by Akira »

Teyoto wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:21 pm
Hey, great table as always ! ^^

Recently i've been unable to activate "Free Crafting/Upgrading | No Resources required | Activate while in Inventory or Workbench)" at all. And the others one isn't as usefull as this one. Someone know why I can't use it ?
Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeh it is broken, will be fixed soon.
Also the others aren't as useful as that one? You know the second one does exactly the same?

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Re: Valheim

Post by asofd »

hi is "Change Pickaxe Radius (Doesn't reset after deactivating)" not working for anyone else? the box doesn't even X on when I try to click on it

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Re: Valheim

Post by Akira »

asofd wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:08 am
hi is "Change Pickaxe Radius (Doesn't reset after deactivating)" not working for anyone else? the box doesn't even X on when I try to click on it
Yeh still didn't checked it but also I'm pretty sure that there's a information that it does not reset when deactivating.
The part where you can change the value got the original value in the name so you can manually reset it.

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Re: Valheim

Post by Special »

Hey I noticed that with your latest v2.8 of this table, that you now need the valheim.exe open/running before it lets you open the "activate" button, can this not be a restriction/thing with your tables? I like to look at the table and edit some things and don't want to have to have the game running just to do so. :/

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Re: Valheim

Post by Akira »

Special wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:51 pm
Hey I noticed that with your latest v2.8 of this table, that you now need the valheim.exe open/running before it lets you open the "activate" button, can this not be a restriction/thing with your tables? I like to look at the table and edit some things and don't want to have to have the game running just to do so. :/
Just make a rightclick on the Activation script, go to "Group config" and remove the mark from "Hide children when deactivated".

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Re: Valheim

Post by zephirot »

Hey there, good work with the table!
Just some additions that you can add for the "No Build Restrictions" for people who like to build things ;)
Because the "build everywhere" wasn't really everywhere :D
With the following code you can:
- Build on wood (for example campfire..)
- Build even if walls or other elements are blocking
- Build upgrades for the stations even if the station is not there
- Build upgrades for the stations even if it's too close to the station or other upgrades

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"No Build Restrictions"</Description>
      <Options moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
      <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
          <Description>"Build Everywhere (works perfectly)"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-24
  Author : Akira Fudo

//define(bytes,48 63 87 70 05 00 00)
define(bytes,48 63 87 70 05 00 00 85)





  //movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rdi+00000570]
  mov [rdi+00000570],(int)0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db bytes
  // movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rdi+00000570]


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c5d

Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c26: 49 BB D0 95 FB 52 3B 02 00 00  - mov r11,UnityEngine:GameObject:SetActive
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c30: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c33: 48 8B 87 78 04 00 00           - mov rax,[rdi+00000478]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c3a: 48 8B C8                       - mov rcx,rax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c3d: 33 D2                          - xor edx,edx
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c3f: 83 38 00                       - cmp dword ptr [rax],00
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c42: 48 8D 6D 00                    - lea rbp,[rbp+00]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c46: 49 BB D0 95 FB 52 3B 02 00 00  - mov r11,UnityEngine:GameObject:SetActive
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c50: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c53: C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c5d: 48 63 87 70 05 00 00           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rdi+00000570]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c64: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c66: 40 0F 94 C2                    - sete dl
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c6a: 48 0F B6 D2                    - movzx rdx,dl
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c6e: 48 8B CF                       - mov rcx,rdi
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c71: 48 8D 64 24 00                 - lea rsp,[rsp+00]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c76: 49 BB 20 18 59 4E 3A 02 00 00  - mov r11,Player:SetPlacementGhostValid
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c80: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c83: 48 8B 5D D0                    - mov rbx,[rbp-30]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c87: 48 8B 7D D8                    - mov rdi,[rbp-28]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c8b: 4C 8B 65 E0                    - mov r12,[rbp-20]
          <Description>"Build Everywhere (doesn't work perfectly)"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript Async="1">{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-13
  Author : Akira Fudo

//define(bytes,C7 87 68 05 00 00 01 00 00 00)
define(bytes,C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00 41 0F B6 86 A6)





  //mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db bytes
  // mov [rdi+00000570],00000001


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+99c

Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+968: C7 87 68 05 00 00 01 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000568],00000001
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+972: 41 0F B6 86 A5 00 00 00        - movzx eax,byte ptr [r14+000000A5]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+97a: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+97c: 74 28                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9a6
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+97e: F3 0F 10 85 F4 F9 FF FF        - movss xmm0,[rbp-0000060C]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+986: F3 0F 5A C0                    - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+98a: F3 0F 10 0D 9E 13 00 00        - movss xmm1,[Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1d30]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+992: F3 0F 5A C9                    - cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+996: 66 0F 2F C8                    - comisd xmm1,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+99a: 76 0A                          - jna Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9a6
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+99c: C7 87 68 05 00 00 01 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000568],00000001
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9a6: 41 0F B6 86 A6 00 00 00        - movzx eax,byte ptr [r14+000000A6]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9ae: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9b0: 74 2A                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9dc
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9b2: F3 0F 10 85 F4 F9 FF FF        - movss xmm0,[rbp-0000060C]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9ba: F3 0F 5A C0                    - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9be: F3 0F 10 0D 5A 13 00 00        - movss xmm1,[Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1d20]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9c6: F3 0F 5A C9                    - cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9ca: 66 0F 2F C8                    - comisd xmm1,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9ce: 7A 0C                          - jp Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9dc
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9d0: 73 0A                          - jae Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9dc
          <Description>"Build even if it's unstable."</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-02-19
  Author : Akira Fudo

if not monopipe then LaunchMonoDataCollector() end
mov al,1

push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
              <Description>"No idea what happens if you deactivate the script after building something :D"</Description>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
          <Description>"Build even if a player is in the way"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-02-19
  Author : Akira Fudo

if not monopipe then LaunchMonoDataCollector() end
mov al,0

push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
          <Description>"The mystical force in this area doesn't stop you"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-16
  Author : Akira Fudo

//define(bytes,0F B6 40 2C 85 C0)
define(bytes,0F B6 40 2C 85 C0 0F 84 85)




  //mov [restore_IsInsideNoBuildLocation],rax
  mov [rax+2C],#0

  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+2C]
  test eax,eax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

//  writeInteger('[restore_IsInsideNoBuildLocation]+2C',1)

  db bytes
  // movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+2C]
  // test eax,eax


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+57

Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+2e: 48 8B D5                       - mov rdx,rbp
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+31: 48 83 C2 B8                    - add rdx,-48
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+35: 48 8B C8                       - mov rcx,rax
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+38: 83 38 00                       - cmp dword ptr [rax],00
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+3b: 66 66 90                       - nop 3
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+3e: 49 BB E0 D5 24 72 E5 01 00 00  - mov r11,System.Collections.Generic:List`1:GetEnumerator
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+48: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+4b: E9 98 00 00 00                 - jmp Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+e8
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+50: 48 8B 75 C8                    - mov rsi,[rbp-38]
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+54: 48 8B C6                       - mov rax,rsi
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+57: 0F B6 40 2C                    - movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+2C]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+5b: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+5d: 0F 84 85 00 00 00              - je Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+e8
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+63: 66 0F 57 C0                    - xorpd xmm0,xmm0
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+67: 48 8B CE                       - mov rcx,rsi
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+6a: F2 0F 10 D0                    - movsd xmm2,xmm0
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+6e: F2 0F 5A D2                    - cvtsd2ss xmm2,xmm2
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+72: 48 8B 55 98                    - mov rdx,[rbp-68]
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+76: 48 8B C5                       - mov rax,rbp
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+79: 48 83 C0 D0                    - add rax,-30
Location:IsInsideNoBuildLocation+7d: 4C 8B 02                       - mov r8,[rdx]
          <Description>"--- New ---"</Description>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
          <Description>"Build Everywhere +"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-25
  Author :

  This script does blah blah blah

define(bytes,C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00)





  //mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db bytes
  // mov [rdi+00000570],00000001


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+754

Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+727: C7 87 70 05 00 00 05 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000005
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+731: 49 8B CC                       - mov rcx,r12
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+734: 66 90                          - nop 2
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+736: 49 BB 40 40 1A 0C 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,UnityEngine:Object:op_Implicit
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+740: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+743: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+745: 74 17                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+75e
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+747: 41 0F B6 84 24 98 00 00 00     - movzx eax,byte ptr [r12+00000098]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+750: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+752: 75 0A                          - jne Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+75e
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+754: C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+75e: 41 0F B6 86 A0 00 00 00        - movzx eax,byte ptr [r14+000000A0]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+766: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+768: 74 2C                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+796
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+76a: 48 8B 8D C8 F9 FF FF           - mov rcx,[rbp-00000638]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+771: 33 D2                          - xor edx,edx
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+773: 66 66 90                       - nop 3
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+776: 49 BB 6A 66 19 0C 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,0000021D0C19666A
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+780: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+783: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+785: 74 0F                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+796
          <Description>"Build on wood (Campfire..)"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-25
  Author :

  This script does blah blah blah

define(bytes,C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00)





  //mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db bytes
  // mov [rdi+00000570],00000001


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+968

Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+93e: 49 BB 40 40 1A 0C 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,UnityEngine:Object:op_Implicit
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+948: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+94b: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+94d: 74 23                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+972
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+94f: 49 63 84 24 94 00 00 00        - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [r12+00000094]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+957: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+959: 74 0D                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+968
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+95b: 49 63 84 24 94 00 00 00        - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [r12+00000094]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+963: 83 F8 03                       - cmp eax,03
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+966: 75 0A                          - jne Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+972
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+968: C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+972: 41 0F B6 86 A5 00 00 00        - movzx eax,byte ptr [r14+000000A5]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+97a: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+97c: 74 28                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9a6
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+97e: F3 0F 10 85 F4 F9 FF FF        - movss xmm0,[rbp-0000060C]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+986: F3 0F 5A C0                    - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+98a: F3 0F 10 0D AE 13 00 00        - movss xmm1,[Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1d40]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+992: F3 0F 5A C9                    - cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+996: 66 0F 2F C8                    - comisd xmm1,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+99a: 76 0A                          - jna Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+9a6
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+99c: C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
          <Description>"Build through buildings (walls,..)"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-25
  Author :

  This script does blah blah blah

define(bytes,C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00)





  //mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db bytes
  // mov [rdi+00000570],00000001


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1beb

Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bbd: F3 0F 10 05 FB 00 00 00        - movss xmm0,[Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1cc0]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bc5: F3 0F 5A C0                    - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bc9: 48 8B CF                       - mov rcx,rdi
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bcc: F2 0F 10 D0                    - movsd xmm2,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bd0: F2 0F 5A D2                    - cvtsd2ss xmm2,xmm2
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bd4: 66 90                          - nop 2
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bd6: 49 BB 60 19 9C 4F 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,Player:TestGhostClipping
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1be0: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1be3: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1be5: 0F 84 72 00 00 00              - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c5d
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1beb: C7 87 70 05 00 00 01 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000001
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bf5: E9 63 00 00 00                 - jmp Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c5d
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1bfa: 48 8B 8F 70 04 00 00           - mov rcx,[rdi+00000470]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c01: 48 8D 64 24 00                 - lea rsp,[rsp+00]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c06: 49 BB 40 40 1A 0C 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,UnityEngine:Object:op_Implicit
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c10: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c13: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c15: 74 1C                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c33
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c17: 48 8B 87 70 04 00 00           - mov rax,[rdi+00000470]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c1e: 48 8B C8                       - mov rcx,rax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+1c21: 33 D2                          - xor edx,edx
          <Description>"(Stations-upgrades) Build even if no station"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-25
  Author :

  This script does blah blah blah

define(bytes,C7 87 70 05 00 00 07 00 00 00)





  //mov [rdi+00000570],00000007
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db bytes
  // mov [rdi+00000570],00000007


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6eb

Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6c0: 48 8D 64 24 00                 - lea rsp,[rsp+00]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6c5: 90                             - nop 
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6c6: 49 BB 50 90 B0 4E 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,StationExtension:StartConnectionEffect
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6d0: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6d3: EB 20                          - jmp Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6f5
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6d5: 48 8B CB                       - mov rcx,rbx
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6d8: 83 3B 00                       - cmp dword ptr [rbx],00
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6db: 66 66 90                       - nop 3
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6de: 49 BB C0 8D B0 4E 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,StationExtension:StopConnectionEffect
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6e8: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6eb: C7 87 70 05 00 00 07 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000007
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6f5: F3 41 0F 10 86 AC 00 00 00     - movss xmm0,[r14+000000AC]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+6fe: F3 0F 5A C0                    - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+702: 48 8B CB                       - mov rcx,rbx
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+705: F2 0F 10 C8                    - movsd xmm1,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+709: F2 0F 5A C9                    - cvtsd2ss xmm1,xmm1
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+70d: 83 3B 00                       - cmp dword ptr [rbx],00
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+710: 48 8D 64 24 00                 - lea rsp,[rsp+00]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+715: 90                             - nop 
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+716: 49 BB 20 8E B0 4E 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,StationExtension:OtherExtensionInRange
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+720: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
          <Description>"(Stations-upgrades) Build even if no place"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : valheim.exe
  Date   : 2021-03-25
  Author :

  This script does blah blah blah

define(bytes,C7 87 70 05 00 00 05 00 00 00)





  //mov [rdi+00000570],00000005
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db bytes
  // mov [rdi+00000570],00000005


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+727

Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+702: 48 8B CB                       - mov rcx,rbx
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+705: F2 0F 10 C8                    - movsd xmm1,xmm0
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+709: F2 0F 5A C9                    - cvtsd2ss xmm1,xmm1
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+70d: 83 3B 00                       - cmp dword ptr [rbx],00
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+710: 48 8D 64 24 00                 - lea rsp,[rsp+00]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+715: 90                             - nop 
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+716: 49 BB 20 8E B0 4E 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,StationExtension:OtherExtensionInRange
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+720: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+723: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+725: 74 0A                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+731
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+727: C7 87 70 05 00 00 05 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000570],00000005
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+731: 49 8B CC                       - mov rcx,r12
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+734: 66 90                          - nop 2
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+736: 49 BB 40 40 1A 0C 1D 02 00 00  - mov r11,UnityEngine:Object:op_Implicit
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+740: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+743: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+745: 74 17                          - je Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+75e
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+747: 41 0F B6 84 24 98 00 00 00     - movzx eax,byte ptr [r12+00000098]
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+750: 85 C0                          - test eax,eax
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+752: 75 0A                          - jne Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+75e
Player:UpdatePlacementGhost+754: E9 F7 59 F9 FB                 - jmp 21EC9C70000

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Re: Valheim

Post by Caius101 »

Thank you for the update. :)

While Valheim is an okay game, fun with friends... I like to use the cheats on my solo character because I get bored of gathering things all the time. lol... especially food.

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Re: Valheim

Post by Akira »

zephirot wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:26 pm
Hey there, good work with the table!
Just some additions that you can add for the "No Build Restrictions" for people who like to build things ;)
Because the "build everywhere" wasn't really everywhere :D
With the following code you can:
- Build on wood (for example campfire..)
- Build even if walls or other elements are blocking
- Build upgrades for the stations even if the station is not there
- Build upgrades for the stations even if it's too close to the station or other upgrades
Uhm I was able to build everywhere with the "build everywhere (works perfectly)" script.

Any example where you coudn't build with it?
Last edited by Akira on Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:30 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Valheim

Post by zephirot »

Mostly when there is a collision
But it's not always the case tho.. weird!
Maybe a conflict with something else or by doing things :|
Last edited by zephirot on Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Valheim

Post by Akira »

zephirot wrote:
Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:22 am
Mostly when there is a collision
But it's not always the case tho.. weird!
Maybe a conflict with something else or by doing things :|
Your link doesn't work for me.

I don't get any problems :|

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Re: Valheim

Post by Suppork »

Hi Akira,

thank you very much for the update all this while! much appreciated!

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Re: Valheim

Post by ds891 »

Thanks for the 3.0 update, all the new features added have been awesome!

Just a bug to report though: I can't seem to steer the ship everytime I activate any of the ship related options, thus rendering them pretty useless :(

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