removed insanity checks for special effects:
So you can just use the "Equipment stats editor" from Arikado and edit Special Effect Strength above MAX (or below MIN ofcourse).
Enable BEFORE loading / continue
ps. Re-equip item to have Menu "Status" be recalculated
It makes the "Strength Enforcer" kinda redundant
but it still can be used to change values automatically
for example:
gunbalde60 wrote: ↑Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:27 am
If I wanted to increase the number on for Active Skill Damage on the Special Effect Enforcer, how would it have to look in the scrip section?
I have added 'ANY' to be used in the list for ItemID's and Default Strength's
the following will change all currently equipped items with that Effect to +20%
note that you need to have "Remove Special Effect Max Constraints" enabled for normal items (except scrolls) to allow above MAX values
otherwise calculation will take place with max allowed values.
oops: forgot to remove that line for Active Skill effect before uploading,
just remove it or comment it out:
Code: Select all
// dd ANY 0000076C ANY #200 // +20%