This table has a functioning "Inf Items" script with two cooperating symbols- Type and Quantity.
May be I will find more commonalities between the different items, though this is sufficient for me now, and I am feeling glad and accomplished.
I wonder if i can integrate shortcut items. May be have checkboxes for the types of items to affect. Hmm.
Please, please enjoy.
Thank you to every one that worked on this table.
Thank you Messy, thank you groxer, thank you fightincowboy, and thanks toga for being inspiration to continue.\
Thanks Messy for the rep. Means some thing to me. Very appreciated.
I want to look at the revisions you and toga worked on and after under standing them, I would like to implement them.
I see first that ret is dangerous for if the stack is adjusted, code can break.
I am researching @f (forward) @F (backward) and the rest.
I appreciate this very much. I can, knowing what our code does, look to these revisions and piece together meaning and learn new skills.