Oh man I think something is being missed in the translation.
It was a friendly saying. Something to get me determined.
If I am alone by my self I am less likely to do some thing.
If I have the pressure of other's expectations, I do much better.
I wanted to be encouraged to produce and provide, as it is good to do so, so I imagined that we were racing.
I really think there is a misunderstanding of intent here.
Yes, I see that there are many that worked on this.
Master_Builder, groxer, you, etc.
There is not even just no intent to offend, it is intent to be friendly, the opposite.
For "Have you ever wondered why your modifications weren't working and found that you didn't use commas to separate the entries?
This was -MY- experience. -I- did this.
I was pointing fun at my -self- for being so simple to miss a thing such as that.
I was happy that I over came the issue and figured it out and so I was expressing vulnerability and perhaps an opportunity for others to learn about possible pit falls.
On the server, you had posted a link with tracking in it.
I said, "truncate your links, scrub
;););)", and reposted the link with out the tracking.
I don't know how else to indicate that it was in friendly, jovial jest.
There has been a misunderstanding of intent.
Some times one may use offensive/offending terms with those they care about in that it is under stood that the receiver of terms knows it is meant ironically, performing the opposite of the chiding words. It is a show of friendliness to use seemingly offensive terms ironically.
This is a good example that displays the reason behind the interaction.
It is not purely between romantic relationships.
I would have appreciated clarification in private message before approaching publicly.
Just noticed you said "Good work".
Thank you very much I am very excited and happy to use my recently learned skills from GH, CtG, and fearless.
Learning from you and others in this facet it some thing I desire greatly.
Please reassess how it is that you have seen me and my words.
I care about my reputation here and most every where.
I ask for the benefit of the doubt, and an option to pose intent much before it is thought malicious for rarely is it so.