I have a somewhat uncommon request. I haven't managed to achieve it myself because I'm a noob.
TLDR; I wanted to try making the default FEMALE bra CLIP through every armor (This would make the bra visible even with the armor on). Why? Because it could bring "that mod" to the next level.
Yes, that one, the nsfw mod.
Since "that mod" just replaces the default bra, I believe the CE value would be the same.
So first of all, would it be POSSIBLE?
When you equip or unequip torsto armor, which values change?
Is it one changing value that swaps torso 3D model? Or is there a value for each armor being enabled/disabled?
Whichever it is, I'm not knowledgeable enough to find it.
The photoshopped picture on the right shows what I would have liked to accomplish. "Freezing" the bra value so that it clips through every armor. You would probably need chest size slider set to max to see it.
This looks impossible to me, but maybe a CE God could make this in 5 minutes. Anyway, thanks for reading.