Here is my contribution for "Total War Warhammer" version 1.6.0-15736. The table contains a script with the following features:
Code: Select all
Game Title : Total War - Warhammer
Game Version : 1.6.0 (15736)
Game Sponsor : wallet gifts + Megatek (2xDLC) + Patrons (DLC)
Process Name : Warhammer.exe
Relevant Info : 64bits/TBS/RTS
Script Version: 4.1
CE Version : 7.0
Release date : 06-Dec-2021
Author : Recifense
27-May-2016: First Release
28-May-2016: Fixed an issue related to GM (s1.1)
29-May-2016: Fixed an issue related to AP,PS,GM + New feature (s2.0)
04-Jun-2016: Fixed an issue related to AP (hero inside an Army) (s2.1)
01-Jul-2016: Release for version 1.1.0
16-Jul-2016: Release for version 1.1.0 (10732)
28-Jul-2016: Release for version 1.2.0 (10911)
05-Aug-2016: Release for version 1.2.0 (10953)
02-Sep-2016: Release for version 1.3.0 (11281)
06-Sep-2016: Release for version 1.3.0 (11349)
14-Sep-2016: Release for version 1.3.0 (11456)
20-Oct-2016: Release for version 1.4.0 (11973) (s2.2)
08-Dec-2016: Release for version 1.5.0 (12678)
10-Dec-2016: Added AMBER script (s3.0)
11-Dec-2016: Fix for AMBER Script/Can Act Again (s3.1)
14-Dec-2016: Release for version 1.5.0 (12745)
28-Feb-2017: Release for version 1.6.0 (13306)(back to CE65)
06-Mar-2017: Fix for Amber Cheat (s3.3)
27-Mar-2017: Release for version 1.6.0 (13578)
20-Jul-2017: Release for version 1.6.0 (13579)
10-Aug-2017: Release for version 1.6.0 (14491) (s3.5)
23-Aug-2017: Release for version 1.6.0 (14562)
14-Oct-2018: Release for version 1.6.0 (14837) + New features (S4.0)
06-Dec-2021: Release for version 1.6.0 (15736)(S4.1)
- God Mode [1]
- Full Ammo [2]
- Minimum Leadership [3] (GM)
- Always Fresh Units [G] (new)(s4.0)
- Minimum Treasure [4]
- Unlimited Action Points [5]
- Recover Troop Size/Hero HP [6]
- Research in 1 turn [7]
- Recruitment in 1 turn [8]
- Construction in 1 turn [9]
- Minimum Public Order [A]
- Minimum Pop Surplus [B]
- Level almost complete (sel hero XP) [C]
- Hero can Act Again [D]
- Minimum Amber Per Settlement[E]
- Minimum Total Event Amber [F]
- God Mode for Auto-resolve battles [H] (new)(s4.0)
- Troops Quick Level Up [I] (new)(s4.0)
- Some Pointers [R]
[1] For your troops/heroes/lords duirng RTS battles;
[2] For your troops that use it;
[3] For avoiding your troops/heroes/lords to panic (Included in GM);
[4] Minimum value is 65000;
[5] Your armies and heroes can move freely;
[6] Your troops will recover size and lords will recover health;
[7] Your research will complete in 1 turn;
[8] Your armies will be reinforced in 1 turn;
[9] The construction in your provinces will complete in 1 turn;
[A] Minimum Public Order for your provinces will be 65;
[B] Every time you access your province the POP Surplus will be 10 at least;
[C] Your Heroes/Lords will level up quickly;
[D] You heroes can act more then once during a turn;
[E] When playing Elves, minimu is set to 5;
[F] When playing Elves, minimu is set to 10;
[G] For your troops/heroes/lords duirng RTS battles;
[H] You may loose the battle, but noone in your army will die (usefull for sea battles);
[I] Troops will reach max leval after their first battle;
[R] Used at the table;
1) Run CE67 or greater;
2) Run Game;
3) Load the game process "Warhammer.exe" in CE;
4) Load this table and activate the main script;
5) Check if segments are ok (***)
6) Deactivate the main script and close CE
7) Close game and go to step 1
6) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;
7) Game On;
- The Game base address and the main script base address shoould be at the same 32bits segment. Here is some examples (SSSSXXXXXXXX):
a) Script Address = 13FFF0000 and Game Address = 140000000 (both segments = 1) OK
b) Script Address = 3AB00000 and Game Address = 40000000 (both segments = 0) OK
c) Script Address = 3AB00000 and Game Address = 140000000 (different segments ) NOT OK
- in case of different segments, you will notice that if you de-activate the main script and try to activate it again, it will will not check (load);
- This happens because, although the script informs CE the address near where it should allocate memmory for the script, CE is not able to find any available memory at the same segment. This issue only happens with 64bits applications.
- See description on the table entries;
When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.
Tested on Win 10 64bits
Have Fun!
The features are DISABLED by default. For enabling any of them, just activate its script;
Note: There are HOTKEYS. Have a look at the Table Extras for more information.
Note: The scripts use the CE command ASSERT and will not load if it is incompatible with the running game version.
After downloading the table, copy it to the "My Cheat Table" folder.
It is for CE 7.0
Big thanks to the guys that contributed with the Wallet Gifts.
Link for the tool: [Link]
Cheers to All!
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1