Hello all, sorry if I'm a little bit ignorant about this stuff but this is my first time posting on any CE board, so I am sorry if I don't get something right quick. I also don't want to come across as whiney, bitchy, or moany -- since I noticed how someone experiencing my same issue came off that way and ruffled some feathers -- so if it does seem like I'm acting in such a way please know it is unintentional, or, if it proves to be really bothersome please tell me and I will apologize and attempt to fix any further comments of mine.
Now, on to the issue... So I seem to be having the same issue that that other person -- Memiomy I believe it was -- and just like them, I have been struggling to find any sort of solution. Granted, this only seems to be an issue with most of the scripts and not all. Now even though I've never posted before I've been using CE for some years now with not really an issue, with this table obviously seeming to be my first -- not to say that the table is bad or anything, the scripts that work are great. I just would really appreciate the assistance.
These are some of the screenshots I took of some of the error stuff... at least I think so
Any help would be very appreciated and I hope that any feedback I'm able to provide proves helpful in working on the cheat table in the future. (Also, sorry for the longwindedness, just wanted to make sure that my first interaction on the forum wasn't one that could end up with some misunderstandings stemming from poor communication