Raw "Evil Bank Manager" table

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Raw "Evil Bank Manager" table

Post by jgoemat »

Just throwing this out here since I've been playing it a bit. I don't really have the interest to make a slick table, anyone that wants to use these cheats in their own table is welcome to them.

You have to activate mono features from the 'Mono' menu before using the cheats:

* Manager:GetBaseStat - Set base stats to 250 - enable before searching for people to hire and they'll have great stats
* PoliticSkill:OnTurnEnd - No Cooldown - enable and you can use the espionage skills each turn (declare war, etc.)
* ContributionCountryCard:SetInfo - reinvest - removes timer for investing in a region
* UserBank:AddResource (minimum 10000 added) - each time a resource is added, you will get at least 10,000. For instance if you have 5 tiny iron mines, you will get 50,000 iron per turn. If you sell 1 iron you will get 10,000 gold
* UserBank:RemoveResource (don't remove, so no costs) - skips removing resources, so basically free stuff

Then there are three scripts to enable that will get pointers when you save the game (enable them, then save). You can edit influence, work, gold, fear, and change how many investments you can make per turn or zero the counter for the current turn so you can make more.

*V4 Update*

* 'Set base stats to 1000' - same as above but more so, not sure exactly how the stats affect the game
* 'Political Skills: No cooldown' - now you can use them multiple times in the same turn
* 'Science - Activate, then open the Science window' - allows you to edit science so you can research anything
* 'Don't remove resources (or gold) - when enabled, buying, selling, or making things doesn't take gold or resources
* 'Fear: Don't lower fear, and get pointer on use' - when enabled, attempt something that would normally cost fear and it won't, plus you get a pointer
* 'Influence, Work, Gold' - activate then go to map and click the second filter button that looks like paper, then the pointers work
* 'No Capacity Bonus Cooldown - Investment' - when you add capacity to a region, you can go back in instead of waiting 20 turns
* 'Edit Region' - enable then click on 'Details' from the region list you get to by clicking on a country from the map and you will see pointers to values you can edit
* 'No war delay' - All wars will happen when you end turn
* 'War Investing - Minimum Contribution Bonus' - activate and edit the bonus, then when you join a war and invest it will make sure the bonus for the region has at least that amount of investment available

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Last edited by jgoemat on Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Raw "Evil Bank Manager" table

Post by TheGolfFather »

Hello and Thanks for your hard work.

The Manager:GetBaseStat is not working properly it shows all stats at 250 and gives you that much science but the 4 stats don't give you more fear or influence or bigger loans and investments.

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