Possibilities beyond cheating?

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Possibilities beyond cheating?

Post by KenoMaci »

Is it possible to use cheat engine not just to cheat, but also generally improve games?

Using Assassin's Creed Unity as an example, I'd love to be able to implement the following...

. Manual fighting stance (mapped to a hotkey)
. Remove forced final kill camera angle
. Disable auto sheath weapon
. Remove the loud annoying detection sound
. Disable the last know position silhouette and sound
. Option to max stats on any weapon or equipment

Is this beyond the capabilities of cheat engine?...obvious noob question...asking the experts...

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Re: Possibilities beyond cheating?

Post by Dread_Pony_Roberts »

To answer your first question, cheat engine can very well be used for game improvements. There are the obvious options like manipulating xp gain or damage taken percentages (not outright cheats like infinite health and such, more like changing the difficulty). However, more advanced features will require a much greater degree of time and effort to code. This brings me to your list.

While what you listed is likely possible (I haven't cheated in ACU I can't say to what degree), it looks like it would be a very lengthy and difficult process to find and code all these features. The trickiest part would be finding the values, which would require a fair knowledge of back-tracing as well as the Ultimap tool. After that it's really anyone's guess, some could be simple byte changes while others need lengths of new code to work properly.
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Re: Possibilities beyond cheating?

Post by KenoMaci »

Seems like anybody who would be capable of doing this, probably won't have the time or inclination...Oh well.

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