I've added some teleport related scripts, will be looking into some form of noclip or maybe freecam+teleport.
NICE!! Was wondering why when I changed the X coordinate by just one or 2 points the character didn't just MOVE he fricken SLID and kept sliding like he was on ice or something. Have you thought about trying to add a teleport to the player created waypoint we can make on the map? Here is a table that shows you the waypoint coordinates. Just right click on map and create a waypoint to load them. Unfortunately they are FLOATS, not doubles like the player coordinates :/ Would be nice if they were exactly the same and you could just read the map waypoint that was created and feed it into the player coordinates. With a hotkey we could dynamically zip around the map to wherever we place a waypoint.
Infinite Double Jumps (with the reinforced tendon Cyberware). AND No Weapon Sway (When Aiming). As usual aSwedishMagyar can put this and ANYTHING I post here into his table. Everyone else just open this table and copy and paste the script into your main table.
Removed debug console to prevent functions that could lead to crashes or blocked quests. This doesn't mean we don't want to support the modding community. Stay tuned for more info on that.
Ive been using these cheats and my skill progression is stuck at lv6. is that normal or did something break?
Always make a back up just in case. Than you can backtrack and compare what was the problem. Like the OP said probably using to many tables.
omg i am dumb. i never knew you could level up the attributes. i thought only the skills inside of them. there is no issue everything works.
Glad to hear you that you figured it and don't worry the game is total shit show with bugs anyway. It stopped playing for a bit. I will pick up today probably from early save. I have some bugs totally messing it, I will be trying all the older saves to see if those bugs will be still present.
As usual aSwedishMagyar can put this and ANYTHING I post here into his table. Everyone else just open this table and copy and paste the script into your main table.
Thank you, friends. Is is possible to create an option that the slow up time on the mod, to make it into infinite with an option to turn it off also if is possible? [I meant specifically for that mod that slows time as I'm playing with controller and switching between keyboard and controller becomes annoying the mod also make it bit more organic and part of the game]. Thank you in advance.
Last edited by EpirioteWarrior on Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:37 am, edited 5 times in total.
I would like to know if it is possible to please get a mission completed option, as I am stuck with a scanning bug, that does not let me progress with the main story (Ghost Town: Scan Devices [21] Panam, scanning). Would be great, as everything else I tried failed (reinstall, reload earlier save)...
Cheeers to you cyberpunk 2077 wizards, keep up the great work you do!