Last Epoch EA 0.9+ (Steam)...

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by YM101 »

Toga wrote:
Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:42 am
YM101 wrote:
Thu Apr 14, 2022 3:45 am
Toga wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:15 am

Srry but I don't see anything there :\?
oh i meant ( although the op did a recent quick fix ) he isn't working / updating on this anymore
and as stated in the link anyone is free to start a new topic with an updated table
just be sure to give credits to those who belong it to
I'd love to but I have no idea how to update it lol. If I knew how to update I would post it :\

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Theogorath »

Hello, since the update 0.85e, the table does not work.
I have no idea how to fix it, my knowledge about how cheat table is near zero.
I hope it will be fixed, beauced I like this table a lot.

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Messy6666 »

YM101 wrote:
Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:14 am
Theogorath wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:03 am
i took a look at it
unfortunately they took away my main hook
that means i can't quick fix it
So it's a no from me, too time -consuming... sorry

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by YM101 »

SinGul4ritY wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:38 pm
YM101 wrote:
Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:14 am
Theogorath wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:03 am
i took a look at it
unfortunately they took away my main hook
that means i can't quick fix it
So it's a no from me, too time -consuming... sorry
Would you be willing to show me how to do it? I would love to learn how to update these and post updates for everyone

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Messy6666 »

YM101 wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:33 pm
SinGul4ritY wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:38 pm
YM101 wrote:
Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:14 am
Theogorath wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:03 am
i took a look at it
unfortunately they took away my main hook
that means i can't quick fix it
So it's a no from me, too time -consuming... sorry
Would you be willing to show me how to do it? I would love to learn how to update these and post updates for everyone
tbh ofc i am willing to help you or others
but up to a point, because that would take me more time in the meantime than repairing it myself...
(edit- not meant in a bad way)
so i'll see what i can do every now and then ( also i am not good at explaining )

* imho best to post future questions like this in Specific Game Discussions
there are lots of good people here who can/willing to help.

Most important thing atm is getting back the main hook: 'Hook: Player'
as current patch 0.8.5e broke it.
Not only that, they also obscured some mono references since.

Last time they did that i did something like this:
( to make life a bit easier be sure to activate mono and dissect the code ( and safe it for later use ) )

a: get a good address for, for example: player health
- b: look at what access this address the most
-- c: check if it is a good injection point, otherwise goto (b) or (a)
d: so if you found a good new main hook: check the offsets to get to [PlayerActor][health]

with a new good main hook, you can start to fix the other hacks that broke.

Here are some personal structure notes i made on offsets ( assuming [PlayerActor] is filled by the new main hook )

Code: Select all

0038 [health]
      0018 [actor]						// same ptr
      0020 dword  maxHealth
      0024 float  currentHealth
      0028 byte   damagable
      0029 byte   canDie
      002A byte   healable
0048 [protection]
      0078 float  fixedDamageReduction
      0080 float  uncappedPhysicalResistance		0.25
      0084 float  uncappedFireResistance			0.15
      0088 float  uncappedColdResistance			0.54
      008C float  uncappedLightningResistance		0.23
      0090 float  uncappedVoidResistance			0
      0094 float  uncappedNecroticResistance 		0.25
      0098 float  uncappedPoisonResistance		0.34
      009C float  currentWard				0.34
      00A0 float  wardRetention				1.8
      00A4 float  wardRegen
      00AC float  dodgeRating
      00B4 float  blockChance
      00B8 float  blockProtection
      00BC float  stunAvoidance				25
      00D8 float  critAvoidance				1
      0158 float  critChance				0.05000000075
      015C float  critMulti				2
0048 [stats]
      0018 [stats]
            0010 [_items]
                  0018 dword  Count
                  0020 [Item[0]]	.. item[9]]		// movementspeed valuyes
                        0010 dword  property		9		9 = movementspeed
                        0011 byte   specialTag		0
                        0014 dword  tags			0
                        0018 float  addedValue		4.800000191	? 5 default
                        001C float  increasedValue		0.275686264	? current movementspeed <== THIS ONE ( 4.5 = 450% )
                        0020 [moreValues]
      00BC float  attackRate					0.9800000191	// MELEE
      0060 [myCharacterDataTracker]
            0018 [charData]
                  0010 [characterName]
                        0010 dword  length
                        0014 string Value		// unicode string [128]
            0028 byte   hardcore
            0029 byte   died
            002C dword  deaths
            0030 byte   masochist
            0070 byte   portalUnlocked
            0071 byte   reachedTown
            00FD byte   chosenMastery
            00FE byte   clickedUnlockMasteriesButton
      0068 [expTracker]
            0020 [localTreeData]
                 0020 byte   numberOfUnlockedSlots	1-5	// # Skill Slots
            0028 [experienceGraphics]
            0018 dword  level
            0020 qword  currentExp
            0028 qword  expToNextLevel
      0078 [usingAbility] ** [PlayerActor+0180 [abilityList]] better
            0040 [actor]
                  0108 [characterMutator]
            0074 float  speedScale			1.0
            00B0 float  baseUseSpeedMultiplier		1.100000024
      00BC float attackRate
0100 [itemContainersManager]
      0018 [inventory]
            0028 [content]
            0010 [_items]
                  0018 dword  Count
                  0020 [Item[0]]
                  0010 [data]
                        0010 [id]
                        0018 byte   instability
                        0019 byte   isFractured
                        001A byte   itemType
                        001C word   subType		3 - idols
                     					29 - grand idol
                       					33- idol
                        001E byte   rarity
                        0020 word   uniqueID
                        0060 dword  <LvlReq>k__BackingField
                        0064 dword  classReq		0 - none
                     					1 - primalist
                     					2 - mage
                     					4 - sentinel
                     					8 - acolyte
                        0068 dword  subClassReq
                  0020 dword  size
                  0028 dword  quantity

                  0028 [Item[1]]
                  0068 [Item[9]]
      0070 [idols]
            0010 dword  <Type>k__BackingField	1
            0014 dword  size			4
            0070 byte   unlockIdx		8 - unlocks all slots
0108 [characterMutator]
      0848 [statBuffs]
            0031 byte   isBoss
            003C float  bossDamageReductionDuration
            0040 byte   initialBossDamageReductionApplied
0120 [monolithRunsManager]
      0038 [progressManager]
            0018 word   echoesConquered 
            001C word   timelinesConquered
0128 [goldTracker]
      0018 dword  value
0130 [itemDropBonuses]
      0040 float  increasedUniqueDropRate
      0044 float  increasedGoldDropRate
      0048 float  increasedExperience
014D byte   isPlayerActor		(0-1-2)
0168 [summonTracker]
      0018 [summons]
            0010 [_items]
            0018 dword  Count
            0020 [Item[0]] .. Item[9]]
                  0018 byte   singeCardForAllMinions		0
                  0020 [references]
                  0018 [creator]			==> must [PlayerActor] if minion from PlayerActor
                  0038 [thisAbility]
                        010D byte   increasedMovementSpeedAffectsMovement <Ability (System.boolean)>
                  0028 [tracker]
                  0040 [actor]				==> must [PlayerActor] if minion from PlayerActor
                  0048 [wolf]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0050 [bear]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0058 [sabertooth]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0060 [scorption]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0068 [spriggan]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0070 [raptor]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
0180 [abilityList]
      0050 [usingAbility]
            0074 float  speedScale			1.0
            00B0 float  baseUseSpeedMultiplier		1.100000024
      0078 [usingAbility]
            0040 [actor]
                  0108 [characterMutator]
            0074 float  speedScale			1.0
            00B0 float  baseUseSpeedMultiplier		1.100000024

0038 [health]
      0018 [data]     
      0020 byte   hashData
      0068 [summoned]
            0028 [tracker]
                  0040 [actor]				== [PlayerActor]
ps. if you need help on the valye types ( dword, float etc ) : [Link]
ps2. if you need more knowledge about CE, look at this playlist by Stephen Chapman:
Cheat Engine Tutorials

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by YM101 »

SinGul4ritY wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 8:49 pm
YM101 wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:33 pm
SinGul4ritY wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:38 pm

i took a look at it
unfortunately they took away my main hook
that means i can't quick fix it
So it's a no from me, too time -consuming... sorry
Would you be willing to show me how to do it? I would love to learn how to update these and post updates for everyone
tbh ofc i am willing to help you or others
but up to a point, because that would take me more time in the meantime than repairing it myself...
(edit- not meant in a bad way)
so i'll see what i can do every now and then ( also i am not good at explaining )

* imho best to post future questions like this in Specific Game Discussions
there are lots of good people here who can/willing to help.

Most important thing atm is getting back the main hook: 'Hook: Player'
as current patch 0.8.5e broke it.
Not only that, they also obscured some mono references since.

Last time they did that i did something like this:
( to make life a bit easier be sure to activate mono and dissect the code ( and safe it for later use ) )

a: get a good address for, for example: player health
- b: look at what access this address the most
-- c: check if it is a good injection point, otherwise goto (b) or (a)
d: so if you found a good new main hook: check the offsets to get to [PlayerActor][health]

with a new good main hook, you can start to fix the other hacks that broke.

Here are some personal structure notes i made on offsets ( assuming [PlayerActor] is filled by the new main hook )

Code: Select all

0038 [health]
      0018 [actor]						// same ptr
      0020 dword  maxHealth
      0024 float  currentHealth
      0028 byte   damagable
      0029 byte   canDie
      002A byte   healable
0048 [protection]
      0078 float  fixedDamageReduction
      0080 float  uncappedPhysicalResistance		0.25
      0084 float  uncappedFireResistance			0.15
      0088 float  uncappedColdResistance			0.54
      008C float  uncappedLightningResistance		0.23
      0090 float  uncappedVoidResistance			0
      0094 float  uncappedNecroticResistance 		0.25
      0098 float  uncappedPoisonResistance		0.34
      009C float  currentWard				0.34
      00A0 float  wardRetention				1.8
      00A4 float  wardRegen
      00AC float  dodgeRating
      00B4 float  blockChance
      00B8 float  blockProtection
      00BC float  stunAvoidance				25
      00D8 float  critAvoidance				1
      0158 float  critChance				0.05000000075
      015C float  critMulti				2
0048 [stats]
      0018 [stats]
            0010 [_items]
                  0018 dword  Count
                  0020 [Item[0]]	.. item[9]]		// movementspeed valuyes
                        0010 dword  property		9		9 = movementspeed
                        0011 byte   specialTag		0
                        0014 dword  tags			0
                        0018 float  addedValue		4.800000191	? 5 default
                        001C float  increasedValue		0.275686264	? current movementspeed <== THIS ONE ( 4.5 = 450% )
                        0020 [moreValues]
      00BC float  attackRate					0.9800000191	// MELEE
      0060 [myCharacterDataTracker]
            0018 [charData]
                  0010 [characterName]
                        0010 dword  length
                        0014 string Value		// unicode string [128]
            0028 byte   hardcore
            0029 byte   died
            002C dword  deaths
            0030 byte   masochist
            0070 byte   portalUnlocked
            0071 byte   reachedTown
            00FD byte   chosenMastery
            00FE byte   clickedUnlockMasteriesButton
      0068 [expTracker]
            0020 [localTreeData]
                 0020 byte   numberOfUnlockedSlots	1-5	// # Skill Slots
            0028 [experienceGraphics]
            0018 dword  level
            0020 qword  currentExp
            0028 qword  expToNextLevel
      0078 [usingAbility] ** [PlayerActor+0180 [abilityList]] better
            0040 [actor]
                  0108 [characterMutator]
            0074 float  speedScale			1.0
            00B0 float  baseUseSpeedMultiplier		1.100000024
      00BC float attackRate
0100 [itemContainersManager]
      0018 [inventory]
            0028 [content]
            0010 [_items]
                  0018 dword  Count
                  0020 [Item[0]]
                  0010 [data]
                        0010 [id]
                        0018 byte   instability
                        0019 byte   isFractured
                        001A byte   itemType
                        001C word   subType		3 - idols
                     					29 - grand idol
                       					33- idol
                        001E byte   rarity
                        0020 word   uniqueID
                        0060 dword  <LvlReq>k__BackingField
                        0064 dword  classReq		0 - none
                     					1 - primalist
                     					2 - mage
                     					4 - sentinel
                     					8 - acolyte
                        0068 dword  subClassReq
                  0020 dword  size
                  0028 dword  quantity

                  0028 [Item[1]]
                  0068 [Item[9]]
      0070 [idols]
            0010 dword  <Type>k__BackingField	1
            0014 dword  size			4
            0070 byte   unlockIdx		8 - unlocks all slots
0108 [characterMutator]
      0848 [statBuffs]
            0031 byte   isBoss
            003C float  bossDamageReductionDuration
            0040 byte   initialBossDamageReductionApplied
0120 [monolithRunsManager]
      0038 [progressManager]
            0018 word   echoesConquered 
            001C word   timelinesConquered
0128 [goldTracker]
      0018 dword  value
0130 [itemDropBonuses]
      0040 float  increasedUniqueDropRate
      0044 float  increasedGoldDropRate
      0048 float  increasedExperience
014D byte   isPlayerActor		(0-1-2)
0168 [summonTracker]
      0018 [summons]
            0010 [_items]
            0018 dword  Count
            0020 [Item[0]] .. Item[9]]
                  0018 byte   singeCardForAllMinions		0
                  0020 [references]
                  0018 [creator]			==> must [PlayerActor] if minion from PlayerActor
                  0038 [thisAbility]
                        010D byte   increasedMovementSpeedAffectsMovement <Ability (System.boolean)>
                  0028 [tracker]
                  0040 [actor]				==> must [PlayerActor] if minion from PlayerActor
                  0048 [wolf]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0050 [bear]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0058 [sabertooth]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0060 [scorption]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0068 [spriggan]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
                  0070 [raptor]
                        00A9 byte   companion	1
0180 [abilityList]
      0050 [usingAbility]
            0074 float  speedScale			1.0
            00B0 float  baseUseSpeedMultiplier		1.100000024
      0078 [usingAbility]
            0040 [actor]
                  0108 [characterMutator]
            0074 float  speedScale			1.0
            00B0 float  baseUseSpeedMultiplier		1.100000024

0038 [health]
      0018 [data]     
      0020 byte   hashData
      0068 [summoned]
            0028 [tracker]
                  0040 [actor]				== [PlayerActor]
ps. if you need help on the valye types ( dword, float etc ) : [Link]
ps2. if you need more knowledge about CE, look at this playlist by Stephen Chapman:
Cheat Engine Tutorials
Ah ok thanks! I will take a closer look and start playing with this...

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Theogorath »

I tried to use the table "Last Epoch_0.8.5c" after the update 0.8.5f, and the main hook worked again.
Inside the table, some scripts continue to work, and other are broken.
I just want to inform that the table is still usable, but not entirely functional.

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by omgitsbees »

Theogorath wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 10:02 am
I tried to use the table "Last Epoch_0.8.5c" after the update 0.8.5f, and the main hook worked again.
Inside the table, some scripts continue to work, and other are broken.
I just want to inform that the table is still usable, but not entirely functional.
Thank you for taking the time to test this! That is really helpful. I really appreciate everyone that has continually been contributing to progress on the cheat engine table for this game, despite how often it is updated. This is one of my favorite action RPGs, but using cheat engine can be a lot of fun, or great for testing.

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Empress_Ravenna »

anyone know what cheats are breaking the latest build? some work, some dont

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by raxele123 »

+1 I have no clue which cheats are breaking my game.

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Zeldris »

imo since SinGul4ritY removed the "Unlock Masteries (Early)"
there are no hacks in the table that could "break" your game progression
and Toga fixed the game crashing of "Max forging and legendary potential for items that are in your inventory".

So what's left over should be safe to just try out if they will work.

Note that some will not work although there's no error indicator... it's because of some hooks not working

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Whateva »

Hi, this cheat table doesn't seem to work for me. Whenever I select a process to open it opens a window with error message: Error:C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine 7.4\autorun\monoscript.lua:3591: attempt to index a nil value (global 'miMonoTopMenuItem')
And when I click the enable checkbox it seems to run some process but it doesn't open the options of cheats to use and the checkbox still appears unticked. I tried searching the error but I couldn't understand what the contents of forums were about and gave up on this issue becouse I'm not advanced enough to understand it. I am currently running the 0.8.5f version of the game. Help in this matter would be highly appreciated.

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Messy6666 »

^ which process do you select?

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam) 0.8.4+ NOT supported by me anymore

Post by Whateva »

^OK I fixed it already, I think there was something wrong with my Cheat engine instalation so I uninstalled it and reinstalled and now it seems to work.... :D

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Re: Last Epoch beta 0.83e (Steam)...

Post by jesjames79 »

Anyone figure out stability points for End of Time Echo Questline?

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