trdr.lndn wrote: ↑Sat Dec 05, 2020 12:00 pm
I found CharacterData.lua in \EmpireOfSin_Data\StreamingAssets\GameData_Win64~\Lua\Scripts\DataSheets
where you can find the stats of each character:
Outfit Boss
Alphonse Capone
telemetryId = "B1"
characterID = "@alphonse_capone"
name = "$CHARACTER_DATA_OUTFIT_BOSS_name" --$ Alphonse Capone
firstName = "$CHARACTER_DATA_OUTFIT_BOSS_firstName" --$ Alphonse
lastName = "$CHARACTER_DATA_OUTFIT_BOSS_lastName" --$ Capone
gender = "Male"
description = "$CHARACTER_DATA_OUTFIT_BOSS_description" --$ You are notorious, just in from Brooklyn. You've mastered the ins and outs of the criminal world. Now that you've shaken off the shackles of your former cohorts, you're ready to dominate Chicago.
background = "$CHARACTER_DATA_OUTFIT_BOSS_background" --$ The child of immigrants from Salerno, {@alphonse_capone:lastName} worked hard from childhood to put food on the table. His meteoric rise to gang leader has left him happy, if a little reckless. He maintains his power by allowing no disrespect.
bossDiplomaticBonus = "StrongerBonds"
age = 21
heritage = "Italian-American"
heightType = "Short"
bodyType = "Stocky"
talentTreeOverride = "OUTFIT_BOSS_TALENT_TREE"
profession = "Boss"
baselineHp = 150
skills = {}
skills.MOVEMENT = 6
skills.INITIATIVE = 65
skills.MARKSMANSHIP = 75
skills.DEFENSE = 5
skills.MELEE = 60
skills.INTIMIDATION = 90
skills.LEADERSHIP = 60
skills.PERSUASION = 50
professions = {}
professions.Boss = 100
professions.Enforcer = 100
professions.HiredGun = 100
lootChance = {}
lootChance.Common = 0
lootChance.Uncommon = 0
lootChance.Rare = 30
lootChance.Epic = 100
lootChance.Legendary = 100
I tried to edit the skills but it didn't work. Any ideas on how to edit character stats?