Auto Game_save backup...

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Auto Game_save backup...

Post by Paul44 »

I made this little program some 3 years ago in C++. I wanted to understand 'pointers' better and - as I was reading a book on gamehacking with C++ examples - decided to download some "dummy" books (yeah, "dummy" my white shiny ass 8-)). Thus... 2 months later - using my batch save_backup-er - this saw its first light...
I posted it back then @csrin, but this got eventually buried under far more interesting articles :cry:

Anyhow: somebody recently reminded me that people @FRF might/will be interested as well, so here you go. There are 2 "versions" of the tool:
a) one is in batch-form (DOS) (for anyone interested, you'll find that @csrin ~ pm me if you can't find it)
b) C++ version: identical as above, but with additional features.

Attached you'll find:
a) the gamelauncher: it will launch the game, then minimizes to your taskbar. In the background it will regularly make backups of your game_saves, as per your configuration.
b) a (limited) explanation of what it can do, and how to configure some settings (with some examples). If you need full details, run the exe with '/h'

I'm not taking any requests (so no "can it do this/that/andwhatnot"). Besides making this little progam (so that my research was not a "complete waist" of time), I've not done anything else in C++. I've used [Code::Blocks] back then as IDE (and just checked if it still existed... :oops: )

Some notes:
1. the launcher has been set up to either use [7z] or [Rar] as backup/compress programs. You can actually use any program, as long as it offers a commandline variant. So you'll need to download/install either/both of these. I've configured both as - can not recall which one - one does NOT backup 'open' files, resulting in a backup failure. The other compressor has no problems with that.
2. you probably will need to spend some time at first to get this going. But once past that stage, things will go just fine... routine-like.
3. I tend to "name_start" these type of files (folders) with an '_' (underscore) so that they always show up first in the folderlist.
4. (more as I see fit)
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