Edit 1: ok Progress!.. "Double" for Void Bar!! you will find this rather quickly on scans as your playing! MAKE sure to keep the Value at 100 and Don't Freeze it! The Value will Keep Increasing Ingame, type exactly what is show to not Crash game
Edit 1: ok Progress!.. "Double" for Void Bar!! you will find this rather quickly on scans as your playing! MAKE sure to keep the Value at 100 and Don't Freeze it! The Value will Keep Increasing Ingame, type exactly what is show to not Crash game
Edit 2: Essence also a Double! and Health!
Thanks ! It seems that all value like Health, Energy, Essence and Soul are Double. Hope that anyone could make a table for this game
Yup. What I found that all the value is in double. The only thing is the address of some value like Energy keep changing each round.
also once you find your Health in Double, Lock it after its found it cant be locked in battle anymore, and you only get to heal yourself for free after battles, but Essence and Souls, Void Bar seem to stay it may Move now and then but once you add 9999999 or w/e to the essence/Souls you'd have enough for the entire run, BTW Too Much souls and using it at end of level on the Void will cause Negative Health values, may crash game but mostly just Insta Ends the battle and your done the run..
best practice is search for the the Void Bar's "Double" address and add a bunch while In battle not in Map section you wont get stones that way..
Looks like there's no one willing to make a table for this. Might be because this still in early access.
nah its cause the address keeps changing, its REALLY annoying to try and make a table for this.. if anyone makes a table for this game, there VERY dedicated to it
I have fixed some of the in-battle address which was broken. For me, at least the out-of-battle stuff seems to be all working still
I don't know if I'm doing it right or not, but whenever I activate the in-battle addresses script the addresses underneath just stay at p0000000 and value ??.
I have updated the in the battle script with the non character specific pointers to values like health, energy and threat. I will add more character specific stuff a bit later. I should note the in battle script stuff only populates when you are in a battle