Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by phunthrowaway »

Gibsonsg wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:19 pm
phunthrowaway wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:26 pm
Is there a way to reset shrine lvls? And checkout books?
It's not currently possible using Creator's injector. You can do so using CheatEngine. Providing you have a shrine or other building that can be levelled up. All the buildings are stored next to each other in RAM, so once you can find the location of one, you can easily find the value you need to edit. Unless you have Nan or a negative as a value, I don't think it causes a shadowban.
My shrine's level is in the thousands with the required time to level up being 0/-1

I'm not sure how to fix it

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

I find this piece of code:

if ("TowerBuildReq" == s) {
if (0 == a) {
return ts * Math.pow(as, null == rs ? 0 : "number" == typeof rs ? e.__cast(rs, k) : "number" == typeof rs && (0 | rs) === rs ? e.__cast(rs, n) : "boolean" == typeof rs ? e.__cast(rs, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof rs ? parseFloat(rs) : parseFloat(g.string(rs)))

change the last return value to return 1, all tower in construction will be completed in 1 second no matter what level it is

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »


This function calculate the shrine next level up hours:

if ("ShrineHrREQ" == s)
return Math.floor(20 * (a - 1) + 6 * a * Math.pow(1.63, a - 1));

Change the return value to return 1; (in hour) and the next level up will require 1 hour no matter what level it is.

try to use cheat engineer to change the level for each tower back to a lower number, for example... search for 2000 (1000x2) (tower level) and wait for 1 minute (using my code above and change to return 1/60;) and then search for 2002 (1001x2).

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

if you want to create infinite number of cog, here is the code:

if ("CogBuildReq" == s) {
r = 1; // add this
if (0 > r)
return 0;
var Ce = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists"),
Pe = (null != d.RANDOlist ? Ce.getReserved("RANDOlist") : Ce.h.RANDOlist)[12][0 | a];

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

There is an item called Black Pearl (Pearl4) which will give 25% exp of the current skill experience bar no matter what the current level is, but it is capped at lv 30. Here is the code to break it so you can level up to whatever level a LOT faster (4 pearls per each level)

if ("Pearl4" == "" + g.string(Zs[0 | (null == Ls ? 0 : "number" == typeof Ls ? e.__cast(Ls, k) : "number" == typeof Ls && (0 | Ls) === Ls ? e.__cast(Ls, n) : "boolean" == typeof Ls ? e.__cast(Ls, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Ls ? parseFloat(Ls) : parseFloat(g.string(Ls)))])) {
if (30 > (null == qs ? 0 : "number" == typeof qs ? e.__cast(qs, k) : "number" == typeof qs && (0 | qs) === qs ? e.__cast(qs, n) : "boolean" == typeof qs ? e.__cast(qs, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof qs ? parseFloat(qs) : parseFloat(g.string(qs)))) {
var $s = b.engine.getGameAttribute("Exp0"),

change 30 to 1000 and it can be use below skill level 1000

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

This is the code to change skills, you can change any skill that you want:

fh.addAtkMoveDef("SHOCKWAVE_SLASH", {
K: 1,
D: 1.4,
s: 1,
cooldown: 0, // 14
castTime: 0, // 1.8
manaCost: 0, // 15
inputReq: 0,
AFKrange: 300, // 150
AFKtype: "line",
AFKactivity: 0

I changed the shockwave skill so that i can clear arena 3 (5 mil score), chaos Efaunt (5 seconds) with my level 100 squire, etc very easily just by walking by clicking the mouse and holding down 1 in the keyboard, my screen looks like this and it's fun to watch =D

left click ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Character )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) right click

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

Creater0822 wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:14 pm
Dread122113 wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:15 pm
Creater0822 wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 1:48 pm

Good questions!
Indeed, there is no discovered method to unbrick accounts that cannot get past the login or character selection, yet. With the minigame attempt count, you can execute minigame without any parameters to disable the decrement.

As for the anvil, what do you mean with skill points? If you mean the points that can be spent to upgrade the anvil's speed, capacity and exp then yes, there is a way: The cheat w1 anvil will work, or just w1 or nullify in case you want to activate multiple cheats at once. What this cheat does is, it nullifies the production duration (by setting speed 1000000, should be quite high enough, ofc you can add even more zeros) and nullifies the coin and item cost to obtain those upgrade points. Alternatively there is a way to outright change the amount of upgraded lvls directly, but that one indeed causes inconsistencies to your account data that can be traced back as a mark of cheating.

So as of this moment of writing, both these cheats should be safe against shadow banning, but of course we never know what holds for the future.
I'll have to do some more testing when I wake up (about to head to bed now) but when I enabled W1 or w1 anvil it made it where i couldn't buy any points with the cheat active. When I could click "buy points" the exp points side was blank and the speed was set to 32m. If I leave it like that for an extended period of time (say 10 seconds or more on that screen with the 32m) the client will crash and ill have to relog back in.

The insta-crafting speed is nice and all to get some points early on, but with the steep increase to exp it takes a LOT of clicks to level at a certain point. What I am trying to do is make it where the points don't decrease when you buy an upgrade but the only way to spend points is with the cheat off because you don't get the little plus symbols while it is on. But when you turn the cheat off the points decrease. Maybe I am doing something wrong or its just not possible, which is fine. Was just explaining/clarifying what I was asking :)

Ill work with the mini-game command and see if I can get it to not decrease "tries", but what it does for me is it say, if you play the mine cart game, you cant "crash" the mine cart, it goes through the ores and drives over the pitfalls as if they don't exist. You have to turn off the cheat in order to "crash" and for the game to give you resources, but it doesn't give any exp. But this may be another instance of me doing something wrong or using the cheat in a wrong way. Could have possibly the wrong cheats.js file or something also. I will also test this one some more as well.

Gonna go get some rest, thanks for the reply! :)
Hmm interesting, I have not experienced any form of crashing with the anvil cheat myself. The "buy point" button indeed doesn't show anything when you click it with the anvil cheat activated, but the upgrade point should be added to your account.

As I mentioned, it is indeed possible to design a Proxy-cheat that stops the deduction of upgrade points, and restart the deduction when you disable it. But yeah, that would indeed big-time-mess-up the consistency of account values, so I have not designed it. A similarly mesed up cheat is lvl anvil, which outright sets the upgrade levels of speed, capacity and exp boost.

That said, it isn't impossible to still design a 100% proper & data-consistent anvil cheat (that matches your description), it's does however become major-majorly complex in terms of dependent values you'd have to take into account accordingly, to make up for the non-change. Overall, it didn't feel worth to me to overly engineer it, whilst it's just a minor thing.

However in case you're thrilled to make it work, I do not discourage you to attempt it for yourself :D
To have a quick start I'd recommend reading my w1 anvil cheat, as well as lvl anvil. These can give you sufficient insights. The egga and eggk commands are then insanely useful to get a read on those variables.
Heya bud, so the "minigame" cheat DOES in fact work, I think i was overcomplicating things with putting minigame mining (also minigame choppin) and it was giving me the results of not "dying" or losing the minigame as stated before. But "minigame" command by itself works flawlessly as advertised, so thank you for clarifying that.

Regarding the anvil skillups issue, its not a big deal. I think you are possibly right though about the (buy) button not being there, I guess I assumed that since I couldnt see the button it didnt exist lol. Shame on me for assuming haha. All the same thanks for all your replies and help!! <3

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

virtualmachine007 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:20 am
There is an item called Black Pearl (Pearl4) which will give 25% exp of the current skill experience bar no matter what the current level is, but it is capped at lv 30. Here is the code to break it so you can level up to whatever level a LOT faster (4 pearls per each level)

if ("Pearl4" == "" + g.string(Zs[0 | (null == Ls ? 0 : "number" == typeof Ls ? e.__cast(Ls, k) : "number" == typeof Ls && (0 | Ls) === Ls ? e.__cast(Ls, n) : "boolean" == typeof Ls ? e.__cast(Ls, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Ls ? parseFloat(Ls) : parseFloat(g.string(Ls)))])) {
if (30 > (null == qs ? 0 : "number" == typeof qs ? e.__cast(qs, k) : "number" == typeof qs && (0 | qs) === qs ? e.__cast(qs, n) : "boolean" == typeof qs ? e.__cast(qs, m) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof qs ? parseFloat(qs) : parseFloat(g.string(qs)))) {
var $s = b.engine.getGameAttribute("Exp0"),

change 30 to 1000 and it can be use below skill level 1000
That's an interesting one, definitely one I have not thought to look into. As this one's indeed an ugly nested addMouseReleasedListener function, I would indeed not know how to pinpoint the function in-game to apply any Proxy cheats. That said though, I would recommend just searching for if ("Pearl4" == "" + instead of the entire line as it possibly contains variable names that are randomized for very unique patch.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

100% new Vial - Find this condition statement

a >= Math.round(100 - ...) ? (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) : (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "Failed" ...),

this is read "Is variable a greater or equal to (a number) ? if yes do (this) : if not do (that)

all you need to do is to change the (a number) to 0 because you can't roll a negative number

a >= 0 ? (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) : (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "Failed" ...),

or you can do the following:

a >= Math.round(100 - ...) ? (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) : (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) ,

Enjoy~ :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

virtualmachine007 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:05 pm
100% new Vial - Find this condition statement

a >= Math.round(100 - ...) ? (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) : (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "Failed" ...),

this is read "Is variable a greater or equal to (a number) ? if yes do (this) : if not do (that)

all you need to do is to change the (a number) to 0 because you can't roll a negative number

a >= 0 ? (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) : (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "Failed" ...),

or you can do the following:

a >= Math.round(100 - ...) ? (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) : (a = b.engine.gameAttributes, ... "NewVial" ...) ,

Enjoy~ :)
By the way, in this case that you're actively searching cheat potential in the game source, you might as well read my collection of cheats to narrow it down. Some of the older cheats I wrote. I assume that it'll speed up your research by quite a bit :D

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

I like this game, I pay real money and support Lava, but there are some mechanism that make this game takes too much time to invest on 9 characters... that's why I find those cheat potential to make the game faster and take less time :) I will continue to work on it to make life easier for all of us without taking away the fun of it ~

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

virtualmachine007 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:30 pm
I like this game, I pay real money and support Lava, but there are some mechanism that make this game takes too much time to invest on 9 characters... that's why I find those cheat potential to make the game faster and take less time :) I will continue to work on it to make life easier for all of us without taking away the fun of it ~
Haha yeah that is fair a goal to aim for, for me it's already too late as I already got too far pushing the boundaries :lol:
One day I would really like figure out a way to dynamically adding keybinds without the need of raw- or preload-modification, yeah that might be a very-very longshot if I even pull it off ever xD

But man! What amazing feature would it be if I could nail it to then expand the console with a complete keybind settings interface, ohh that would be the dream ^_^

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by virtualmachine007 »

that will be a good goal also~, i think it's never too late to set a boundary. I have been thinking about it for myself too, am I crossing the line while being too op in the game (like level 1000 with everything maxed in the skill points)? If anyone reach the point of no return like all shrine at level 1000, i suggest people to start over with a new account, get time candy for leveling and get back to whatever you are currently are :) you can also do that to start over since class/skill level can be cheated while everything else is back to original, beside that the other important one are liquid generating time, post office, construction tower level, all those can be set back easily if you read my previous post, item can be cheated using cheat engine. The only time taking one is quest, I find the way to change the quest requirement so it can be change easily or you can enjoy to start over with all the quest line.

It will be a good "project" to start from fresh and see how long it takes for you to reach back to the current point with all the cheat skill you can use :) it will be fun lol

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Dread122113 »

virtualmachine007 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:30 pm
I like this game, I pay real money and support Lava, but there are some mechanism that make this game takes too much time to invest on 9 characters... that's why I find those cheat potential to make the game faster and take less time :) I will continue to work on it to make life easier for all of us without taking away the fun of it ~
I agree 100%. Between my wife and I we've both spent a few hundred dollars on this game, Lava is a good dev imho and even though this game has its flaws, its definitely worth throwing a few bucks his way. The way I play (this is just me, not saying anyone else has to do this by any means!) is I have 2 accounts. One is a 100% ethical non cheating, 100% honest account. This is the account I've spent RL money on. The other account is literally a "test" account. I use this account to cheat to get my guys certain levels to test builds and provide feedback on which builds I think perform better over others. The way these cheats work, is it allows us to "sort of fast forward" progression to test builds and whatnot. As hilarious as it is I am not trying to flex to the other players or anything or run around with a Lava title, I just really wanna test builds and mechanics, but thats difficult to do when you have to slog through 170 levels and billions of mob kills to get resources and levels to test certain things. This cheat helps me circumvent that.

Im sure the purists on reddit would chide me for doing this, telling me that cheating even if on a test account where I experiment with stuff will still give me an edge, and to that end I say "whatever". I guess thats something theyll have to get over, as I never see anyone fussing at people providing build advice, they gladly take it and use it (those who do any way).

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

salmon85 wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:34 pm
It does rounding, is what I mean.

("CauldronInfo")[5][0] = Orange 44167.60975379015
("CauldronInfo")[5][1] = Green 540634447.8234663
("CauldronInfo")[5][2] = Purple 33509.125721804725
("CauldronInfo")[5][3] = Yellow 583673273.1806176

but in the cauldron window it shows

so that NaN on
("CauldronInfo")[6][1] for you is the correct one for Ln2
Yess everybody!! Lots of people have asked me how to fix the NaN liquid, which was an issue that I never really bothered to look into. But little did I remember that salmon had already figured out where those values have been stored ages ago.
That said though, I did once earlier discover where the bubble lvls were, just for some reason I couldn't modify the values and so I didn't bother continuing further attempts or research.

So here's the structure as far as I know:
  • CauldronInfo[0] = Orange bubble lvls
  • CauldronInfo[1] = Green bubble lvls
  • CauldronInfo[2] = Purple bubble lvls
  • CauldronInfo[3] = Yellow bubble lvls
  • CauldronInfo[4] = Vial lvls
  • CauldronInfo[5] = Cauldron content [orange, green, purple, yellow]
  • CauldronInfo[6] = Liquid amount [droplets, nitrogen, seawater, unreleased]
  • CauldronInfo[7] = idk
  • CauldronInfo[8] = A 3D-Array structure e.g.: Eight cauldrons (4 colors, 4 liquids), where each 2D-Array/cauldron holds four upgrades, and each 1D-Array/upgrade is [exp towards next lvl, lvl]
  • CauldronInfo[9] = idk
  • CauldronInfo[10] = idk
Anyway, thanks to salmon85 for discovering where it was, and p5y for digging up that post as I already forgot it :D

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