Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

Changelog 01/07/21 3am:
Original post: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

Lots of new commands!!!
  • list
    It can list item, monster, class, quest and map to the console like this...
    > list item
    ...so you can copy it to a new text file.
  • search
    This one behalves practically the same as iBelg's original search, but also allows you to search for monster ids:
    > search item iron
    > search monster mush
  • spawn
    Can spawn most monsters by id N times, defaults to 1 (efaunt and amarok don't work, and skilling stuff will crash the game)
    So to spawn 40 King Doot works like this:
    > spawn babaMummy 40
  • nullify
    This command nullifies:
    1) The upgrade cost of alchemy bubbles/vials.
    2) Alchemy shop item cost.
    3) Rolling 1+ unlocks any vial, hence nullifying the RNG.
    4) Zero flag unlock time in W3 construction.
  • noob
    A suicide function, doesn't kill other players (luckily) xD

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tomato »

It's a file I'm still using, and there are a lot of errors, some unstable and unnecessary things,
but I'll upload it because it's a waste to disappear like this.

please understand.

I wanted to get rid of the skill cooldown, so I looked it up and found it here.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

tomato wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:29 am
It's a file I'm still using, and there are a lot of errors, some unstable and unnecessary things,
but I'll upload it because it's a waste to disappear like this.

please understand.

I wanted to get rid of the skill cooldown, so I looked it up and found it here.
Ah yess speaking about ability tweaking:
The day before yesterday I've made a command for ibelg's new console that nullifies skill cooldown, mana cost and reduces all cast time to 0.1s. Here's the main post that includes the Google Drive folder: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tomato »

Creater0822 wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:02 pm
tomato wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:29 am
It's a file I'm still using, and there are a lot of errors, some unstable and unnecessary things,
but I'll upload it because it's a waste to disappear like this.

please understand.

I wanted to get rid of the skill cooldown, so I looked it up and found it here.
Ah yess speaking about ability tweaking:
The day before yesterday I've made a command for ibelg's new console that nullifies skill cooldown, mana cost and reduces all cast time to 0.1s. Here's the main post that includes the Google Drive folder: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916
I'm really sorry to keep talking, but I want to sweep without a limit on the number of inventory, but is it included in that chest.js function???

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

tomato wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:34 pm
I'm really sorry to keep talking, but I want to sweep without a limit on the number of inventory, but is it included in that chest.js function???
Not yet, I haven't yet looked into any sort of inventory/chest slot manipulations through the the console yet. Nor which way to increase the stack count per item type. Though there are many ways to increase the stack (e.g. overbuying one of the gem shop upgrades, overleveling one of a few item stack related upgrades etc..), but most will likely result in a shadow ban, so I kept this particular cheat on low priority for now.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

Changelog 01/07/21 7pm:
Original post: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

No new commands compared to today's 3am release, but the command syntax has gone through some technical improvements:
  • Many case codes have been substituted by functions:
    This is a tremendous help as local-scoping makes things much easier to read, and enables re-usability of variable names.
  • Due to the use of functions, a bunch of declarations (above the case switches) have been declared with let:
    This allows functions to see these objects, without the need of re-declaring.
  • My bulk command has been re-written, with ArrDrops now becoming DictDrops:
    At the time of writing this command, I didn't realise that dictionaries exist in JavaScript, so I used the less efficient 2D Array & if-else construction. Now using a dictionary writing has become much easier, and so I've adapted iBelg's return style to show the exact stuff that's being dropped. Upon giving an invalid sub-command (e.g. item collection), you will now get a string of all key values returned, thus knowing which sub-commands exist.
TLDR: Building upon my script should be a much smoother reading experience now.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

This function further tackles down code redundancy, where in an N-dimensional Array (given N ∈{2,3,4}) you're assuming that all N-1 dimensions (e.g. excluding the bottom Array with the non-Array values) have the same form of 1D-Array (equal element positions).

This is the case for many N-dimensional objects within the CustomLists attribute, e.g. MTXinfo, AlchemyDescription, PostOfficePossibleOrders etc.. Hence making this function pretty useful in the long run, despite the ugly nesting and explicit writing. It should be possible to dynamically have this support any dimension through recursion, but for this usecase scenario it should suffice as it is.

Code: Select all

function ChangeND(dim, KeyName, repl, elem){
    /*	Args:
            dim 		= Amount of dimensions, can take values 2 to 4 (at 1D there's no reason for such complexity)
            KeyName 	= The respecitve key inside GameAttribute Customlist that we want to iterate
            repl 		= The replacement value
            elem 		= List of Array indices, which elements we want replaced
    const NDArr = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists").h[KeyName];
    if(dim === 4){
        for(const [index1, element1] of Object.entries(NDArr)){
            for(const [index2, element2] of Object.entries(element1)){
                for(const [index3, element3] of Object.entries(element2)){
                    for(i in elem) element3[elem[i]] = repl;		// Fill every
                    NDArr[index1][index2][index3] = element3; 	// Write back to the 4D Array
    } else if(dim === 3){
        for(const [index1, element1] of Object.entries(NDArr)){
            for(const [index2, element2] of Object.entries(element1)){
                for(i in elem) element2[elem[i]] = repl;
                NDArr[index1][index2] = element2; // Write back to the 3D Array
    } else if(dim === 2){
        for(const [index1, element1] of Object.entries(NDArr)){
            for(i in elem) element1[elem[i]] = repl;
            NDArr[index1] = element1; // Write back to the 2D Array
    } else return NDArr; // Else return the original without modifications
    return NDArr;
Edit: How does this function shine?

Code: Select all

// Nullify alchemy bubble upgrade cost
this['com.stencyl.Engine'].engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists").h.AlchemyDescription = ChangeND(3, "AlchemyDescription", "Blank", [5,6,7,8]);
changedstuff.push("Nullified alchemy shop, bubble upgrade and vial upgrade cost!");
// Nullify MTX shop cost
this['com.stencyl.Engine'].engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists").h.MTXinfo = ChangeND(4, "MTXinfo", 0, [3,7]);
changedstuff.push("Nullified MTX shop cost and increment!");
AlchemyDescription and MTXinfo are respectively 3D and 4D Arrays, where one needs all upgrade materials/cost replaced with "Blank" and the other requiring the initial Gem cost and increment/purchase set to 0.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by zeromike233 »

Does anyone come up with auto-loot? Feeling tired to pick up items every 20 min when doing actively.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

zeromike233 wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:14 pm
Does anyone come up with auto-loot? Feeling tired to pick up items every 20 min when doing actively.
As far as I know it hasn't been invented yet.
As for me I'm currently still Noob in OOP JavaScript reading comprehension and zero knowledge in any kind of JS Frameworks. Haha yeah I'm not sure where the difficulty of implementing such a thing would scale :?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

iBelg wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:18 pm
salmon85 wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:05 pm
Any chance of the source since it's an executable?


shows as clean but use at your own risk
Sure, attached the src. It uses nodejs and it builds the executable with pkg.
Oops the tool doesn't inject properly after the update that just aired. But that said though I have no idea where to start patching the source. Yeah maybe somebody else, but I (by far) don't have the know-how on JavaScript yet to do any kind of troubleshooting :(

Edit: Okay this is pretty embarrassing...
So I have figured out which part of the code doesn't work, which is a Regex that was meant to search for ab.lime = ab.lime || {};, where the ab has now become Vb. So I have presumably patched the tool forever by changing the Regex into \w{1,2}\.lime\s*?=\s*?\w{1,2}\.lime\s*?\|\|\s*?\{\};. But then I got into trouble trying to actually compile the code (yeah, I've never done any research in NodeJS), and that's where I'm at right now xD :shock: :? :oops: :lol:

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Creater0822 »

Changelog 02/07/21 3am:
Original post: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

The new update e.g. 1.22b just aired and iBelg's external console injection tool has been fixed!!
My latest cheats.js, along with updated console, source code and compile instructions are now in the IBelg_Ext_Console sub-folder of Google Drive (same link from the main post).

With the newly improved Regex it shouldn't break that easy upon new updates anymore :D .

  • Also just updated my latest cheats.js
    My ChangeND function is working perfect in nullifying even more in-game costs ^_^
Edit 2: Alright, my tutorial video has finally finished processing over night
Last edited by Creater0822 on Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by SladeTama »

Yep, and it just became way too confusing now to run.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by SladeTama »

Creater0822 wrote:
Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:34 am
Changelog 02/07/21 3am:
Original post: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

The new update e.g. 1.22b just aired and iBelg's external console injection tool has been fixed!!
My latest cheats.js, along with updated console, source code and compile instructions are now in the IBelg_Ext_Console sub-folder of Google Drive (same link from the main post).

With the newly improved Regex it shouldn't break that easy upon new updates anymore :D .

  • Also just updated my latest cheats.js
    My ChangeND function is working perfect in nullifying even more in-game costs ^_^
Can we get a video demonstration of what to do, cause I'm literally lost. Edit: Nvm, apparently I got confused thinking I had to compile it or something.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Rokhanx »

SladeTama wrote:
Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:15 am
Creater0822 wrote:
Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:34 am
Changelog 02/07/21 3am:
Original post: viewtopic.php?p=198916#p198916

The new update e.g. 1.22b just aired and iBelg's external console injection tool has been fixed!!
My latest cheats.js, along with updated console, source code and compile instructions are now in the IBelg_Ext_Console sub-folder of Google Drive (same link from the main post).

With the newly improved Regex it shouldn't break that easy upon new updates anymore :D .

  • Also just updated my latest cheats.js
    My ChangeND function is working perfect in nullifying even more in-game costs ^_^
Can we get a video demonstration of what to do, cause I'm literally lost. Edit: Nvm, apparently I got confused thinking I had to compile it or something.
Creator already did

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tomato »

Where is that daily value???
Can't you stop it from shrinking at all???
Even in Nullify, this doesn't exist at all.

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