Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by salmon85 »

warhuntsius wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:13 am
Have you figured out what the OptionsListAccount stuff does yet? Want to try some funkier stuff with adding options. I see there being a list somewhere, but cant seem to find anything
not much. I know it has things in it like for the volume sliders and the options etc
If you want a big list to look at, look at "DNSM"
it seems to have everything in it. Scrolling so far down though starts to make the games fps drop.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by BaldoUchiha »

i found it , thanks but my vials page is empty ,do you know how can i fix that?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by salmon85 »

BaldoUchiha wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:39 am
i found it , thanks but my vials page is empty ,do you know how can i fix that?
The actual content of the vials page should have remained untouched as they are stored in AlchVials and the original code of
if ("VialCosts" == s) {
doesn't touch that variable

if ("CauldronCosts" == s) {
does touch it but only in a reading sense. (it gets the variable data, doesn't write to it)

However, you're not the only one to report this.
I assisted zeromike with a forge issue and all the code we used never touched anything remotely to alchemy

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by warhuntsius »

Ok,so my mod is here:


See my previous post for additions. Since then I've fixed a few bugs, and double xp for skills. x4 for fishing.

Unzip whole folder, put it in the 'resources' directory, then rename the 'app.asar' to something else.

Password is fearless1 for both site download and file.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by zeromike233 »

salmon85 wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:02 am
BaldoUchiha wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:45 am
how do i lower the cost of alchemy bubbles and liquid?
Have you figured out how to modify the brewing and liquid speed directly? (stuffs like the base player brewing speed)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by salmon85 »

zeromike233 wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:54 pm
salmon85 wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:02 am
BaldoUchiha wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:45 am
how do i lower the cost of alchemy bubbles and liquid?
Have you figured out how to modify the brewing and liquid speed directly? (stuffs like the base player brewing speed)

Code: Select all

if ("ResearchSpeed" == s) {
                        var tt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
                            nt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]);
                        if (null != d[nt] ? tt.existsReserved(nt) : tt.h.hasOwnProperty(nt)) {
                            if ("gimmeBrewSPDnonLiquid" != b.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyText3")) var st = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CauldronJobs")[1][0 | a],
                                at = 3 < (null == st ? 0 : "number" == typeof st ? e.__cast(st, k) : "number" == typeof st && (0 | st) === st ? e.__cast(st, n) : "boolean" == typeof st ? e.__cast(st, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof st ? parseFloat(st) : parseFloat(g.string(st))) || -1 == b.engine.getGameAttribute("CauldronJobs")[1][0 | a] && 1 == b.engine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[5].getValue("ActorEvents_232", "_GenINFO")[17];
                            else at = !1;
                            if (at) {
                                var At = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
                                    rt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
                                    it = null != d[rt] ? At.getReserved(rt) : At.h[rt],
                                    lt = (null != d.Lv0 ? it.getReserved("Lv0") : it.h.Lv0)[5];
                                return Math.pow(2 * ((null == lt ? 0 : "number" == typeof lt ? e.__cast(lt, k) : "number" == typeof lt && (0 | lt) === lt ? e.__cast(lt, n) : "boolean" == typeof lt ? e.__cast(lt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof lt ? parseFloat(lt) : parseFloat(g.string(lt))) + 2), .65)
                            var ot = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                ut = I._customBlock_cauldronp2wbonuses("CauldronBonus", 3, 0, "0"),
                                gt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
                                mt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
                                dt = null != d[mt] ? gt.getReserved(mt) : gt.h[mt],
                                ct = (null != d.Lv0 ? dt.getReserved("Lv0") : dt.h.Lv0)[5],
                                pt = ut * (null == ct ? 0 : "number" == typeof ct ? e.__cast(ct, k) : "number" == typeof ct && (0 | ct) === ct ? e.__cast(ct, n) : "boolean" == typeof ct ? e.__cast(ct, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof ct ? parseFloat(ct) : parseFloat(g.string(ct)));
                            if (null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? ot.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", pt) : ot.h.CauldStatDN7 = pt, b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a] == b.engine.getGameAttribute("UserInfo")[0]) {
                                var ht = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                    ft = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                    bt = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? ft.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : ft.h.CauldStatDN7,
                                    yt = (null == bt ? 0 : "number" == typeof bt ? e.__cast(bt, k) : "number" == typeof bt && (0 | bt) === bt ? e.__cast(bt, n) : "boolean" == typeof bt ? e.__cast(bt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof bt ? parseFloat(bt) : parseFloat(g.string(bt))) * (1 + z._customBlock_RunCodeOfTypeXforThingY("Stat2num", "" + z._customBlock_TotalStats("WIS")) / .6);
                                null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? ht.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", yt) : ht.h.CauldStatDN7 = yt;
                                var vt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                    Rt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                    _t = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Rt.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : Rt.h.CauldStatDN7,
                                    It = (null == _t ? 0 : "number" == typeof _t ? e.__cast(_t, k) : "number" == typeof _t && (0 | _t) === _t ? e.__cast(_t, n) : "boolean" == typeof _t ? e.__cast(_t, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof _t ? parseFloat(_t) : parseFloat(g.string(_t))) * (1 + (t._customBlock_GetTalentNumber(1, 491) + z._customBlock_SkillStats("TownProdSpeedPCT")) / 100);
                                null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? vt.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", It) : vt.h.CauldStatDN7 = It
                            } else {
                                var Ft = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                    Dt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                    Nt = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Dt.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : Dt.h.CauldStatDN7,
                                    Pt = null == Nt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Nt ? e.__cast(Nt, k) : "number" == typeof Nt && (0 | Nt) === Nt ? e.__cast(Nt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Nt ? e.__cast(Nt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Nt ? parseFloat(Nt) : parseFloat(g.string(Nt)),
                                    Et = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
                                    St = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
                                    Gt = null != d[St] ? Et.getReserved(St) : Et.h[St],
                                    Mt = (null != d.SkillLevels ? Gt.getReserved("SkillLevels") : Gt.h.SkillLevels)[491],
                                    Ct = null == Mt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Mt ? e.__cast(Mt, k) : "number" == typeof Mt && (0 | Mt) === Mt ? e.__cast(Mt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Mt ? e.__cast(Mt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Mt ? parseFloat(Mt) : parseFloat(g.string(Mt)),
                                    Tt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
                                    Bt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
                                    Ot = null != d[Bt] ? Tt.getReserved(Bt) : Tt.h[Bt],
                                    wt = null != d.PersonalValuesMap ? Ot.getReserved("PersonalValuesMap") : Ot.h.PersonalValuesMap,
                                    xt = Pt * (1 + Ct / 100) * (1 + z._customBlock_RunCodeOfTypeXforThingY("Stat2num", "" + g.string((null != d.StatList ? wt.getReserved("StatList") : wt.h.StatList)[2])) / .6);
                                null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Ft.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", xt) : Ft.h.CauldStatDN7 = xt
                            var Lt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
                                Ut = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
                                kt = null != d[Ut] ? Lt.getReserved(Ut) : Lt.h[Ut],
                                Xt = (null != d.Lv0 ? kt.getReserved("Lv0") : kt.h.Lv0)[5],
                                zt = Math.round(Math.pow(null == Xt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Xt ? e.__cast(Xt, k) : "number" == typeof Xt && (0 | Xt) === Xt ? e.__cast(Xt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Xt ? e.__cast(Xt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Xt ? parseFloat(Xt) : parseFloat(g.string(Xt)), .8)),
                                Vt = t._customBlock_StampBonusOfTypeX("AlchSpd"),
                                Qt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                Ht = null != d.AlchBubbles ? Qt.getReserved("AlchBubbles") : Qt.h.AlchBubbles,
                                Yt = null != d.BrewSpd ? Ht.getReserved("BrewSpd") : Ht.h.BrewSpd,
                                qt = null == Yt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Yt ? e.__cast(Yt, k) : "number" == typeof Yt && (0 | Yt) === Yt ? e.__cast(Yt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Yt ? e.__cast(Yt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Yt ? parseFloat(Yt) : parseFloat(g.string(Yt)),
                                Wt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                jt = null != d.BoxRewards ? Wt.getReserved("BoxRewards") : Wt.h.BoxRewards,
                                Zt = null != d.BrewSpeed ? jt.getReserved("BrewSpeed") : jt.h.BrewSpeed,
                                Jt = null == Zt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Zt ? e.__cast(Zt, k) : "number" == typeof Zt && (0 | Zt) === Zt ? e.__cast(Zt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Zt ? e.__cast(Zt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Zt ? parseFloat(Zt) : parseFloat(g.string(Zt)),
                                Kt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                                $t = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Kt.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : Kt.h.CauldStatDN7;
                            return zt * (1 + (Vt + (qt + Jt)) / 100) * (1 + (null == $t ? 0 : "number" == typeof $t ? e.__cast($t, k) : "number" == typeof $t && (0 | $t) === $t ? e.__cast($t, n) : "boolean" == typeof $t ? e.__cast($t, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof $t ? parseFloat($t) : parseFloat(g.string($t))) / 100)
                        return 0

is the code you want to look at modifying
can't see the point in it though, since with the p2w stats along with removing the costs and making it always 100% changing the speed is pointless.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by rudm09 »

hey new to this game and didnt read the entire thread but i have a question,is there a way to cheat unlimited time candies without getting banned/shadow-banned?Thanks!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Djinn »

rudm09 wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:09 pm
hey new to this game and didnt read the entire thread but i have a question,is there a way to cheat unlimited time candies without getting banned/shadow-banned?Thanks!
Anabsurd ammount like 300k yes, just make em drop from any mob adding them to their droptables.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by p5y »

Is it somehow possible to change character name?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by warhuntsius »

p5y wrote:
Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:58 am
Is it somehow possible to change character name?
Thats server side afaik

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by salmon85 »

warhuntsius wrote:
Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:53 am
p5y wrote:
Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:58 am
Is it somehow possible to change character name?
Thats server side afaik

seems so, I tried to remove the check on char creation if the name already exists.
resulted in a client crash but no character made. Tried it again but with a new name. Still crashed but made the character

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by warhuntsius »

One thing I've not been able to figure out is the minigames. Can remove any need for them, but can't find the actual gamemode code.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by kinanijo »

Has anyone found a way to change Cog production speed without altering anything else about Construction?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by mrigank »

hello there newbie here so I was reading through all those msgs and I saw that only modifying the monster drop table is the safest way to not get shadowbanned (you can correct me if I am wrong as I am just a newbie)
and well can someone tell me how we can find the file where these drop tables are located?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by salmon85 »

kinanijo wrote:
Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:45 pm
Has anyone found a way to change Cog production speed without altering anything else about Construction?

Code: Select all

 if ("CogBuildSpdBonus" == s) {
                        var Ee = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                            Se = null != d.AlchBubbles ? Ee.getReserved("AlchBubbles") : Ee.h.AlchBubbles,
                            Ge = null != d.CogMakeSpd ? Se.getReserved("CogMakeSpd") : Se.h.CogMakeSpd,
                            Me = null == Ge ? 0 : "number" == typeof Ge ? e.__cast(Ge, k) : "number" == typeof Ge && (0 | Ge) === Ge ? e.__cast(Ge, n) : "boolean" == typeof Ge ? e.__cast(Ge, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Ge ? parseFloat(Ge) : parseFloat(g.string(Ge)),
                            Ce = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
                            Te = null != d.AlchVials ? Ce.getReserved("AlchVials") : Ce.h.AlchVials,
                            Be = null != d.CogSpd ? Te.getReserved("CogSpd") : Te.h.CogSpd;
                        return 1 + (Me + ((null == Be ? 0 : "number" == typeof Be ? e.__cast(Be, k) : "number" == typeof Be && (0 | Be) === Be ? e.__cast(Be, n) : "boolean" == typeof Be ? e.__cast(Be, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Be ? parseFloat(Be) : parseFloat(g.string(Be))) + Math.min(8 * z._customBlock_RunCodeOfTypeXforThingY("CardLv", "Boss3A"), 50))) / 100
is the code you want to be looking at. since it reads variables from other skills it's going to be a shitshow to work out.
you could change the 1 in the return to something else or change the / 100 to something less

mrigank wrote:
Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:30 pm
hello there newbie here so I was reading through all those msgs and I saw that only modifying the monster drop table is the safest way to not get shadowbanned (you can correct me if I am wrong as I am just a newbie)
and well can someone tell me how we can find the file where these drop tables are located?
drop tables have been mentioned multiple times over several pages.

Code: Select all

 var c = [
                        ["COIN", "0.5", "1", "N/A"],
                        ["Grasslands1", "0.22", "1", "N/A"],
                        ["CardsA0", "0.0001", "1", "N/A"],
                        ["FoodHealth1", "0.005", "3", "N/A"],
                        ["EquipmentShirts16", "0.00035", "1", "N/A"],
                        ["StoneW2", "0.00005", "1", "N/A"],
                        ["Cutter", "0.00001", "1", "N/A"],
                        ["DropTable1", "0.003", "1", "N/A"]
                    null != d.mushG ? e.setReserved("mushG", c) : e.h.mushG = c;
is for green mushroom

And no, it's not the safest way. It's speculated it's the delta in data between saves that causes the ban. Some people have been sbanned just for using massive amounts of candies.
changing the drops of items and selling them / changing money drops vs just flat out giving you the cash, we suspect it just doesn't care.

warhuntsius wrote:
Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:26 am
One thing I've not been able to figure out is the minigames. Can remove any need for them, but can't find the actual gamemode code.
Technically there is no need for them apart from quests, they can be modified separately. Is this what you're referring to?

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