Code: Select all
if ("ResearchSpeed" == s) {
var tt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
nt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]);
if (null != d[nt] ? tt.existsReserved(nt) : tt.h.hasOwnProperty(nt)) {
if ("gimmeBrewSPDnonLiquid" != b.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyText3")) var st = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CauldronJobs")[1][0 | a],
at = 3 < (null == st ? 0 : "number" == typeof st ? e.__cast(st, k) : "number" == typeof st && (0 | st) === st ? e.__cast(st, n) : "boolean" == typeof st ? e.__cast(st, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof st ? parseFloat(st) : parseFloat(g.string(st))) || -1 == b.engine.getGameAttribute("CauldronJobs")[1][0 | a] && 1 == b.engine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[5].getValue("ActorEvents_232", "_GenINFO")[17];
else at = !1;
if (at) {
var At = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
rt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
it = null != d[rt] ? At.getReserved(rt) : At.h[rt],
lt = (null != d.Lv0 ? it.getReserved("Lv0") : it.h.Lv0)[5];
return Math.pow(2 * ((null == lt ? 0 : "number" == typeof lt ? e.__cast(lt, k) : "number" == typeof lt && (0 | lt) === lt ? e.__cast(lt, n) : "boolean" == typeof lt ? e.__cast(lt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof lt ? parseFloat(lt) : parseFloat(g.string(lt))) + 2), .65)
var ot = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
ut = I._customBlock_cauldronp2wbonuses("CauldronBonus", 3, 0, "0"),
gt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
mt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
dt = null != d[mt] ? gt.getReserved(mt) : gt.h[mt],
ct = (null != d.Lv0 ? dt.getReserved("Lv0") : dt.h.Lv0)[5],
pt = ut * (null == ct ? 0 : "number" == typeof ct ? e.__cast(ct, k) : "number" == typeof ct && (0 | ct) === ct ? e.__cast(ct, n) : "boolean" == typeof ct ? e.__cast(ct, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof ct ? parseFloat(ct) : parseFloat(g.string(ct)));
if (null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? ot.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", pt) : ot.h.CauldStatDN7 = pt, b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a] == b.engine.getGameAttribute("UserInfo")[0]) {
var ht = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
ft = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
bt = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? ft.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : ft.h.CauldStatDN7,
yt = (null == bt ? 0 : "number" == typeof bt ? e.__cast(bt, k) : "number" == typeof bt && (0 | bt) === bt ? e.__cast(bt, n) : "boolean" == typeof bt ? e.__cast(bt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof bt ? parseFloat(bt) : parseFloat(g.string(bt))) * (1 + z._customBlock_RunCodeOfTypeXforThingY("Stat2num", "" + z._customBlock_TotalStats("WIS")) / .6);
null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? ht.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", yt) : ht.h.CauldStatDN7 = yt;
var vt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
Rt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
_t = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Rt.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : Rt.h.CauldStatDN7,
It = (null == _t ? 0 : "number" == typeof _t ? e.__cast(_t, k) : "number" == typeof _t && (0 | _t) === _t ? e.__cast(_t, n) : "boolean" == typeof _t ? e.__cast(_t, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof _t ? parseFloat(_t) : parseFloat(g.string(_t))) * (1 + (t._customBlock_GetTalentNumber(1, 491) + z._customBlock_SkillStats("TownProdSpeedPCT")) / 100);
null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? vt.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", It) : vt.h.CauldStatDN7 = It
} else {
var Ft = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
Dt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
Nt = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Dt.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : Dt.h.CauldStatDN7,
Pt = null == Nt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Nt ? e.__cast(Nt, k) : "number" == typeof Nt && (0 | Nt) === Nt ? e.__cast(Nt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Nt ? e.__cast(Nt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Nt ? parseFloat(Nt) : parseFloat(g.string(Nt)),
Et = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
St = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
Gt = null != d[St] ? Et.getReserved(St) : Et.h[St],
Mt = (null != d.SkillLevels ? Gt.getReserved("SkillLevels") : Gt.h.SkillLevels)[491],
Ct = null == Mt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Mt ? e.__cast(Mt, k) : "number" == typeof Mt && (0 | Mt) === Mt ? e.__cast(Mt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Mt ? e.__cast(Mt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Mt ? parseFloat(Mt) : parseFloat(g.string(Mt)),
Tt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
Bt = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
Ot = null != d[Bt] ? Tt.getReserved(Bt) : Tt.h[Bt],
wt = null != d.PersonalValuesMap ? Ot.getReserved("PersonalValuesMap") : Ot.h.PersonalValuesMap,
xt = Pt * (1 + Ct / 100) * (1 + z._customBlock_RunCodeOfTypeXforThingY("Stat2num", "" + g.string((null != d.StatList ? wt.getReserved("StatList") : wt.h.StatList)[2])) / .6);
null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Ft.setReserved("CauldStatDN7", xt) : Ft.h.CauldStatDN7 = xt
var Lt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerDATABASE"),
Ut = "" + g.string(b.engine.getGameAttribute("GetPlayersUsernames")[0 | a]),
kt = null != d[Ut] ? Lt.getReserved(Ut) : Lt.h[Ut],
Xt = (null != d.Lv0 ? kt.getReserved("Lv0") : kt.h.Lv0)[5],
zt = Math.round(Math.pow(null == Xt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Xt ? e.__cast(Xt, k) : "number" == typeof Xt && (0 | Xt) === Xt ? e.__cast(Xt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Xt ? e.__cast(Xt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Xt ? parseFloat(Xt) : parseFloat(g.string(Xt)), .8)),
Vt = t._customBlock_StampBonusOfTypeX("AlchSpd"),
Qt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
Ht = null != d.AlchBubbles ? Qt.getReserved("AlchBubbles") : Qt.h.AlchBubbles,
Yt = null != d.BrewSpd ? Ht.getReserved("BrewSpd") : Ht.h.BrewSpd,
qt = null == Yt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Yt ? e.__cast(Yt, k) : "number" == typeof Yt && (0 | Yt) === Yt ? e.__cast(Yt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Yt ? e.__cast(Yt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Yt ? parseFloat(Yt) : parseFloat(g.string(Yt)),
Wt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
jt = null != d.BoxRewards ? Wt.getReserved("BoxRewards") : Wt.h.BoxRewards,
Zt = null != d.BrewSpeed ? jt.getReserved("BrewSpeed") : jt.h.BrewSpeed,
Jt = null == Zt ? 0 : "number" == typeof Zt ? e.__cast(Zt, k) : "number" == typeof Zt && (0 | Zt) === Zt ? e.__cast(Zt, n) : "boolean" == typeof Zt ? e.__cast(Zt, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Zt ? parseFloat(Zt) : parseFloat(g.string(Zt)),
Kt = b.engine.getGameAttribute("DNSM"),
$t = null != d.CauldStatDN7 ? Kt.getReserved("CauldStatDN7") : Kt.h.CauldStatDN7;
return zt * (1 + (Vt + (qt + Jt)) / 100) * (1 + (null == $t ? 0 : "number" == typeof $t ? e.__cast($t, k) : "number" == typeof $t && (0 | $t) === $t ? e.__cast($t, n) : "boolean" == typeof $t ? e.__cast($t, l) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof $t ? parseFloat($t) : parseFloat(g.string($t))) / 100)
return 0
can't see the point in it though, since with the p2w stats along with removing the costs and making it always 100% changing the speed is pointless.