Legends of Idleon
Re: Legends of Idleon
Possible suggestion based on people having issues with chromedebug came to mind -
So the page appears to load in chromium browsers (Brave and Edge tested), but the url its using to access the proxy isn't obvious how its generating the page string (buried in the exe). So adding a printLn to the command where it displays the URL might be a nice addition so people can use whatever browser they have? Just would then need the user to open the console drawer.
So the page appears to load in chromium browsers (Brave and Edge tested), but the url its using to access the proxy isn't obvious how its generating the page string (buried in the exe). So adding a printLn to the command where it displays the URL might be a nice addition so people can use whatever browser they have? Just would then need the user to open the console drawer.
Re: Legends of Idleon
You are correct - make sure you have the most recent version of the inject, check for operating system updates, make sure the game launches normally. When I run it in a VM, the injector will launch/crash something like 10-15 times. Running on my normal PC, and I get one maybe two. Can also remove your custom 'start enabled' cheats. Sometimes that has caused me issues.YepYep42 wrote: ↑Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:29 pmWhere do I enter this chromedebug into? That's my main issue right now. I kinda figured opening injectcheatsf5 would be where, but it instantly closes.
Re: Legends of Idleon
Well, the latest one I could find was from 2022 so i'm assuming that's it. Nothing I do seems to keep it from crashing. Dang..sgl3686 wrote: ↑Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:33 pmYou are correct - make sure you have the most recent version of the inject, check for operating system updates, make sure the game launches normally. When I run it in a VM, the injector will launch/crash something like 10-15 times. Running on my normal PC, and I get one maybe two. Can also remove your custom 'start enabled' cheats. Sometimes that has caused me issues.
edit: I do have the latest one. I don't know why I thought it said 2022. Still isn't working though. Messing around with some stuff.
edit: alright so I got everything working but looking at this I have no idea how to even use it. If anyone could let me know how to delete the first 26 cog slots I would appreciate it an insane amount. I just wanted to tweak a few things not get things busted on my account.
Re: Legends of Idleon
Okay so I figured out the cog order, how would I go about deleting them or setting the values to 0? Looking at chrome I can't really navigate anywhere to do that..
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Re: Legends of Idleon
Hey pretty new to the cheating enviorment and I truly am thankful for such a community to develop cheats for the game I like!
I have a problem with injection, it stops at Step 1 complete... and I have zero clue what do do next, I even changed the disk and it didn't seem to work.
Any suggestions?
I have a problem with injection, it stops at Step 1 complete... and I have zero clue what do do next, I even changed the disk and it didn't seem to work.
Any suggestions?
Re: Legends of Idleon
Injection must be placed to game folderDeliriousBun wrote: ↑Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:04 amHey pretty new to the cheating enviorment and I truly am thankful for such a community to develop cheats for the game I like!
I have a problem with injection, it stops at Step 1 complete... and I have zero clue what do do next, I even changed the disk and it didn't seem to work.
Any suggestions?
Re: Legends of Idleon
version 7 oct. whats new?
- What is cheating?
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Re: Legends of Idleon
well it is in the folder, i followed step by stepTindal wrote: ↑Sat Oct 07, 2023 10:02 amInjection must be placed to game folderDeliriousBun wrote: ↑Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:04 amHey pretty new to the cheating enviorment and I truly am thankful for such a community to develop cheats for the game I like!
I have a problem with injection, it stops at Step 1 complete... and I have zero clue what do do next, I even changed the disk and it didn't seem to work.
Any suggestions?
- What is cheating?
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Re: Legends of Idleon
Hello, I bricked my Vman today and I tried looking and attempting several solutions in this large thread, but nothing seemed to work.
I went to IdleEfficiency and found my stats are NaN as well as Alchemy Bubbles are NaN. I've tried setting all alchemy bubbles to 0, but it didn't work. All my other characters are just fine.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Nothing really stands out in Chromedebug except some of the cauldrons has 26 bubbles (with green having 28) but I dont know how to remove them entirely.
I went to IdleEfficiency and found my stats are NaN as well as Alchemy Bubbles are NaN. I've tried setting all alchemy bubbles to 0, but it didn't work. All my other characters are just fine.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Nothing really stands out in Chromedebug except some of the cauldrons has 26 bubbles (with green having 28) but I dont know how to remove them entirely.
Re: Legends of Idleon
is there a way to unlock achievements via chromedebug? I'm too lazy to sit and write "hi"
- Cheater
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Re: Legends of Idleon
load mods in idleon
compile it yourself
or download it from here [Link]
creating mods
to create a mod just add a js file to folder "mods" with your code
if a mod requires another mod that adds something then you can do this to wait till they are loaded
to actually have your mod in loaded mods you need to add
to either the set interval or bottom of your code if your mod does not require any others.
compile it yourself
Code: Select all
const spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
const _ = require("lodash");
const CDP = require("chrome-remote-interface");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const atob = require("atob");
const btoa = require("btoa");
const Enquirer = require("enquirer");
async function fileExists(path) {
try {
await fs.access(path);
console.log('File exists:', path);
return true;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
console.log('File does not exist:', path);
return false;
} else {
console.error('Error checking file existence:', error);
throw error;
const objToString = (obj) => {
let ret = "{";
for (let k in obj) {
let v = obj[k];
if (typeof v === "function") {
v = v.toString();
} else if (typeof v === "boolean") {
v = v;
} else if (Array.isArray(v)) {
v = JSON.stringify(v);
} else if (typeof v === "object") {
v = objToString(v);
} else {
v = `"${v}"`;
ret += `\n ${k}: ${v},`;
ret += "\n}";
return ret;
// Tool initialization messages
console.log("Updated version of InjectCheats by valleymon: originally by iBelg, continued by Creater0822");
console.log("InjectCheatF5 v1.2");
const port = 32123;
const config = require(process.cwd() + "/config.js");
try {
const customConfig = require("/config.custom.js");
config.injectorConfig = _.merge(config.injectorConfig, customConfig.injectorConfig);
config.startupCheats = _.union(config.startupCheats, customConfig.startupCheats);
config.cheatConfig = _.merge(config.cheatConfig, customConfig.cheatConfig);
} catch (e) {
console.log("****** No custom config found, using default config ******");
console.log("****** To create a custom config, copy config.custom.example.js to config.custom.js and edit to your liking ******");
const injectorConfig = config.injectorConfig;
const startupCheats = config.startupCheats;
const cheatConfig = config.cheatConfig;
console.log(`Regex: ${injectorConfig.injreg}`);
console.log(`Show idleon window console logs: ${injectorConfig.showConsoleLog}`);
console.log(`Chrome location: ${injectorConfig.chrome}`);
function attach(name) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const idleon = spawn(name, [`--remote-debugging-port=${port}`]);
//get the web socket url
idleon.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
const match = data.toString().match(/DevTools listening on (ws:\/\/.*)/);
if (match) {
async function setupIntercept(hook) {
const options = {
tab: hook,
port: port
const client = await CDP(options);
const { DOM, Page, Network, Runtime } = client;
console.log("Injecting cheats...");
let cheats = ""
cheats += `let startupCheats = ${JSON.stringify(startupCheats)};\nlet cheatConfig = ${objToString(cheatConfig)};\n${await fs.readFile(process.cwd() + "/cheats.js", "utf8")}\nwindow.loadedmods=[]`;
if (await fileExists(process.cwd() + "/mods/")) {
let files = await fs.readdir(process.cwd() + "/mods/")
files.forEach(async (file) => {
if (file.endsWith(".js")) {
cheats += `\n${await fs.readFile(process.cwd() + "/mods/"+file, "utf8")}`
console.log("loaded: "+file)
} else {
await fs.mkdir(process.cwd() + "/mods/")
console.log("loaded all mods")
await Network.setRequestInterception(
patterns: [
urlPattern: injectorConfig.interceptPattern,
resourceType: "Script",
interceptionStage: "HeadersReceived",
await Page.setBypassCSP({ enabled: true });
if (injectorConfig.showConsoleLog) {
Runtime.consoleAPICalled((entry) => {
console.log(entry.args.map(arg=>arg.value).join(" "));
await Promise.all([Runtime.enable(), Page.enable(), Network.enable(), DOM.enable()]);
const eval = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: cheats });
console.log("Loaded cheats...");
await new Promise(resolve => {
Network.requestIntercepted(async ({ interceptionId, request }) => {
const response = await Network.getResponseBodyForInterception({ interceptionId });
const originalBody = atob(response.body);
// Regex definitions
const InjReg = new RegExp(injectorConfig.injreg);
const InjRegG = new RegExp(injectorConfig.injreg, "g");
const VarName = new RegExp("^\\w+"); // The randomly generated variable name could have more than one character, thus this Regex
const AppMain = InjRegG.exec(originalBody);
const AppVar = Array(AppMain.length).fill("");
// A for-loop has been implemented, but there should only be one unique occasion, hence ${AppVar[0]}
for (i = 0; i < AppMain.length; i++) AppVar[i] = VarName.exec(AppMain[i])[0];
let manipulator = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "getZJSManipulator()", awaitPromise: true });
let newBody; // replace some code
manipulator = new Function("return " + manipulator.result.value)();
newBody = manipulator(originalBody);
newBody = originalBody.replace(InjReg, `window.__idleon_cheats__=${AppVar[0]};$&`);
console.log("Updated game code...");
const newHeaders = [
`Date: ${(new Date()).toUTCString()}`,
`Connection: closed`,
`Content-Length: ${newBody.length}`,
`Content-Type: text/javascript`,
const newResponse = btoa(
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" +
newHeaders.join("\r\n") +
"\r\n\r\n" +
rawResponse: newResponse,
console.log("Sent to game...");
console.log("Cheat injected!");
return client;
(async () => {
const hook = await attach("LegendsOfIdleon.exe");
const client = await setupIntercept(hook);
const { Runtime, Page } = client;
Page.loadEventFired(async () => {
const context = `window.document.querySelector("iframe").contentWindow.__idleon_cheats__`;
console.log("Inititalizing cheats ingame...");
const init = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `setup.call(${context})`, awaitPromise: true, allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP: true });
let choices = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `getAutoCompleteSuggestions.call(${context})`, awaitPromise: true, returnByValue: true });
choices = choices.result.value;
let cheatsNeedingConfirmation = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `getChoicesNeedingConfirmation.call(${context})`, awaitPromise: true, returnByValue: true });
cheatsNeedingConfirmation = cheatsNeedingConfirmation.result.value;
async function promptUser() {
let valueChosen = false;
let enquirer = new Enquirer;
let { action } = await enquirer.prompt({
name: "action",
message: "Action",
type: "autocomplete",
initial: 0,
limit: 15,
choices: choices,
suggest: function (input, choices) {
if (input.length == 0) return [choices[0]];
let str = input.toLowerCase();
let mustInclude = str.split(" ");
return choices.filter(ch => {
for (word of mustInclude) {
if (!ch.message.toLowerCase().includes(word)) return false;
return true
onSubmit: function (name, value, prompt) {
value = this.focused ? this.focused.value : value;
let choiceNeedsConfirmation = false;
cheatsNeedingConfirmation.forEach((e) => {
if (value.indexOf(e) === 0) choiceNeedsConfirmation = true;
if (choiceNeedsConfirmation && !valueChosen && this.focused) {
prompt.input = value;
prompt.state.cursor = value.length;
valueChosen = true;
return new Promise(function (resolve) { });
} else {
this.addChoice({ name: value, value: value }, this.choices.length + 1);
return true;
onRun: async function () {
await this.complete();
cancel: function () {},
if (action === "chromedebug") {
const response = await client.Target.getTargetInfo();
const url = `http://localhost:${port}/devtools/inspector.html?experiment=true&ws=localhost:${port}/devtools/page/${response.targetInfo.targetId}`;
spawn(injectorConfig.chrome, ["--new-window", url])
console.log("Opened idleon chrome debugger");
} else {
const cheatResponse = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `cheat.call(${context}, "${action}")`, awaitPromise: true, allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP: true });
await promptUser();
await promptUser();
creating mods
to create a mod just add a js file to folder "mods" with your code
if a mod requires another mod that adds something then you can do this to wait till they are loaded
Code: Select all
function findMod(name) {
return window.loadedmods.filter((mod)=>mod.name === name)[0]
const id = setInterval(() => {
let mod1 = findMod("mod1")
let mod2 = findMod("mod2")
if (mod1 && mod2) {
}, 1000)
Code: Select all
window.loadedmods.push({name:"modname", main:new yourmainclass()})
to either the set interval or bottom of your code if your mod does not require any others.
Re: Legends of Idleon
What's new in version 07-Oct-2023?
Re: Legends of Idleon
Does anyone know how give yourself a bundle / flag it as bought?
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