I've been trying to set startup cheats but I continue getting the message that there's been no custom config was found. I followed the steps of making a copy of config.custom.example.js and renaming it to config.custom.js and setting my startup cheats in there. Can anyone help me?
Code: Select all
Updated version of InjectCheats by valleymon: originally by iBelg, continued by Creater0822
InjectCheatF5 v1.2
****** No custom config found, using default config ******
****** To create a custom config, copy config.custom.example.js to config.custom.js and edit to your liking ******
Regex: \w+\.ApplicationMain\s*?=
Show idleon window console logs: true
Chrome location: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Code: Select all
* This file is an example of how to create a custom config file. Make a copy of this file called config.custom.js and edit it to your liking.
It's done this way so that you can update the injector without losing your custom config.
* Add any cheats you want to run on startup here. A reasonable starting point is given, but you can add/remove
any cheats you want each on a new line in single quotes, separated by commas.
For example, if you want to unlock the quickref, add the line
'unlock quickref',
to the list below.
exports.startupCheats = [
'multiply afk 2',
'multiply printer 6',
'godlike food',
'godlike intervention',
'upstones rng',
'w3 globalshrines',
'w4 instameals',
'w4 labpx',
'w4 spiceclaim',
'w5 divinity',
'w5 sailing',
'w5 gaming',
'w3 prayer',
'talent 120',
'talent 168',
'talent 169',
'talent 483',
'wide post',
'w3 refinery',
'w1 companion'
'w1 anvil',
'w1 forge',
'w1 stampcost',
'w1 smith',
'w4 sigilspeed',
'w4 mainframe',
'w4 chipbonuses',
* This is configuration for some of the cheats. You can change the values to suit your needs.
Configurations that use functions (ie start with t =>) will be passed the current value of the variable, and should return the new value.
If you change those, just make sure you leave the t => part at the start. Over time I will be trying to make most of the cheats configurable in this way where it makes sense.
You can also change configuration on the fly, by typing the cheat name into the console, followed by the configuration you want to change eg
Typing 'wide autoloot hidenotifications false' will disable the hidenotifications option for the wide autoloot cheat.
exports.cheatConfig = {
wide: {
autoloot: {
hidenotifications: false,
w5: {
gaming: {
FertilizerUpgCosts: t => t * 0.8, // fertilizer upgrades reduced by 20%
SproutCapacity: t => Math.max(22, t + 2), // 2 more sprout slots, or 22 if that's higher
MutateUpgCosts: t => t * 0.8, // mutate upgrade costs reduced by 20%
LogBookBitBonus: t => Math.max(20, t * 2), // 2x logbook bits bonus, or 20 if that's higher
GamingExpPCT: t => t * 1.5, // 1.5x gaming exp
NewMutantChanceDEC: t => 1, // new mutant guaranteed
SproutGrowthCHANCEperMUT: t => t, // could be a bit fiddly, i assume this gives the chance of each plant type growing
SproutGrowthTime: t => t / 5, // sprouts grow 5x faster
SaveSprinkler: t => t * 1.1, // Don't use water when using the sprinkler. 1 is a guarantee
ImportItemCOST: t => t * 0.8, // import items are 20% cheaper
AcornShopCost: t => t * 0.8, //acorn shop upgrades are 20% cheaper
BoxCost: t => t * 0.8, //new boxes are 20% cheaper
Finally some injector config. The only thing you might need to change here is chromePath, which should be the path to your chrome.exe file.
exports.injectorConfig = {
chromePath: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe',