Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by sylfaen »

How do I remove commands from the cheats.json? If I want to completely remove a cheat, I tried deleting the following for example:

Code: Select all

registerCheat('spawn', function(params) {
	const ActorEvents124 = events(124);
	const monster 		= params[0];
    const spawnAmnt = params[1] || 1;
    const character = bEngine.getGameAttribute("OtherPlayers").h[bEngine.getGameAttribute("UserInfo")[0]];
		const monsterDefinition = monsterDefs[monster];
			let x = character.getXCenter();
			let y = character.getValue("ActorEvents_20", "_PlayerNode");
			for(let i=0; i<spawnAmnt; i++) ActorEvents124._customBlock_CreateMonster(monster, y, x);
			return `Spawned ${monsterDefinition.h["Name"].replace(/_/g, ' ')} ${spawnAmnt} time(s)`
		} else return `No monster found for '${monster}'`;
	} catch (err) { return `Error: ${err}`; }
}, 'spawn monsters, hitting enter selects from the list, add the number you want to spawn after that');
I assumed that would just delete it from being usable, but the launcher crashes immediately. If I wanted to get rid of that function, what else do I have to remove so it doesn't crash?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Vonnypxy »

Saul wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:38 pm
new bundle name: bun_o
new bundle gems name: Gem_bun_o
in theory Gem_bun_o gives 4500 blue and 2000 green gems

we need new function simillar to drop to use pack sender and because this is gem pack and that we don't get this pack from shop $$ we are not "flagged as bought*" so in theory we should be able to send this multiple times.

*there should be options also that mark as "we bought this pack"
Hey bro, how did you find the name of the new pack? I want to mark the past ones as already bought by the same method.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Saul »

Vonnypxy wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:25 pm
Saul wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:38 pm
new bundle name: bun_o
new bundle gems name: Gem_bun_o
in theory Gem_bun_o gives 4500 blue and 2000 green gems

we need new function simillar to drop to use pack sender and because this is gem pack and that we don't get this pack from shop $$ we are not "flagged as bought*" so in theory we should be able to send this multiple times.

*there should be options also that mark as "we bought this pack"
Hey bro, how did you find the name of the new pack? I want to mark the past ones as already bought by the same method.
pack names are bun_a bun_b bun_c (...) bun_o

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by inkdrgn »

Tindal wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 5:57 pm
inkdrgn wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 1:51 pm

hate to bother you but the 'class 4' function is still broken and I am unable to change my character's class to the new voidwalker class after completing the quests with nullification turned on
try 'class 04'
ha that worked, where just class 4 wasnt

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by bdrago »

Hey so is there a guide to using the injector? So I can add this to

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by qwertyuiop111asd »

vladandrei1996 wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:57 am
Someone on the Idleon discord said that the new green currency (crystals) can already be hacked ,is that true?
If it's server-sided, I think that's almost impossible.
If that's true, the method to do so is unknown to us. Right now the tool can only temporarily 'give' you the companions and their bonuses, it resets back to normal upon restart.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Netron »

Where to dowland the injector cuz i cant find it

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by FrostyFlames »

qwertyuiop111asd wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:44 am
vladandrei1996 wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:57 am
Someone on the Idleon discord said that the new green currency (crystals) can already be hacked ,is that true?
If it's server-sided, I think that's almost impossible.
If that's true, the method to do so is unknown to us. Right now the tool can only temporarily 'give' you the companions and their bonuses, it resets back to normal upon restart.
Hmm same im hearing lava did these new gems since the blue gem are client side and can be edited easily. wondering if we are out luck finding a way to get the new gems to be obtained somehow. following another hacking website seem like everyone can just get the buffs locally for now tho. Hopefully there's a way to obtain all the pets in the near future.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by troljan123 »

bdrago wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:05 am
Hey so is there a guide to using the injector? So I can add this to
Netron wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:58 am
Where to dowland the injector cuz i cant find it


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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Netron »

dang but injector opens another game that dont save and cant cheat in normal game. Is it supposed to work like this or somehow i can fix it?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Newbie202 »

How do i edit artifact code? used w5sailing seems to bug out ruble cuble artifact being unable to go ancient
Gem store ancient also doesnt recognize it being there

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by romtin12 »

So i suspect my account has been shadowbanned, because other players can't see my account and I can't seem to join any parties.

The only thing I've done which could be considered cheating is put my phone into offline mode, try to unlock a bubble, and then deleted the app on failure, reinstalled and tried again.

Is that something that can be tracked? Is my account screwed? :(

Does being shadowbanned affect anything besides joining a party?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Vonnypxy »

Saul wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:32 pm
Vonnypxy wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:25 pm
Saul wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:38 pm
new bundle name: bun_o
new bundle gems name: Gem_bun_o
in theory Gem_bun_o gives 4500 blue and 2000 green gems

we need new function simillar to drop to use pack sender and because this is gem pack and that we don't get this pack from shop $$ we are not "flagged as bought*" so in theory we should be able to send this multiple times.

*there should be options also that mark as "we bought this pack"
Hey bro, how did you find the name of the new pack? I want to mark the past ones as already bought by the same method.
pack names are bun_a bun_b bun_c (...) bun_o
And how to understand which bundle and its specific name? I can put bun_x as an example, but is there such a bundle?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Saul »

Vonnypxy wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:36 am
Saul wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:32 pm
Vonnypxy wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:25 pm

Hey bro, how did you find the name of the new pack? I want to mark the past ones as already bought by the same method.
pack names are bun_a bun_b bun_c (...) bun_o
And how to understand which bundle and its specific name? I can put bun_x as an example, but is there such a bundle?

Code: Select all

                                    if ("bun_a" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_a && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("Trophy8", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy3", 7, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_a = 1);
                                    else if ("bun_b" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_b && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentHats45", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack1", 4, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy4", 4, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_b = 1);
                                else if ("bun_c" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_c && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[45] = 259201, 0 > c.asNumber(a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44]) && (a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44] = 0), a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44] = c.asNumber(a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44]) + 4, y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack1", 3, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy1", 4, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy2", 4, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy3", 2, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy4", 1, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_c = 1);
                                else if ("bun_d" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_d && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentHats57", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy2", 5, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy3", 2, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy5", 1, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_d = 1);
                                else if ("bun_e" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_e && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentHats62", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack3", 3, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy5", 4, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_e = 1);
                                else if ("bun_f" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_f && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("Trophy14", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("GemP9", 3, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Timecandy2", 20, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_f = 1);
                                else if ("bun_g" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_g && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[76] = Math.floor(c.asNumber(a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[76]) + 21), y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack4", 3, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[74] = Math.floor(c.asNumber(a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[74]) + 250), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_g = 1);
                                else if ("bun_h" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_h && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentHats69", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentHats69", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentHats69", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Quest64", 250, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_h = 1);
                                else if ("bun_i" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_i && (a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_i = 1);
                                else if ("bun_j" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_j && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentCape0", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack5", 3, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_j = 1);
                                else if ("bun_k" == n[2]) 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_k && E.contains(a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder"), "Blank") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentCape2", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Quest42", 250, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Quest44", 60, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_k = 1);
                                else if ("bun_l" == n[2]) {
                                    if (1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_l) {
                                        for (n = a.engine.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = 0, i = 0 | a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventorySlotsOwned"); n < i;) s = n++, "Blank" == a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder")[s] && 0 == a.engine.getGameAttribute("ItemQuantity")[s] && (s = a.engine, r = a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") + 1, s.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = r);
                                        4 <= a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentCape7", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack6", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Quest72", 3, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("Quest73", 3, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_l = 1)
                                } else if ("bun_m" == n[2]) {
                                    if (1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_m) {
                                        for (n = a.engine.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = 0, i = 0 | a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventorySlotsOwned"); n < i;) s = n++, "Blank" == a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder")[s] && 0 == a.engine.getGameAttribute("ItemQuantity")[s] && (s = a.engine, r = a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") + 1, s.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = r);
                                        1 <= a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("Quest71", 100, new l), 0 > c.asNumber(a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44]) && (a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44] = 0), a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44] = c.asNumber(a.engine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[44]) + 16, a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_m = 1)
                                } else if ("bun_n" == n[2]) {
                                    if (1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_n) {
                                        for (n = a.engine.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = 0, i = 0 | a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventorySlotsOwned"); n < i;) s = n++, "Blank" == a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder")[s] && 0 == a.engine.getGameAttribute("ItemQuantity")[s] && (s = a.engine, r = a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") + 1, s.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = r);
                                        4 <= a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentCape11", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentNametag1", 1, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack5", 2, new l), y._customBlock_GiveItem("CardPack6", 2, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_n = 1)
                                } else if ("bun_o" == n[2] && 1 != a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_o) {
                                    for (n = a.engine.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = 0, i = 0 | a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventorySlotsOwned"); n < i;) s = n++, "Blank" == a.engine.getGameAttribute("InventoryOrder")[s] && 0 == a.engine.getGameAttribute("ItemQuantity")[s] && (s = a.engine, r = a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") + 1, s.gameAttributes.h.DummyNumber5 = r);
                                    1 <= a.engine.getGameAttribute("DummyNumber5") && (y._customBlock_GiveItem("EquipmentCape12", 1, new l), a.engine.getGameAttribute("BundlesReceived").h.bun_o = 1)
bun_a as you can see have Trophy8, bun_b have EquipmentHats45, etc

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by troljan123 »

Netron wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 8:08 am
dang but injector opens another game that dont save and cant cheat in normal game. Is it supposed to work like this or somehow i can fix it?
Just run InjectCheatsF5.exe(make sure your steam is open)

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