If so, how would I go about doing that?
Thanks in advance!
Was able to edit ServerGemsRecevied using chromedebug, experiementing with trying to edit the array values now.
Code: Select all
"BundlesReceived": "{\"bun_d\":1,\"bun_e\":1,\"bun_f\":1,\"bun_g\":1,\"bun_h\":1,\"bun_i\":1,\"bun_a\":1,\"bun_j\":1,\"bun_b\":1,\"bun_c\":1,\"bun_k\":1,\"bun_l\":1,\"bun_m\":1}",
Update 2:
Found out that chng is redundant in the chrome console.
Instead of doing "chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("GemItemsPurchase")[81]=1"
I would just do "bEngine.getGameAttribute("GemItemsPurchase")[81]=1"
If anyone is wondering, This the command above changes the amount of arcade ball packs purchased via wide mtx. This is for those who want their account to seem as legit as possible.