valleymon wrote: ↑Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:13 pm
Minimumtraveltime: t => t / 3, // minimum travel time reduced from 2h to 40m
They work by transforming the original value generated by the game, here called 't' to the thing to the right of the =>. Feel free to edit these. You can put an expression involving t (such as t * 2, or t / 2), or replace it with a static value, such as 1 or 0.
For exmple:
BoatUpgCostQty: t => 0,
Regardless of the original cost to make a boat upgrade, it will now always be 0
BoatSpeed: t => t * 2,
Whatever your original boat speed was, it will now be doubled. If you change to t * 3 it will be tripled, t + 1000 and it will have 1000 added to it.
ArtifactBonus: t => t
This is going to leave the artifact finding bonus exactly as it was. I haven't yet had a chance to experiment, but assume it could be possible to eg increase the bonus provided by an artifact.
I'm pretty sure Minimumtraveltime (maybe everything else too, but I've got evidence for this one) permanently stores values of t, and then keeps transforming that value by the amount set. Found out since I was experimenting with t / x, and no matter how low the value I set it as, the boats keep traveling for shorter and shorter amounts of time. Eventually, I set it as t => t / 1, so travel time should technically remain as 2 hours, but it still keeps going at hyperspeed. For each session, when I retype w5 sailing to deactivate, it reverts to the normal 2 hours, so I'm guessing it's not getting stored in Z? Idk tho, I'm not really a coder.
Not sure how to reset it either by doing t => x directly, since idk what units t is in
EDIT: The changing of t => was in between sessions (closing the injector+game, changing t=>, opening injector+game), coz I believe changing cheats.js while the injector is running wouldn't apply it; I'm not sure if true, but just stating if anyone wants to replicate