Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by gencer »

Damn... So i was sooo careful boosted my account reasonably to avoid shadow ban for quite some time. My intent was to boost my account to "catch up" before W5 released, then play clean thereafter.

I was playing a dungeon and boosted my damage considerably (quite necessary to kill the end bosses sometimes). Dungeon got bugged so i couldn't exit so i used a town portal. Unfortunately, the damage multiplier i was using, although acceptable by dungeon damage standards, was wayyy too heavy when i was in town and it was still being applied to my non-dungeon stats - doh! Shadow banned immediately.

I knew that's what did it because i checked breifly before the dungeon runs with an alt account and i wasn't SB'd, immediately after realizing my mistake i checked again and i was SB'd :(

Anyways, i've searched quite a bit and found the 'wipe ban' command (back on page 50 or so), which i got working no problem. Question is though; is this still the latest and greatest development on un-shadowbanning? I'm assuming the account is now perma flagged and i'll have to do this every time i log in? I'm assuming i can easily modify the startup status of the inject to run the wipe ban command every time on launch, but as stated in the first line, i was originally intending on going clean on W5 launch. Really long thread here and limited search function makes it tough to sift through.

Also heard of people getting un shadow banned as new content is released and the "reasonably-obtainable" thresholds are pushed higher.

I guess what i'm after is; is there a way to permanently unflag your account client-side without using the inject? ie. modifying lines in the app.asar which the inject hooks into? I'm capable of digging into this, just wondering if there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe starting a new account is the only way still? Don't think i'd have the time, even with the inject, to safely boost a new account to caught-up status for W5 launch if that's projected for Nov-Dec.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by MohAlnoaimi »

MohAlnoaimi wrote:
Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:17 am
does anyone know how to edit the boxes from post office to get 10000 i tried what in most of the pages but couldn't find the code in Z.js
does anyone knows how??

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by gettingtuffdone »

Anybody know if buying stuff from the gemshop after turning the costs to 0 can get you shadowbanned?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tympanicblock61 »

bro i didnt need to mess with loops or proxys i could have just used setinterval to make it loop

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by troljan123 »

Any way of speeding up Sigils?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tympanicblock61 »

ok some improvements since last time ive put my code here: fully working gui prompt was disabled so i had to make my own prompt function and it works event logger using setinterval keybinds using on keypress

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tympanicblock61 »

not all cheats have been ported from the old cheats only 4 have
has : working keybinds working event logger working gui custom popup custom prompt custom injector: [Link]

Code: Select all

const cheats = {}
var mainDone = false
var proxyDone = false
var events = []
var keybinds = []
const cheatState = {
	cloudz:		false,
	runescape: 	false,
	godlikes: false,
	godlike: {
		crit: 		false,
		reach:		false,
		hp:			false,
		mp:			false,
		ability:	false,
		bosshp:		false,
		food: 		false,
		hitchance:	false,
		dmg:		false,
		buff:		false,
	unlocks: false,
	unlock: {
		teleports:	false,
		quickref:	false,
		tickets:	false,
		silvpen:	false,
		goldpen:	false,
		obolfrag:	false,
		revive:		false,
	wides: false,
	wide: {
		mtx: 		false,
		post:		false,
		guild:		false,
		task:		false,
		quest:		false,
		star:		false,
		crystal: 	false,
		giant: 		false,
		obol:		false,
	W1s: false,
	W1: {
		stampcost: false, 
		anvil: 		false, 
		forge: 		false, 
		smith: 		false,
		statue: 	false,
	cauldrons: false,
	cauldron: {
		vialrng:		false,
		vialattempt: 	false,
		bubblecost:		false,
		vialcost: 		false,
		lvlreq: 		false,
		newbubble: 		false,
		re_speed:		false,
		liq_rate:		false,
	W3s: false,
	W3: {
		mobdeath: 	false,
		flagreq:	false,
		saltcost:	false,
		matcost:	false,
		instabuild:	false,
		booktime:	false,
		totalflags:	false,
		buildspd:	false,
		saltlick:	false,
		refinery: 	false,
		trapping:	false,
		book:		false,
		prayer:		false,
		shrinehr:	false,
	minigames: false,
	minigame: {
		mining: 	false,
		catching: 	false,
		fishing: 	false,
		choppin: 	false,
	Console: false,
	showmapinfo: false
window.onload = function() {
	while (true) {
		try {
			if (!mainDone) main.call(window.document.querySelector('iframe').contentWindow.__idleon_cheats__)
		catch {
    setInterval(function() {if (!proxyDone) try{proxys.call(window.document.querySelector('iframe').contentWindow.__idleon_cheats__); console.log("Finished loading proxys")} catch(e) {console.log(e)}}, 10000)

function ChangeND(bEng, dim, KeyName, repl, elem){
	var NDArr
	if(typeof KeyName === "string") // Creates a deep-copy
		NDArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bEng.getGameAttribute("CustomLists").h[KeyName]))
	else NDArr = KeyName // Else this KeyName parameter is an object
	if(dim === 4){
		for(const [index1, element1] of Object.entries(NDArr)){
			for(const [index2, element2] of Object.entries(element1)){
				for(const [index3, element3] of Object.entries(element2)){
					for(i in elem) element3[elem[i]] = repl	// Fill every
					NDArr[index1][index2][index3] = element3 	// Write back to the 4D Array
	} else if(dim === 3){
		for(const [index1, element1] of Object.entries(NDArr)){
			for(const [index2, element2] of Object.entries(element1)){
				for(i in elem) element2[elem[i]] = repl
				NDArr[index1][index2] = element2 // Write back to the 3D Array
	} else if(dim === 2){
		for(const [index1, element1] of Object.entries(NDArr)){
			for(i in elem) element1[elem[i]] = repl
			NDArr[index1] = element1 // Write back to the 2D Array
	} else return NDArr // Else return the original without modifications
	return NDArr
function proxys() {
    function setupOptionsListAccountProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const optionsListAccount = bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.quickref) && Number(prop) === 34) return 0
                if (cheatState.minigames && Number(prop) === 33) return obj[33] || 1
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
            set: function(obj, prop, value) {
                if (cheatState.minigames && Number(prop) === 33) {
                    if (obj[33] < value) obj[33] = value
                    return true
                } return Reflect.set(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(optionsListAccount, handler)
        bEngine.setGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount", proxy)
    function setupValuesMapProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const CurrenciesOwned = bEngine.getGameAttribute("PersonalValuesMap").h
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.revive) && prop === "InstaRevives") return obj.InstaRevives || 1
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
            set: function(obj, prop, value) {
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.revive) && prop === "InstaRevives"){
                    if (obj["InstaRevives"] < value) obj["InstaRevives"] = value
                    return true
                } return Reflect.set(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(CurrenciesOwned, handler)
        bEngine.getGameAttribute("PersonalValuesMap").h = proxy
    function setupBuffsActiveProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const BuffsActive = bEngine.getGameAttribute("BuffsActive")
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if ((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.buff) && typeof obj[prop][1] != "undefined") obj[prop][1] = 5 // Trap at 5 seconds left
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
            set: function(obj, prop, value) {
                if ((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.buff) && typeof obj[prop][1] != "undefined"){
                    obj[prop][1] = 5
                    return true
                } return Reflect.set(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(BuffsActive, handler)
        bEngine.setGameAttribute("BuffsActive", proxy)
    function setupCloudSaveProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const CloudSave = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD")
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if (cheatState.cloudz && Number(prop) === 0) return 235
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
            set: function(obj, prop, value) {
                if (cheatState.cloudz && Number(prop) === 0){
                    obj[0] = 235
                    return true
                } return Reflect.set(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(CloudSave, handler)
        bEngine.setGameAttribute("CloudSaveCD", proxy)
    function setupChangeMapProxy() {
        var ChangeMapfuncs = []
        var calls = 0
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        bEngine.enterScene = new Proxy(bEngine.enterScene, {
            apply: function (originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                var oldMap = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CurrentMap")
                var Chat = bEngine.getGameAttribute("Chat").h
                Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
                if (cheatState.showmapinfo) {
                    var newMap = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CurrentMap")
                    calls += 1
                    ChnlInChat = false
                    console.log(`${newMap}, ${oldMap}`)
                    Chat["Console"].push(["Console", `${newMap}, ${oldMap}`])
                    Chat["Console"].push(["Console", ChangeMapfuncs])
                    Chat["Console"].push(["Console", calls])
                    Chat["Console"].push(["Console", !cheatState.Console])
    function setupGameAttrProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const gameAttr = bEngine.gameAttributes.h
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.hp) && prop === "PlayerHP") return obj.PlayerHP || 1
                if((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.mp) && prop === "PlayerMP") return obj.PlayerMP || 1
                if((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.bosshp) && prop === "BossHP") return 0
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
            set: function(obj, prop, value) {
                if((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.hp) && prop === "PlayerHP"){ if (obj.PlayerHP < value) obj.PlayerHP = value; return true } 
                if((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.mp) && prop === "PlayerMP"){ if (obj.PlayerMP < value) obj.PlayerMP = value; return true }
                if((cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.bosshp) && prop === "BossHP"){ if (obj.BossHP < 0) obj.BossHP = 0; return true }
                return Reflect.set(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(gameAttr, handler)
        bEngine.gameAttributes.h = proxy
    function setupArbitraryProxy(){
        const ActorEvents12 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_12"]
        // 100% crit chance
        const CritChance = ActorEvents12._customBlock_CritChance
        const handlerCrit = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.godlike.dmg) return 0 // Disable crits on dmg cap, as it's already capped
                if (cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.crit) return 100
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyCrit = new Proxy(CritChance, handlerCrit)
        ActorEvents12._customBlock_CritChance = proxyCrit
        // Reach to 230
        const atkReach = ActorEvents12._customBlock_PlayerReach
        const handlerReach = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.reach) return 666
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyReach = new Proxy(atkReach, handlerReach)
        ActorEvents12._customBlock_PlayerReach = proxyReach
        // Free forge upgrades
        const forgeupgr = ActorEvents12._customBlock_ForgeUpdateCosts
        const handlerForge = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.W1s || cheatState.W1.forge) return 0
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyForge = new Proxy(forgeupgr, handlerForge)
        ActorEvents12._customBlock_ForgeUpdateCosts = proxyForge
        // Imperfect damage cap on too-OP broken players with overflowing damage
        const DamageDealt = ActorEvents12._customBlock_DamageDealed
        const handlerDamage = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                const t = argumentsList[0]
                if (cheatState.godlike.dmg && t == "Min") return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
                if (cheatState.godlike.dmg && t == "Max") return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
                if (cheatState.godlike.dmg && t == "RNG") return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyDamage = new Proxy(DamageDealt, handlerDamage)
        ActorEvents12._customBlock_DamageDealed = proxyDamage
        // Some arbitrary stuff
        const Arbitrary = ActorEvents12._customBlock_ArbitraryCode
        const handlerArbitrary = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                const t = argumentsList[0]
                // if (cheatState.W1.statue && t.substring(0, 12) == "StatueExpReq") return 1 	// This cheat works, but absolutely destroys your account
                if ((cheatState.wides 		|| cheatState.wide.crystal) 		&& t == "CrystalSpawn")		return 1 	// Crystal mob spawn rate 1
                if ((cheatState.wides 		|| cheatState.wide.giant) 			&& t == "GiantMob")			return 1 	// Giant mob spawn rate 1
                if ((cheatState.godlikes 	|| cheatState.godlike.food) 		&& t == "FoodNOTconsume")	return 100 // Food never consumed
                if ((cheatState.godlikes 	|| cheatState.godlike.hitchance) 	&& t == "HitChancePCT")		return 100 // 100% hit chance
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyArbitrary = new Proxy(Arbitrary, handlerArbitrary)
        ActorEvents12._customBlock_ArbitraryCode = proxyArbitrary
        const XforThingY = ActorEvents12._customBlock_RunCodeOfTypeXforThingY
        const handlerXforThingY = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                const t = argumentsList[0]
                if ((cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.obol) && t == "ObolRerollCostMoney") 	return 0
                if ((cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.obol) && t == "ObolRerollCostFrag") 	return 0
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyXforThingY = new Proxy(XforThingY, handlerXforThingY)
        ActorEvents12._customBlock_RunCodeOfTypeXforThingY = proxyXforThingY
    function setupCurrenciesOwnedProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const currencies = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CurrenciesOwned").h
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.teleports) && prop === 'WorldTeleports') 	return obj.WorldTeleports || 1
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.tickets) 	&& prop === 'ColosseumTickets') return obj.ColosseumTickets || 1
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.obolfrag) 	&& prop === 'ObolFragments') 	return obj.ObolFragments || 9001 // It's over nine thousand
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.silvpen) 	&& prop === 'SilverPens') 		return obj.SilverPens || 1
                // Not a safe cheat as golden pens aren't released yet,
                // Only for people that use the manual cheat: chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("CurrenciesOwned").h["GoldPens"]=100
                //if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.goldpen) 	&& prop === 'GoldPens') 		return obj.GoldPens || 1
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
            set: function(obj, prop, value) {
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.teleports) && prop === 'WorldTeleports') 	return true // Do nothing
                if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.tickets) 	&& prop === 'ColosseumTickets') { 
                    if (obj.ColosseumTickets < value) obj.ColosseumTickets = value 
                    return true 
                } if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.silvpen) && prop === 'SilverPens') { 
                    if(obj.SilverPens < value) obj.SilverPens = value 
                    return true 
                } if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.GoldPens) && prop === 'GoldPens') { 
                    if(obj.GoldPens < value) obj.GoldPens = value 
                    return true 
                } if ((cheatState.unlocks || cheatState.unlock.obolfrag) && prop === 'ObolFragments') { 
                    if(obj.ObolFragments < value) obj.ObolFragments = value 
                    return true 
                } return Reflect.set(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(currencies, handler)
        bEngine.getGameAttribute("CurrenciesOwned").h = proxy
    function setupStampCostProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const actorEvents124 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_124"]
        const stampCostFn = actorEvents124._customBlock_StampCostss
        const handler = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.W1s || cheatState.W1.stampcost) {
                    const tab = argumentsList[0]
                    const index = argumentsList[1]
                    const currentStampLevel = bEngine.getGameAttribute("StampLevel")[tab][index]
                    const maxStampLevel = bEngine.getGameAttribute("StampLevelMAX")[tab][index]
                    if (currentStampLevel < maxStampLevel) return ['Money', 0]
                    return ['PremiumGem', 0]
                } return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxy = new Proxy(stampCostFn, handler)
        actorEvents124._customBlock_StampCostss = proxy
    function setupAnvilProxy() {
        const ActorEvents189 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_189"]
        const _AnvilProduceStats = ActorEvents189._customBlock_AnvilProduceStats
        const handler = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.W1s || cheatState.W1.anvil) {
                    const t = argumentsList[0]
                    if (t == "Costs1") 			return 0
                    if (t == "Costs2") 			return 0
                    if (t == "ProductionSpeed") return 1000000
                    else return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
                } return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxy = new Proxy(_AnvilProduceStats, handler)
        ActorEvents189._customBlock_AnvilProduceStats = proxy
    function setupAbilityProxy() {
        const CustomMaps = this["scripts.CustomMaps"]
        const atkMoveMap = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this["scripts.CustomMaps"].atkMoveMap.h))
        for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(atkMoveMap)){
            value.h["cooldown"] = 0
            value.h["castTime"] = .1
            value.h["manaCost"] = 0
            atkMoveMap[key] = value
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if(cheatState.godlikes || cheatState.godlike.ability) return atkMoveMap[prop]
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(CustomMaps.atkMoveMap.h, handler)
        CustomMaps.atkMoveMap.h = proxy
    function setupSmithProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const sizeref = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists").h["ItemToCraftEXP"]
        const tCustomList = this["scripts.CustomLists"]
        const NewReqs = [] // This'll be the new Array where we write our stuff to
        const size = [] // Time to obtain the Array lengths (e.g. amount of items per smithing tab)
        for(const [index, element] of Object.entries(sizeref)) size.push(element.length)
        // Yup we're using double square brackets, cause each item could require multiple materials to craft, while we only need to fill in one
        for(i=0; i < size.length; i++) NewReqs.push(new Array(size[i]).fill([["Copper", "0"]]))
        const handler = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.W1s || cheatState.W1.smith) return NewReqs
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxy = new Proxy(tCustomList["ItemToCraftCostTYPE"], handler)
        tCustomList["ItemToCraftCostTYPE"] = proxy
    function setupCListProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const CList = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists").h
        const FuncDict = {
            AlchemyVialItemsPCT:		new Array(CList.AlchemyVialItemsPCT.length).fill(99),					// Vials unlock at rollin 1+
            SaltLicks:					ChangeND(bEngine,2,"SaltLicks","0",[2]),								// Nullify Saltlick upgrade cost
            RefineryInfo:				ChangeND(bEngine,2,"RefineryInfo","0",[6,7,8,9,10,11]),					// Nullify refinery cost
            TrapBoxInfo:				ChangeND(bEngine,3,"TrapBoxInfo","0", [0]),								// Nullify trapping time
            PrayerInfo:					ChangeND(bEngine,2,														// Nullify Prayer Curses and upgrade cost
            MTXinfo:					ChangeND(bEngine,4,"MTXinfo",0,[3,7]),									// Nullify MTX cost
            PostOfficePossibleOrders:	ChangeND(bEngine,4,"PostOfficePossibleOrders","0",[1]),					// Nullify post office order cost
            GuildGPtasks:				ChangeND(bEngine,2,"GuildGPtasks","0",[1]),								// Nullify guild task requirements
            TaskDescriptions:			ChangeND(bEngine,3,"TaskDescriptions","0",[5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]),	// Nullify task requirements
            SSignInfoUI:				ChangeND(bEngine,2,"SSignInfoUI","0",[4]) 								// Nullify star sign unlock req
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if ((cheatState.cauldrons || cheatState.cauldron.vialrng) 	&& prop === "AlchemyVialItemsPCT") 		return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.saltlick) 				&& prop === "SaltLicks") 				return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.refinery) 				&& prop === "RefineryInfo") 			return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.trapping) 				&& prop === "TrapBoxInfo") 				return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.prayer) 				&& prop === "PrayerInfo") 				return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.mtx) 				&& prop === "MTXinfo") 					return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.post) 				&& prop === "PostOfficePossibleOrders") return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.guild) 			&& prop === "GuildGPtasks") 			return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.task) 				&& prop === "TaskDescriptions") 		return FuncDict[prop]
                if ((cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.star) 				&& prop === "SSignInfoUI") 				return FuncDict[prop]
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(CList, handler)
        bEngine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists").h = proxy
    function setupQuestProxy() {
        const dialogueDefs = this["scripts.DialogueDefinitions"]
        const dialogueDefsC = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( this["scripts.DialogueDefinitions"].dialogueDefs.h ))
        for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(dialogueDefsC)) 	// Go over all the quest-giving NPCs
            for(i=0; i < value[1].length; i++) 						// Go over all the addLine elements of that NPC
                // Notice that inside each value (e.g. NPC object), the 1st element is where all numeric stuff reside.
                // The 0th element holds the textual dialogue, which is not what we're looking for
                if(value[1][i].length == 9){ 						// Both addLine_ItemsAndSpaceRequired and addLine_Custom have nine elements within
                    // Iterate over an unknown amount of req. values/Arrays
                    if(value[1][i][2] === value[1][i][8]) 			// This is addLine_Custom
                        for(j=0; j < value[1][i][3].length; j++){
                            dialogueDefsC[key][1][i][3][j][1] = 0
                            dialogueDefsC[key][1][i][3][j][3] = 0
                    else for(j=0; j < value[1][i][3].length; j++) 	// This is addLine_ItemsAndSpaceRequired
                        dialogueDefsC[key][1][i][3][j] = 0
        const handler = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if (cheatState.wides || cheatState.wide.quest) return dialogueDefsC[prop]
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
        const proxy = new Proxy(dialogueDefs.dialogueDefs.h, handler)
        dialogueDefs.dialogueDefs.h = proxy
    function setupAlchProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const ActorEvents189 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_189"]
        // No vial attempt reduction
        const CauldronP2W = bEngine.getGameAttribute("CauldronP2W")
        const handlerP2W = {
            get: function(obj, prop) {
                if ((cheatState.cauldron.vialattempt || cheatState.cauldrons) && obj[5][0] < obj[5][1]) {
                    obj[5][0] = obj[5][1]
                    return obj
                } return Reflect.get(...arguments)
        const proxyP2W = new Proxy(CauldronP2W, handlerP2W)
        bEngine.setGameAttribute("CauldronP2W", proxyP2W)
        // Nullify all cauldron costs and durations (except P2W)
        const CauldronStats = ActorEvents189._customBlock_CauldronStats
        const handlerStats = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                const t = argumentsList[0]
                if ((cheatState.cauldrons || cheatState.cauldron.bubblecost) 	&& t == "CauldronCosts") 		return 0 		// Nullified cauldron cost
                if ((cheatState.cauldrons || cheatState.cauldron.vialcost) 		&& t == "VialCosts")			return 0 		// Nullified vial cost
                if ((cheatState.cauldrons || cheatState.cauldron.lvlreq) 		&& t == "CauldronLvsBrewREQ")	return 0 		// Nullified brew reqs
                if ((cheatState.cauldrons || cheatState.cauldron.newbubble) 	&& t == "PctChanceNewBubble")	return 1000000 // Big enough new bubble chance
                if ((cheatState.cauldrons || cheatState.cauldron.re_speed) 		&& t == "ResearchSpeed")		return 10000 	// Instant research speed
                if ((cheatState.cauldrons || cheatState.cauldron.liq_rate) 		&& t == "LiquidHRrate")			return 10000 	// Quick liquid
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyStats = new Proxy(CauldronStats, handlerStats)
        ActorEvents189._customBlock_CauldronStats = proxyStats
    function setupW3StuffProxy() {
        const actorEvents345 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_345"]
        // Nullification of all costs inside the workbench
        const WorkbenchStuff = actorEvents345._customBlock_WorkbenchStuff
        const handlerWb = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                const t = argumentsList[0]
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.flagreq) 		&& t == "FlagReq") 			return 0 		// Nullified flag unlock time
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.saltcost) 		&& t == "TowerSaltCost")	return 0 		// Partial Tower cost nullification
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.matcost) 		&& t == "TowerMatCost")		return 0 		// Partial Tower cost nullification
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.instabuild) 	&& t == "TowerBuildReq")	return 0 		// Instant build/upgrade
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.booktime) 		&& t == "BookReqTime")		return 1 		// Book/second, holds shadow ban danger and could one day be replaced
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.totalflags) 	&& t == "TotalFlags")		return 10 		// Total amnt of placeable flags
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.buildspd) 		&& t == "PlayerBuildSpd")	return 1000000 // Buildrate on cogs
                if (cheatState.W3.shrinehr && t == "ShrineHrREQ") return 0.5 // Shrine lvl up time reduced to 0.5 hour
                // The minimum level talent book from the library is equivalent to the max level
                if ((cheatState.W3s || cheatState.W3.book) 			&& t == "minBookLv"){ argumentsList[0] = "maxBookLv"; return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList) }
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyWb = new Proxy(WorkbenchStuff, handlerWb)
        actorEvents345._customBlock_WorkbenchStuff = proxyWb
        // Worship mobs die on spawn
        const _customBlock_2inputsFn = actorEvents345._customBlock_2inputs
        const handlerWs = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.W3.mobdeath || cheatState.W3s) 
                    return "Worshipmobdeathi" == true ? 0 : 0
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyWorship = new Proxy(_customBlock_2inputsFn, handlerWs)
        actorEvents345._customBlock_2inputs = proxyWorship
    function setupMinigameProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const miningGameOver = bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[4].getValue('ActorEvents_229', '_customEvent_MiningGameOver')
        const handlerMining = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.minigame.mining) return // Do nothing when game over
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyMining = new Proxy(miningGameOver, handlerMining)	
        bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[4].setValue('ActorEvents_229', '_customEvent_MiningGameOver', proxyMining)
        const fishingGameOver = bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[4].getValue('ActorEvents_229', '_customEvent_FishingGameOver')
        const handlerFishing = {
            apply: function(originalFn, context, argumentsList) {
                if (cheatState.minigame.fishing) return // Do nothing when game over
                return Reflect.apply(originalFn, context, argumentsList)
        const proxyFishing = new Proxy(fishingGameOver, handlerFishing)
        bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[4].setValue('ActorEvents_229', '_customEvent_FishingGameOver', proxyFishing)
    function setupCatchingMinigameProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const catchingGameGenInfo = bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[4].getValue('ActorEvents_229', '_GenInfo')
        const handler = {
            get: function(originalObject, property) {
                if (cheatState.minigame.catching) {
                    if (Number(property) === 31) return 70
                    if (Number(property) === 33) return [95, 95, 95, 95, 95]
                } return Reflect.get(...arguments)
        const proxyCatching = new Proxy(catchingGameGenInfo, handler)
        bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[4].setValue('ActorEvents_229', '_GenInfo', proxyCatching)
    // Chopping minigame: Whole bar filled with gold zone
    function setupGeneralInfoProxy() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const generalInfo = bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[1].getValue("ActorEvents_116", "_GeneralINFO")
        const handler = {
            get: function(orignalObject, property) {
                if (cheatState.minigame.choppin && Number(property) === 7) 
                    return [100, -1, 0, 2, 0, 220, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 220, 0, 0, 1]
                return Reflect.get(...arguments)
        const proxyChopping = new Proxy(generalInfo, handler)
        bEngine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[1].setValue("ActorEvents_116", "_GeneralINFO", proxyChopping)
    proxyDone = true
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            } else if (old_user != null) {
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                if (new_name != old_user) {
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function main() {
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    function spawn(param) {
        var params = param[0].split(" ")
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const monsterDefs = this["scripts.MonsterDefinitions"].monsterDefs.h
        const ActorEvents124 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_124"]
        const character = bEngine.getGameAttribute("OtherPlayers").h[bEngine.getGameAttribute("UserInfo")[0]]
        const monster = params[0]
        const spawnAmnt 	= params[1] || 1
            const monsterDefinition = monsterDefs[monster]
                var x = character.getXCenter()
                var y = character.getValue("ActorEvents_20", "_PlayerNode")
                for(var i=0; i<spawnAmnt; i++) ActorEvents124._customBlock_CreateMonster(monster, y, x)
                popup(`Spawned ${monsterDefinition.h["Name"].replace(/_/g, ' ')} ${spawnAmnt} time(s)`, 15)
            } else  popup(`No monster found for '${monster}'`, 15)
        } catch (err) {popup(`Error: ${err}`, 15)}
    function drop(param) {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        const itemDefs = this["scripts.ItemDefinitions"].itemDefs.h
        const actorEvents189 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_189"]
        const character = bEngine.getGameAttribute("OtherPlayers").h[bEngine.getGameAttribute("UserInfo")[0]]
        var params = param[0].split(" ")
        const item 		= params[0]
        const amount 	= params[1] || 1
        try {
            const itemDefinition = itemDefs[item]
            if (itemDefinition) {
                var x = character.getXCenter()
                var y = character.getValue("ActorEvents_20", "_PlayerNode")
                if(item.includes("SmithingRecipes")) actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething(item, 0, amount, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
                else actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething(item, amount, 0, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
                popup(`Dropped ${itemDefinition.h.displayName.replace(/_/g, ' ')}. (x${amount})`, 15)
            } else popup(`No item found for '${item}'`, 15)
        } catch (err) {popup(`Error: ${err}`, 15)}
    function killAll() {
        const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
        var Hps = bEngine.getGameAttribute("MonsterHP")
        killed = 0
        for(var i=0; i<Hps.length; i++) {
            if (Hps[i] !== null && Hps[i] !== 0) {
                killed += 1
                Hps[i] = 0
        if (killed !== 0) {
            popup(`killed (x${killed}) mobs`, 15)
        } else {
            popup("No mobs to kill", 15)
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    setInterval(function() {events_logger.call(window.document.querySelector('iframe').contentWindow.__idleon_cheats__)}, 10)
	testDone = true

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Rev0lion »

Hey guys, is there any way to remove stamps once they were unlocked?

Edit: Figured it out nvm

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by gencer »

gencer wrote:
Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:38 pm
Damn... So i was sooo careful boosted my account reasonably to avoid shadow ban for quite some time. My intent was to boost my account to "catch up" before W5 released, then play clean thereafter.

I was playing a dungeon and boosted my damage considerably (quite necessary to kill the end bosses sometimes). Dungeon got bugged so i couldn't exit so i used a town portal. Unfortunately, the damage multiplier i was using, although acceptable by dungeon damage standards, was wayyy too heavy when i was in town and it was still being applied to my non-dungeon stats - doh! Shadow banned immediately.

I knew that's what did it because i checked breifly before the dungeon runs with an alt account and i wasn't SB'd, immediately after realizing my mistake i checked again and i was SB'd :(

Anyways, i've searched quite a bit and found the 'wipe ban' command (back on page 50 or so), which i got working no problem. Question is though; is this still the latest and greatest development on un-shadowbanning? I'm assuming the account is now perma flagged and i'll have to do this every time i log in? I'm assuming i can easily modify the startup status of the inject to run the wipe ban command every time on launch, but as stated in the first line, i was originally intending on going clean on W5 launch. Really long thread here and limited search function makes it tough to sift through.

Also heard of people getting un shadow banned as new content is released and the "reasonably-obtainable" thresholds are pushed higher.

I guess what i'm after is; is there a way to permanently unflag your account client-side without using the inject? ie. modifying lines in the app.asar which the inject hooks into? I'm capable of digging into this, just wondering if there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe starting a new account is the only way still? Don't think i'd have the time, even with the inject, to safely boost a new account to caught-up status for W5 launch if that's projected for Nov-Dec.
So i was able to somehow un-shadow ban myself. Did a bunch of experimenting, not sure exactly what un-did it. By un-shadowban i mean i was able to see my main (once shadow banned) account from my alt account, without the cheat running, and obviously without the wipe-ban command active.

I have a theory on how this happened, but i want to test it a bit first.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by gettingtuffdone »

Anybody know how to get 100% passive block chance for pet arena

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by adelexi »

Does someone know how to fix gems not going up anymore?

Duped some gems but instead of x amount I somehow got a gem without an amount on the icon and used it on accident.
Now my gems are stuck and it wont go up anymore when I use them. only goes down when I buy something.

Tried reinstalling/relogging but it did not help sadly enough.

Hoping someone has a fix for this, thanks.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by MohAlnoaimi »

guys does anyone know how to edit post office boxes in z.js ??

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by okloolikese »

need a bit of enlightenment here... so, i was use wide command and check the gem shop, i see that i can buy 15 golden anvil and i did. Now my anvil is not golden anymore but i still able to produce 2 materials from it. is there any way to fix this?

edit: manage to fix it...

Code: Select all

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("GemItemsPurchased")[103]=1

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tympanicblock61 »

valleymon wrote:
Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:22 pm

Following on from viewtopic.php?p=268697#p268697

New things added:

w4 mainframe
Enables mainframe bonuses without anyone in the lab. You can also set the value of those bonuses in many cases. take a look near the top of the file for mainframe in the cheatState variable if you wish to edit the values. For example you could set the cooking speed jewel bonus to 10 instead of the default max of 4.5.

w4 chipbonuses
Similar to the mainframe, this will apply the chip bonuses you describe to your characters. For now it's across all characters. Again values are customisable so you can eg set "move" to 60 rather than 30 and get a 60% movement speed buff.
Some bonuses only work with 1 or 0 (on or off). I tried to mark them in comments.

You can also change these on the fly with a command like w4 chipbonuses acc 100 (100% accuracy bonus).

do i have permission to add the cheats you have made to my cheats that i will be adding to github, with credit of course?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Drdoom76 »

Just updated to F4 and was using it for a couple hours with no issues. Now when I try to load it says
"Cheats not yet initiated, try again in a moment".
Anyone else have this problem?

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