Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by troljan123 »

Any fix for being shadowbanned ?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by MohAlnoaimi »

is there a way to make every statue to level 1000 since it take so long with spawning statues

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tympanicblock61 »

didnt know if there was a item edit yet but this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine.getGameAttribute("DummyMap") is the 4th food slot and you can edit its values from that


Code: Select all

registerCheat("killAll", function() {
	const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine;
	var Hps = bEngine.getGameAttribute("MonsterHP")
	killed = 0
	for(let i=0; i<Hps.length; i++) {
		if (Hps[i] !== null && Hps[i] !== 0) {
			killed += 1
			Hps[i] = 0
	return `killed (x${killed}) mobs`
carry capacity

Code: Select all

registerCheat("carrycaps", function(params) {
	const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine;
	const carrycaps = bEngine.getGameAttribute("MaxCarryCap").h
	const type = params[0].toLowerCase()
	const amount = parseInt(params[1]) || 1
	if (!type) {
		return "actually choose a type"
	else {
		if (type === "mining") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Mining"]
			carrycaps["Mining"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Mining set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "chopping") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Chopping"]
			carrycaps["Chopping"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Chopping set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "souls") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Souls"]
			carrycaps["Souls"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Souls set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "fishing") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Fishing"]
			carrycaps["Fishing"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Fishing set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "critters") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Critters"]
			carrycaps["Critters"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Critters set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "foods") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Foods"]
			carrycaps["Foods"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Foods set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "materials") {
			var orig = carrycaps["bCraft"]
			carrycaps["bCraft"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Materials set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "bugs") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Bugs"]
			carrycaps["Bugs"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Bugs set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`

	return `Error carrycap ${type} does not exist`
mass drop - books, mobs, smithing, items

Code: Select all

registerCheat('mass_drp', function (params) {
	const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine;
	const itemDefs = this["scripts.ItemDefinitions"].itemDefs.h;
	const actorEvents189 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_189"];
	const monsterDefs = this["scripts.MonsterDefinitions"].monsterDefs.h;
	const ActorEvents124 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_124"];
	const character = bEngine.getGameAttribute("OtherPlayers").h[bEngine.getGameAttribute("UserInfo")[0]];
	const name = params[0];
	const lsts = {books:[{name:"Timecandy6", amount:1, extra:null}, {name:"TalentBook1", amount:2, extra:"361650"}, {name:"ChestA1", amount:1, extra:null}]}
	const log = []
	if (params[0] === "help") {
		var entrys = Object.entries(lsts)
		for (let num = 0; num < entrys.length; num++) {
		return log.join("\n")
	else if (name === '') {return `Error actually choose a object list`}
	else if (!lsts[name]) {
		return `Error ${params[0]} doesnt exist`
	for (let num = 0; num < lsts[name].length; num++) {
    	var item = lsts[name][num];
		var amount = item["amount"] || 1
		var thing_name = item["name"]
		if (monsterDefs[thing_name]) {
			const monster = thing_name;
				const monsterDefinition = monsterDefs[monster];
					let x = character.getXCenter();
					let y = character.getValue("ActorEvents_20", "_PlayerNode");
					for(let i=0; i<amount; i++) ActorEvents124._customBlock_CreateMonster(monster, y, x);
					log.push(`Spawned ${monsterDefinition.h["Name"].replace(/_/g, ' ')} (x${amount})`)
				} else log.push(`No monster found for '${monster}'`)
			} catch (err) { log.push(`Error: ${err}`)}
		else if (itemDefs[thing_name]) {
			if (item["extra"] !== null) {
				extra = item["extra"]
			try {
				const itemDefinition = itemDefs[thing_name];
				if (itemDefinition) {
					let x = character.getXCenter()
					let y = character.getValue("ActorEvents_20", "_PlayerNode");
					if(thing_name.includes("SmithingRecipes") || thing_name.includes("XP")) {
						for(let i=0; i<amount; i++) {
							actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething(thing_name, 0, extra, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
					else if(thing_name.includes("TalentBook1")) {
						for(let i=0; i<amount; i++) {
							actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething("TalentBook1", extra, 0, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
					else {
						actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething(thing_name, amount, 0, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
					log.push(`Dropped ${itemDefinition.h.displayName.replace(/_/g, ' ')}. (x${amount})\n`)
				} else log.push(`No item found for '${thing_name}'\n`)
			} catch (err) {log.push(`Error: ${err}\n`)}
		else {
			log.push(`item or monster ${thing_name} does not exist`)
	return log.join('\n');

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tympanicblock61 »

MohAlnoaimi wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:56 pm
is there a way to make every statue to level 1000 since it take so long with spawning statues
Yes I'll make a register cheat for it and send it later

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by valleymon »

tympanicblock61 wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:01 am
didnt know if there was a item edit yet but this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine.getGameAttribute("DummyMap") is the 4th food slot and you can edit its values from that


Code: Select all

registerCheat("killAll", function() {
	const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine;
	var Hps = bEngine.getGameAttribute("MonsterHP")
	killed = 0
	for(let i=0; i<Hps.length; i++) {
		if (Hps[i] !== null && Hps[i] !== 0) {
			killed += 1
			Hps[i] = 0
	return `killed (x${killed}) mobs`
carry capacity

Code: Select all

registerCheat("carrycaps", function(params) {
	const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine;
	const carrycaps = bEngine.getGameAttribute("MaxCarryCap").h
	const type = params[0].toLowerCase()
	const amount = parseInt(params[1]) || 1
	if (!type) {
		return "actually choose a type"
	else {
		if (type === "mining") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Mining"]
			carrycaps["Mining"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Mining set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "chopping") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Chopping"]
			carrycaps["Chopping"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Chopping set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "souls") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Souls"]
			carrycaps["Souls"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Souls set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "fishing") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Fishing"]
			carrycaps["Fishing"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Fishing set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "critters") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Critters"]
			carrycaps["Critters"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Critters set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "foods") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Foods"]
			carrycaps["Foods"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Foods set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "materials") {
			var orig = carrycaps["bCraft"]
			carrycaps["bCraft"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Materials set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`
		else if (type === "bugs") {
			var orig = carrycaps["Bugs"]
			carrycaps["Bugs"] = amount / 5.104
			return `carrycap Bugs set to ${amount} orig ${orig * 5.104}`

	return `Error carrycap ${type} does not exist`
mass drop - books, mobs, smithing, items

Code: Select all

registerCheat('mass_drp', function (params) {
	const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine;
	const itemDefs = this["scripts.ItemDefinitions"].itemDefs.h;
	const actorEvents189 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_189"];
	const monsterDefs = this["scripts.MonsterDefinitions"].monsterDefs.h;
	const ActorEvents124 = this["scripts.ActorEvents_124"];
	const character = bEngine.getGameAttribute("OtherPlayers").h[bEngine.getGameAttribute("UserInfo")[0]];
	const name = params[0];
	const lsts = {books:[{name:"Timecandy6", amount:1, extra:null}, {name:"TalentBook1", amount:2, extra:"361650"}, {name:"ChestA1", amount:1, extra:null}]}
	const log = []
	if (params[0] === "help") {
		var entrys = Object.entries(lsts)
		for (let num = 0; num < entrys.length; num++) {
		return log.join("\n")
	else if (name === '') {return `Error actually choose a object list`}
	else if (!lsts[name]) {
		return `Error ${params[0]} doesnt exist`
	for (let num = 0; num < lsts[name].length; num++) {
    	var item = lsts[name][num];
		var amount = item["amount"] || 1
		var thing_name = item["name"]
		if (monsterDefs[thing_name]) {
			const monster = thing_name;
				const monsterDefinition = monsterDefs[monster];
					let x = character.getXCenter();
					let y = character.getValue("ActorEvents_20", "_PlayerNode");
					for(let i=0; i<amount; i++) ActorEvents124._customBlock_CreateMonster(monster, y, x);
					log.push(`Spawned ${monsterDefinition.h["Name"].replace(/_/g, ' ')} (x${amount})`)
				} else log.push(`No monster found for '${monster}'`)
			} catch (err) { log.push(`Error: ${err}`)}
		else if (itemDefs[thing_name]) {
			if (item["extra"] !== null) {
				extra = item["extra"]
			try {
				const itemDefinition = itemDefs[thing_name];
				if (itemDefinition) {
					let x = character.getXCenter()
					let y = character.getValue("ActorEvents_20", "_PlayerNode");
					if(thing_name.includes("SmithingRecipes") || thing_name.includes("XP")) {
						for(let i=0; i<amount; i++) {
							actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething(thing_name, 0, extra, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
					else if(thing_name.includes("TalentBook1")) {
						for(let i=0; i<amount; i++) {
							actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething("TalentBook1", extra, 0, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
					else {
						actorEvents189._customBlock_DropSomething(thing_name, amount, 0, 0, 2, y, 0, x, y)
					log.push(`Dropped ${itemDefinition.h.displayName.replace(/_/g, ' ')}. (x${amount})\n`)
				} else log.push(`No item found for '${thing_name}'\n`)
			} catch (err) {log.push(`Error: ${err}\n`)}
		else {
			log.push(`item or monster ${thing_name} does not exist`)
	return log.join('\n');
Worth noting that all the things called "Dummy" such as DummyList, DummyNumber, DummyMap are kinda temporary placeholders used by the game. In this case DummyMap will usually have the value of the last food slot because it's the last thing loaded by ActorEvents_124._customBlock_LoadPlayerInfo, and most of the time the game will be in a state where that was the last thing to execute and set the value of DummyNumber, but it holds all sorts of other values at various times.
this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine.getGameAttribute("EquipmentQuantity") is a 2 dimensional array holding the quantity values for all equips, first key being the tab (0 => armor, 1 => tools, 2 => food) and the second key being the slot within that tab.
this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine.getGameAttribute("ItemQuantity") for items in your current player inventory.
this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine.getGameAttribute("ChestQuantity") for items in your chest.
tympanicblock61 wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:11 pm
MohAlnoaimi wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:56 pm
is there a way to make every statue to level 1000 since it take so long with spawning statues
Yes I'll make a register cheat for it and send it later
The Injector already has such a command, added by iBelg or Creator, i don't know who:

lvl statue 1000

Note the author left this comment: // This function is extremely dangerous, as you're changing the lvl value your exp isn't changing accordingly.
though from the looks of it this shouldn't actually be true in the case of statues. That function allows you to set the level of your character, skills, stamps, forge, shrines etc... pretty much everything!), and probably the worry was that your class or skill level not matching the xp earned could result in a shadow ban. Statues appear to just record their current level and progress to next so are probably fine

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by tympanicblock61 »

tympanicblock61 wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:11 pm
MohAlnoaimi wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:56 pm
is there a way to make every statue to level 1000 since it take so long with spawning statues
Yes I'll make a register cheat for it and send it later

Code: Select all

registerCheat("statues", function(params) {
	const bEngine = this["com.stencyl.Engine"].engine
	var amount = parseInt(params[1]) || 10
	var statues = bEngine.getGameAttribute("StatueLevels")
	var log = []
	if (params[0] !== null && params[0].toLowerCase() === "level") {
		for (let i=0; i<statues.length; i++) {
			statues[i][0] = amount
		return `Changed all statues level to ${amount}`
	} else if(params[0] !== null && params[0].toLowerCase() === "xp") {
		for (let i=0; i<statues.length; i++) {
			statues[i][1] = amount
		return `Changed all statues xp to ${amount}`
	} else {return "Choose either level or xp"}
	//level is item 1
	//xp is item 2
}) //"StatueLevels"

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Kibasuki »

someone knows how to get rid of those "coming soon" alch vials came from "setalch vial x"

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by yuutaa0987 »

Hello, is there a possibility to drop dungeon keychains with certain misc bonuses through InjectCheatsF5? Many thanks!

["EquipmentKeychain19", "%_ALL_AFK_GAIN", "5"]

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Kibasuki »

valleymon wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:40 pm
fadelite1 wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:05 am
Well Just made a big mistake by forgetting that the shrinehr was on and using a time candy. Now I have all my shrines around 3k lvls. I'm assuming this is irreversible as the lvls are server sided. Anyone know the chances for shadow ban is for my shrines. I'm not using the luck, xp, crescent shrines as i just spawned a bunch of crystal mobs, my drop rate was like 300x and class xp was 500x LOL.
I'm not expert on how the game works in terms of shadow bans and server side validation of save data, but I can see that when you start the game it loads your data from google firestore, and when it saves, it just sends an HTTP POST request to:
That request payload is JSON which contains a key like :

Code: Select all

                    "Shrine": {
                        "stringValue": "[[162,5,1134,12,15588.930632954938,0],[162,5,1206,12,9790.703339976148,0],[162,5,1279,12,8897.317314801681,0],[162,5,1345,11,6406.694493872944,0],[162,5,1441,12,1439.6028724977195,0],[162,5,1518,11,8272.031181324483,0],[162,3,1535,11,1480.3997785446334,0],[162,3,1600,10,608.5886530180505,0],[162,0,0,0,0,0]]"
I can't see why if you modified your gameAttributes.h.ShrineInfo to set your shrines back to sensible levels, it wouldnt save that and reload it next time you open the game
i got exactly the same problem like he did but im a total noob with the codes i just use the classic w1 w3 w4 wide unlock stuff... how to change those shinre levels or where to put your code? i found out that

0, 162,0,119,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
1, 162,0,186,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
2, 162,1,231,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
3, 162,1,295,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
4, 162,1,359,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
5, 162,1,425,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
6, 162,1,489,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
7, 162,1,555,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
8, 162,1,621,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
__id__, 20422

with the gga ShrineInfo comand in the InjectCheatsF4 tool and know from the game that the 19165 part is my shrine level... but how too edit those without doing something wrong

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by valleymon »

Kibasuki wrote:
Sat Oct 22, 2022 6:22 pm
valleymon wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:40 pm
fadelite1 wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:05 am
Well Just made a big mistake by forgetting that the shrinehr was on and using a time candy. Now I have all my shrines around 3k lvls. I'm assuming this is irreversible as the lvls are server sided. Anyone know the chances for shadow ban is for my shrines. I'm not using the luck, xp, crescent shrines as i just spawned a bunch of crystal mobs, my drop rate was like 300x and class xp was 500x LOL.
I'm not expert on how the game works in terms of shadow bans and server side validation of save data, but I can see that when you start the game it loads your data from google firestore, and when it saves, it just sends an HTTP POST request to:
That request payload is JSON which contains a key like :

Code: Select all

                    "Shrine": {
                        "stringValue": "[[162,5,1134,12,15588.930632954938,0],[162,5,1206,12,9790.703339976148,0],[162,5,1279,12,8897.317314801681,0],[162,5,1345,11,6406.694493872944,0],[162,5,1441,12,1439.6028724977195,0],[162,5,1518,11,8272.031181324483,0],[162,3,1535,11,1480.3997785446334,0],[162,3,1600,10,608.5886530180505,0],[162,0,0,0,0,0]]"
I can't see why if you modified your gameAttributes.h.ShrineInfo to set your shrines back to sensible levels, it wouldnt save that and reload it next time you open the game
i got exactly the same problem like he did but im a total noob with the codes i just use the classic w1 w3 w4 wide unlock stuff... how to change those shinre levels or where to put your code? i found out that

0, 162,0,119,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
1, 162,0,186,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
2, 162,1,231,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
3, 162,1,295,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
4, 162,1,359,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
5, 162,1,425,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
6, 162,1,489,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
7, 162,1,555,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
8, 162,1,621,19165,1391.2198438453163,0
__id__, 20422

with the gga ShrineInfo comand in the InjectCheatsF4 tool and know from the game that the 19165 part is my shrine level... but how too edit those without doing something wrong
You can do it with the lvl command:

lvl shrine 10

sets your shrines to lvl 10

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by bboy272322 »

how do I get InjectCheatF4 step-by-step please

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by sarantis »

i messed up and got my flurbos for dungeons to say Nan. i looked though the threads and i found other people asking about it, but no answers on how to fix said issue. is there an injector fix or do i have to figure out what line in java to edit it is?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Kibasuki »

thank you valleymon thanks good its so easy i was afraid i got to play with chng command and mess even more up

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by trixter13 »

How do we drop spice from breeding?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by nreen123 »

trixter13 wrote:
Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:45 pm
How do we drop spice from breeding?
You need to go for Pet Battle. Different stage unlock different spice.

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