BigC115 wrote: ↑Tue May 24, 2022 4:11 pm
is it possible for someone to make a yt vid on how to do this
Yes, idk which methods exist, but I, for myself, just did a simple search for the text, which appears, if you try to swap.
Which led to the UI functions for displaying this text and where it checks for stuff.
The result was, I had to look for
A quick search through the Z.js file got 4 results, 3 of them pretty close to another and one at another place.
The lonely result looks more promising.
The resulted block looks like this:
Code: Select all
if (t = r++, 1 == B._customBlock_IsXYmouseWithinBounds(697 + 49 * t, 745 + 49 * t, 403, 460)) {
t != a.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerStuff")[1] && (0 == a.engine.getGameAttribute("CurrentMap") % 50 ? ((r = a.engine.getGameAttribute("TalPresetLISTS"))[0 | (null == (A = a.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerStuff")[1]) ? 0 : "number" == typeof A ? d.__cast(A, k) : "number" == typeof A && (0 | A) === A ? d.__cast(A, l) : "boolean" == typeof A ? d.__cast(A, n) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof A ? parseFloat(A) : parseFloat(g.string(A)))] = C.deepCopyList(a.engine.getGameAttribute("SkillLevels")), (r = a.engine.getGameAttribute("TalPresetATTACKS"))[0 | (null == (A = a.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerStuff")[1]) ? 0 : "number" == typeof A ? d.__cast(A, k) : "number" == typeof A && (0 | A) === A ? d.__cast(A, l) : "boolean" == typeof A ? d.__cast(A, n) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof A ? parseFloat(A) : parseFloat(g.string(A)))] = C.deepCopyList(a.engine.getGameAttribute("AttackLoadout")), a.engine.getGameAttribute("PlayerStuff")[1] = t, A = a.engine, r = C.deepCopyList(a.engine.getGameAttribute("TalPresetLISTS")[t]), A = A.gameAttributes, null != e.SkillLevels ? A.setReserved("SkillLevels", r) : A.h.SkillLevels = r, r = a.engine, t = C.deepCopyList(a.engine.getGameAttribute("TalPresetATTACKS")[t]), r = r.gameAttributes, null != e.AttackLoadout ? r.setReserved("AttackLoadout", t) : r.h.AttackLoadout = t, a.engine.getGameAttribute("PixelHelperActor")[0].setValue("ActorEvents_29", "_SkillTabSelectedd", -2)) : s._GenINFO[119] = 3);
There I modified
Code: Select all
0 == a.engine.getGameAttribute("CurrentMap") % 50
to any true statement like
to make it easy understandable.
Of course this can be edited in many ways, to accomplish the same result, but I like to change as less as possible, so others can understand the change better.