Oh.. seems like he's built a system that allows you to teleport to locations stored in a file?
Pimp! I did something like this for Assassin's Creed 1 to collect all flags in a region
But yeah, sometimes teleporting to waypoint might get buggy if you don't disable collisions.
Code: Select all
alloc( KeyHandlerThread, 0x1000, AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe )
registersymbol( KeyHandlerThread )
CreateThread( KeyHandlerThread )
label( KeyHandlerOff )
registersymbol( KeyHandlerOff )
label( pBuffer )
registersymbol( pBuffer )
push A
call kernel32.Sleep
cmp [KeyHandlerOff],1
jne short @f
mov [KeyHandlerOff],2
push 65 // VK_NUMPAD5
call user32.GetAsyncKeyState
test ax,ax
je short @f
call TeleportToCoords
push C8
call kernel32.Sleep
jmp KeyHandlerThread
push pBuffer // buffer must be 16-byte aligned address (xxxxxxx0)
mov ecx,[g_CollisionPtr]
call AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe+1B9210 //call WriteMe //call AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe+1B9210
//mov ecx,[g_CollisionPtr]
//call AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe+1BC6F0
mov ecx,[g_CollisionPtr]
mov ecx,[ecx+B8]
mov ecx,[ecx+18]
push ecx
mov ecx,[g_CollisionPtr]
call AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe+2323B0
mov ecx,[g_CollisionPtr]
mov ecx,[ecx+B8]
mov ecx,[ecx+18]
push 1
push ecx
mov ecx,[g_CollisionPtr]
mov ecx,[ecx+8]
call AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe+84270
mov ecx,[g_CollisionPtr]
call AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe+1B8DA0
mov ecx,[g_MenuObj]
mov ecx,[ecx+14]
lea ecx,[ecx+140]
call AssassinsCreed_Dx10.exe+127D10 // Anim:SkeletonUpdate
dd 0
dd 3F800000 37180D79 80000000 00000000
dd B7180D79 3F800000 00000000 00000000
dd 00000000 00000000 3F800000 00000000
dd C0BFD591 429E152E 42037341 3F800000
if( syntaxcheck == false ) then --actual execution
local starttime = getTickCount()
if readInteger( "KeyHandlerOff" ) == 0 then --could be 2 already
writeInteger( "KeyHandlerOff", 1 ) --tell the thread to kill itself
while( getTickCount() < starttime + 1000 ) and ( readInteger( "KeyHandlerOff" ) ~= 2 ) do --wait till it has finished
sleep( 20 )
if( getTickCount() > starttime + 1000 ) then --could happen when the window is shown
showMessage( 'Disabling the thread failed!' )
error( 'Thread disabling failed!' )
sleep( 1 )
unregistersymbol( pBuffer )
unregistersymbol( KeyHandlerOff )
unregistersymbol( KeyHandlerThread )
dealloc( KeyHandlerThread )
aSwedishMagyar: See if some ideas in the above prove helpful. Then I had something like this to work with the script:
Note that I also included orientation/facing in the teleport, not just coordinates. Check in Valhalla -0x10 and -0x20 from XYZ, those should be the vectors for orientation, pitch, facing, etc.
The idea is this: go to some location, facing the object you want to teleport to. Dump -0x20, -0x10 from XYZ and XYZ. Store to a file. Then in your code load that block in movups (or Lua) and write them to Player XYZ - 0x20, -0x10, 0x00. That will teleport you instantly to the location of your choice, but will also face Eivor towards the object you want the user to look at when you're teleporting there
public: The script above is NOT for Valhalla!