i fixed it, only shop not open is the Ostara Festival Shop(maybe it was removed from game, idk)
<Description>"+Open Shop Directly"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1"/>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
aobScanModule( UIpage_aob1, $process, E8 CC F3 47 FF 4C 8B 0D 25 DF 18 04 48 8D 0D 66 EE B2 04 4C 8B C5 33 D2 E8 C4 3D 50 FF 48 8B D8 49 3B C6 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_aob2, $process, 4C 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 33 C0 48 BA B0 2E A4 47 0F 01 00 00 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? )
aobScanModule( UIpage_aob3, $process, 4C 8D 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? BE 01 00 00 00 49 3B CF 74 08 8B C6 F0 48 0F C1 41 08 48 87 8F 88 00 00 00 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? )
aobScanModule( UIpage_aob4, $process, E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C0 74 ?? 48 8B 90 F0 15 00 00 48 85 D2 74 ?? 48 8B 80 78 30 00 00 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_aob5, $process, C7 83 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? )
aobScanModule( UIpage_aob6, $process, 48 8B 8F 88 00 00 00 48 8B D8 49 3B CF 74 06 F0 48 0F C1 71 08 48 87 48 10 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_aobE, $process, 48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 87 A8 38 04 00 00 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_aobF, $process, FF 50 18 48 8B 03 48 8B CB C7 83 B4 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_call1,$process, 48 89 5C 24 10 48 89 74 24 18 57 48 83 EC 20 89 4C 24 30 48 8D 54 24 30 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_call2,$process, 48 89 5C 24 08 55 56 57 41 54 41 55 41 56 41 57 48 83 EC ?? 48 8B 42 10 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_call3,$process, 40 53 48 83 EC 20 4C 8B 41 08 48 8B D9 49 8B 40 08 48 C1 E0 20 48 C1 F8 3F 49 85 00 75 08 32 C0 48 83 C4 20 5B C3 48 89 74 24 30 )
aobScanModule( UIpage_call4,$process, 48 89 5C 24 10 48 89 6C 24 18 57 41 54 41 55 41 56 41 57 48 83 EC 50 41 83 79 08 01 )
alloc( UIpage_newmem,0x1000 )
label( UIPage_closeAll )
registerSymbol( UIPage_closeAll,UIpage_call1 )
label( UIpage_openBS,UIpage_openTP1,UIpage_openTP2,UIpage_openRS1,UIpage_openRS2,UIpage_openSA1,UIpage_openSA2,UIpage_openSY )
registerSymbol( UIpage_openBS,UIpage_openTP1,UIpage_openTP2,UIpage_openRS1,UIpage_openRS2,UIpage_openSA1,UIpage_openSA2,UIpage_openSY )
label( UIpage_openFS,UIpage_openTS,UIpage_openCA,UIpage_openHH1,UIpage_openHH2,UIpage_openBA1,UIpage_openFH )
registerSymbol( UIpage_openFS,UIpage_openTS,UIpage_openCA,UIpage_openHH1,UIpage_openHH2,UIpage_openBA1,UIpage_openFH )
label( UIpage_openRR2,UIpage_openRR3,UIpage_openOFS )
registerSymbol( UIpage_openRR2,UIpage_openRR3,UIpage_openOFS )
createThread( UIpage_init )
//TODO: release resources in [DISABLE]
mov eax, dword ptr[rcx+rdx]
movsxd rax, eax
lea rax, qword ptr[rcx+rax]
add rax, r8d
mov qword ptr[r9], rax
align 10 CC
sub rsp,20
mov r9, var02
mov r8, 7
mov rdx, 3
mov rcx, UIpage_aob1+C
call short UIPage_getvar
mov r9, UIpage_pcall6
mov r8, 5
mov rdx, 1
mov rcx, UIpage_aob1+18
call short UIPage_getvar
mov r9, UIpage_pcall5
mov r8, 5
mov rdx, 1
mov rcx, UIpage_aob2+1B
call short UIPage_getvar
mov r9, UIpage_pcall7
mov r8, 5
mov rdx, 1
mov rcx, UIpage_aob1
call short UIPage_getvar
mov r9, UIpage_pcall8
mov r8, 5
mov rdx, 1
mov rcx, UIpage_aob3+20
call short UIPage_getvar
mov r9, UIpage_pcallA
mov r8, 5
mov rdx, 1
mov rcx, UIpage_aob5+A
call short UIPage_getvar
mov r9, UIpage_pcall9
mov r8, 5
mov rdx, 1
mov rcx, UIpage_aob4
call short UIPage_getvar
mov r9, var04
mov r8, 7
mov rdx, 3
mov rcx, UIpage_aob3
call short UIPage_getvar
add rsp,20
align 10 CC