They've changed the # of function parameters and I'm sure that's what's fucking up loading the outfits you got with the editor. In previous builds, the "GiveItem" function had 5 params:
Code: Select all
00007FF62D637730 | 48:83EC 38 | SUB RSP,38
00007FF62D637734 | 8B52 10 | MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDX+10]
00007FF62D637737 | 85D2 | TEST EDX,EDX // 1
00007FF62D637739 | 74 1F | JE acvalhalla.7FF62D63775A
00007FF62D63773B | 48:8B0D 0EBCC502 | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[7FF630293350]
00007FF62D637742 | 45:33C9 | XOR R9D,R9D // 3
00007FF62D637745 | C74424 28 0D000000 | MOV DWORD PTR SS:[RSP+28],D // 5
00007FF62D63774D | 45:33C0 | XOR R8D,R8D // 2
00007FF62D637750 | C64424 20 01 | MOV BYTE PTR SS:[RSP+20],1 // 4
00007FF62D637755 | E8 C6B5FDFF | CALL acvalhalla.7FF62D612D20
00007FF62D63775A | 48:83C4 38 | ADD RSP,38
00007FF62D63775E | C3 | RET
rcx is implicit, __this.
In latest build look at that [rsp+x]:
Code: Select all
00007FF6935C2C80 | 48:83EC 48 | SUB RSP,48
00007FF6935C2C84 | 8B52 10 | MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDX+10]
00007FF6935C2C87 | 85D2 | TEST EDX,EDX // 1
00007FF6935C2C89 | 74 27 | JE acvalhalla.7FF6935C2CB2
00007FF6935C2C8B | 48:8B0D 7E30D202 | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[7FF6962E5D10]
00007FF6935C2C92 | 45:33C9 | XOR R9D,R9D // 3
00007FF6935C2C95 | C74424 30 0D000000 | MOV DWORD PTR SS:[RSP+30],D // 6
00007FF6935C2C9D | 45:33C0 | XOR R8D,R8D // 2
00007FF6935C2CA0 | C64424 28 01 | MOV BYTE PTR SS:[RSP+28],1 // 5
00007FF6935C2CA5 | C74424 20 00000000 | MOV DWORD PTR SS:[RSP+20],0 // 4
00007FF6935C2CAD | E8 1E80FDFF | CALL acvalhalla.7FF69359ACD0
00007FF6935C2CB2 | 48:83C4 48 | ADD RSP,48
00007FF6935C2CB6 | C3 | RET
<= 1.1.1: GiveItem( rcx, rdx, r8, r9, [rsp+20], [rsp+28] )
1.1.2: GiveItem( rcx, rdx, r8, r9, [rsp+20], [rsp+28], [rsp+30] )
So what was [rsp+20] in the past, is now [rsp+28]. What was [rsp+28] in the past is now [rsp+30]. The change comes through the fact that the [rsp+20] from now is set to 0. I believe that's what conflicts with the loading mechanism and why outfits are "reset". Could also be the fact that [rsp+20] is set to 1 and applied properly only for outfits that have the "is_bought" flag. Which for most of the shit you've used the editor for, that's 0.
The solution would be turning all Helix items non-Helix
That way they won't be checked and left alone.