I have spent some "serious" time last/this week on getting a full inventory_list generated. You'll find the result in the attached file, along with instructions on how to do this yourself if needed.
During my experimenting, I got plenty of these as well: [
[Link] ]. Iow use such saves only for testing purposes !
I will not be doing more work on this; seems to me you've got plenty now
I noticed this weekend - while trying out Forgotten Saga - that most skills (well, in my case), are not identified yet. Iow if you HAVE a fully completed skill tree, then start Nilfheim; and then run/print your inventory. Just pm me your list, and I'll update accordingly...
fyi: category = NFH_Skill
fyi2: it does seem that weapons/outfits/runes/and_such are in there already
-EDIT 2-
fyi: got some of these skills identified, which you can "grab" via my table (although no practical value, me thinks)
and btw: in case anyone wonders how i got to that "complete" list:
1. make a backup of your save folder (or create a new save); because additions will be saved to your current save !
(and it will - ! - contain garbage as well)
2. run the 'Special - Inventory All' variant (using *-); from my table
3. start Editor, and - per 1000 - add items from above list to your inventory
(you can use one of them 'bulk' scripts for that)
4. when finished, run the 'Duplicates' - from my table - to remove any double entries (follow normal procedure)
5. print the list, using the editor
6. if you get more then current inventory_list, report back the difference !
(keep in mind that you'll need some cleaning up to do; such as removing 'Enter's, '<img')
Something I forgot to test: you can obviously produce this list in your own language (if supported)
a french example: (eh ben dis donc) indeed...
dq 1C9BB8BD766 //[0026]: Invulnérabilité de Baldr
dq 1CC8D927CB6 //[0027]: Verve de Bragi
=> if you produced such a list, do link to this topic as well...