What does "Did not find a spot to patch, check AOB" mean?
It means the table needs an update for the exe patch to work. It can't find the AOB.
Its not my place to post someone else's work, but the fixed table is out there on RIN, the other site where the one updating this spends their time. He'll probably post it here eventually anyways.
the ACV has crosssave doesn't it? what would happen if i picked up items from the store with the same account as the console? will store items transfer to the Console?
i keep getting an error. says something like: "there's a newer version of CE to be used/failure loading the trainer" then a crash.
all my other CE apps work fine for 7.2. sorry for my ignorance of the program and if this question has been asked.
Is there a save transfer tool? I want to transfer a save from a Uplay account to another. Both on PC.
Why you just can't use google?
Thanks, found one right after I posted. Sorry. But I wasn't asking for location nevertheless, I want to transfer the save ID from a uplay account to another one. This one is the tool: [Link]
I just wanted to say thank you to the guys that made this and that they keep updating this software. It's so much fun to play with these armors and weapons and customizations. You guys made such a good job and helped so many people out there.
So yeah - Thank you
Where the heck can I see how many platinum ingots do I have? I added a few with the editor, but I don't know where to look for them.
EDIT: I used the editor to see how many I have.
Where the heck can I see how many platinum ingots do I have? I added a few with the editor, but I don't know where to look for them.
EDIT: I used the editor to see how many I have.
You need to have Dawn of Ragnarök and, I think, you need progress to a certain point in the game to unlock a new blacksmith.
Is it possible to integrate the cairns where gravity is lifted option back into the editor
Most likely possible. Not many people here that know how to create such an option.
Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who knows about it either
let's see if there is someone here who knows about it since it was included in AC Valhalla Inventory Editor - 1.5.0, Table v1.0
Is there anyone with consolidated list of hash id for the newer items as far as i know the ones in google spreadsheets are not updated, same with the latest CE tables (some weapons packs are not in)
Hi, I have a weird issue, I ran the get item batch for the festivals I missed, as well as the Paid DLC junk I didn't/couldn't get. It did a weird thing where it changed a number of items to the "Valkyrie's Legacy" cloak, When I rebooted after running the patch it made most of my cloaks Valkyrie's Legacy Cloak. Even saves before the file was run but after I got the cloak turn alot of my items into the cloak.
Sidenote: I got the Valkyrie's Legacy stuff legit and didn't need to cheat it on.
Basically, can I like, delete all my items and just run the batch to get it all again or at least my cloaks? or fix it some other way?
Second sidenote: is there a way to bulk upgrade items? I cheated in some resources and it took like 30+ minutes to upgrade everything.