I'm sorry that things are probably confusing right now, but I am going to continue to update the table as it has been. It's still watermarked, and I think we've proven we can handle theft
New Additions:
-Dragon Knight & Lunar New Year Packs. Thank you WT3WD & nickxar!
-Changed Thunder Weapons Pack to Raging Storm Weapons Pack
-HashID list and ReadMe have been updated to reflect new versions of the game, table and Cheat Engine. New HashIDs also added to the list
Reminder to patch your game with the table when you are at the main menu!
I had to re-patch the game, but the d3d9.dll file was still in the game directory. Have fun!
Password is required to extract the upload, located below.
Download includes:
AC Valhalla Inventory Editor - 1.4.2, Table v1.0
HashIDs 1.4.2
README ACV Inventory Editor 1.4.2
Edit 6:12 PM: Added 5 weapons found by WT3WD to table and HashID List.
Scale Carver - Put into respective Ubisoft Connect section (I'm assuming it will be a future reward)
Daybreak - "Lunar Weapon Pack"
Crescent Moon - "Lunar Weapon Pack"
Pale Gloam - "Lunar Weapon Pack"
Oblivion - "Lunar Weapon Pack"