Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

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Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by The Black X »

A Painfully-developed table for Othercide.
Table made with gog version, but it has no scripts so it should work for any version of the game (and possibly any future update).
Before doing anything you have to update Daugther AOB (See Below), the only way i found to hook to the right memory area that controls daughter's editable data. And, yes, you have to do it everytime you load a save, AND sometimes after battle, since the game resets it's memory. Once you are done with editings you MUST sacrifice the edited daughter and revive her to reflect changes to the stats (and even non stat-based effects).
For the Name/Hair/Eyes/Corruption just select on another daughter/something or exit the menu and changes will reflect, no need to sacrifice.
If everything is done well changes are Permanent (as long as you don't edit them back).

Editable Features
-Look: Daugther's Hairstyle, Eyes and Corruption (the black stains/scars on the face).
-Traits (Check the box for the desired trait to show On/Off option, uncheck after done. You can even give class-unique traits to different classes.)
-Wake Up daughter. (Makes daughter re-useable right after battle without need to end the day)
-Current HP
-Class (stats won't change, beware)
-Total Stats (Not permanent)
-Skills (can only swap between selectable, cross-class is not possible)

-Base Stats: With max Values for Lvs 10 to 15 (values are float so aren't precise to the millesimal digit) for all classes + option to max all. Requires Lv Up to reflect stats changes, at wich point they will also increase, by the respective lv up value, depending on class.

To Update Daugther AOB (In short)
search: array of byte
exp 00 00 CurrentLevel-1 00 00 00

exp=300(12c in hex) lv = 12 (Lv-1=11 in hex=B)
search this
2C 01 00 00 0B 00 00 00

you should find few results. Try changing the values for exp for the results you find, one by one, and see which one reflects the changes (you might need to hover on another daughter to update the stats). Once you manage to find the right one just paste the address.

If your Daughter is level 15 searching for the exp as 13k will not work, since the true stored value is different from the displayed. Search for another daughter than manually browse memory and look, or you can search daughter's current hp (in float) instead, then add 4.

Check demonstration video if needed.
To Update Daugther AOB (In Long)
0) Open the game and cheat engine, click on the monitor and select othercide.
1) Choose one of your daughters that is NOT lv 15 and that HAS SOME EXP, the more the better. Click on her stats tab.
2) Find a decimal to headecimal converter. Windows has "Programmer" mode for calculator, just click on the 3 lines on top left of the calculator app.
3) Type daughter's exp in the calculator in decimal, that will show the value in hexadecimal right above it.
4) On cheat engine change "Value Type" to array of byte, "Hex" box will auto check, keep it.
5) In the search bar, type the number you see in the calculator (the Hexadecimal one) BUT with last 2 digits before the 1st two
(like this 1234 -> 34 12), if your exp is small and you only have two digits type 00 as last two digits instead (12 -> 12 00), if you have 3 digits type 1 zero instead (123 -> 23 01).
6) Type two more couples of zeros (34 12 00 00)
7) Convert her level from dec to hex as well and subtract 1, or vice versa. (Lv= 12 -> "C" in hex, -1 = "B")
8) Type that right after, with a zero right before it, and add 6 zeros after it (34 12 00 00 0B 00 00 00)
9) You will obtain a 16 digits number. If that's correct click on first scan. Now, depending on values, you should find few results, if not, gain more exp and retry.
10) If you find only 1 result skip on step 12) . If not: Right click on one of the results and select "change value of the selected addresses" and change it to something close (add one for example).
11) In game, highlight another daughter and then the one you picked previously and check her exp, it should be changed to the number you typed in the previous step. If not: change it's value back to original and repeat step 10 with another result.
12) Once you manage to find the result that reflects edited values, sight click on it and select "Copy Selected Address"
13) (Load my table if you didn't yet) Double click on "Daughter AOB" over the address section OR right click on it and select "change record" "address" paste over the old one and confirm. Values should update for all the table and reflect the data from game.
14) Do your editings, and remember to sacrifice the daughter if you changed traits (not needed if you change something else).

Check demonstration video if needed.
Demonstration Videos

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Last edited by The Black X on Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:39 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by Solo213974 »

I don't even understand how to update daughter AOB, for some lovely reason...

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by The Black X »

Solo213974 wrote:
Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:25 pm
I don't even understand how to update daughter AOB, for some lovely reason...
Wdym? if you can't find any result these are possible reasons:
1 You searched daughter level in decimal (if is > 10 you need to convert it in hex, forgot to mention most ppl figured i guess)
2 You have to update the address and not the value
3 "Hex" is not checked before scan / you selected "Array of byte" after writing the aob to search and it changed.

4 You have no idea of what i'm saying and you need a more step by step guide.

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by The Black X »

Table Updated!

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

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Table Updated Again!

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by BouhPwet »

Hello The Black X,

First of all, thank you very much for this table ! Observation regarding the "Total stats" section: It says that edits aren't permanent, but actually they can be... The problem is that all values become frozen, including XP for instance.

This is with version GOG v7.14.

With some experimenting, I noticed that within the search results for the daughter AOB, there are usually two very close addresses. The first one does nothing: Changes in cheat engine are not reflected within the game at all. With the second address however: Changes are immediately reflected, and they remain, even after closing the game.

But, as stated above, absolutely all values become frozen.

Would you know how to make edits permanent without freezing everything ?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by The Black X »

BouhPwet wrote:
Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:28 pm
Hello The Black X,

First of all, thank you very much for this table ! Observation regarding the "Total stats" section: It says that edits aren't permanent, but actually they can be... The problem is that all values become frozen, including XP for instance.

This is with version GOG v7.14.

With some experimenting, I noticed that within the search results for the daughter AOB, there are usually two very close addresses. The first one does nothing: Changes in cheat engine are not reflected within the game at all. With the second address however: Changes are immediately reflected, and they remain, even after closing the game.

But, as stated above, absolutely all values become frozen.

Would you know how to make edits permanent without freezing everything ?

Thanks in advance.
You are welcome. I hope i got it right but there it is:
Freezing total stats (each one by one) shouldn't affect exp nor level (Maybe you froze daughter aob by mistake, don't). Or the game does strange stuff.

"Total stats" depend on base stats, traits, remembrances and maybe other stuff and they will auto-refresh as the game goes on. ofc if you freeze the values it stays like that, but on reload or leveling up or sacrificing etc. they will eventually reset.

With "Permanent", as i mean it, under no circonstance the value will reset to it's previous/planned values.
This cannot be applied to total stats in this game, unless you figure exactly wich action is resetting them and avoid doing it.

I spent a lot(trust me really a lot) of time to figure how to make stats changes permanent and the only way is editing base stats.
You can of course set any value you prefer to base stats, no need to use legit values i gave you just for reference.

Edits to anything that isn't total stats are permanent, as long as you get the right address and sacrifice the daughter after editing. And it should not affect anything else than the edited stuff.

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by BouhPwet »

Hello again and thanks for your quick and detailed reply.

Perhaps it will be clearer with some screenshots. In the 1st one below, you can see the 1st address provides all the right information for the BM. Only, the changes made here are not reflected in game at all. All other values are left unchanged, boxes unticked, the only line touched is the armor one (from 271 to 382).


In the 2nd screen, you can see that the 2nd address (quite close) shows all the same values for the BM. The big difference being that this time around, the armor changes *are* reflected in game. And... they will persist.


Now the small issue is shown in the 3rd screenshot, right after a mission. Even though the summary screen showed XP gain, you can see here that the XP of the BM is still 216, as it was before the mission. It's frozen :-/


It's a little bit puzzling, and trust me when I say that I do believe that you spent a whole lot of time testing this :) . I was very surprised to see the stat changes be permanent, while "Base stats" isn't used at all. Could it be due to a game version difference ? Steam vs GOG, or simply the effects of the latest patch that introduced the "Dream" mechanics ?

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by The Black X »

It's a bit more clear now. Anyway Sorry but i am not sure why this happends. Stats Like armor and movement are affected only by class and traits and don't have their own rng like most of other stats that could be a reason. Or it Could Simply be the game itself that fails to write info (EXP in this case) If you touch some addresses. In any case i can't help you here, but the only thing i can suggest Is this:
Have you tried changing base stats instead and leveling up? That's the safest way to edit stats.

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by Fligglebleh »

Fantastic table! Voted up.

Two questions:
1) How do base stats change if a daughter is already level 15 when you alter her stats? Do you have change her level?
2) Is there any guide on corruption values? The significance of the numbers, or if there's a max (like 11 for eyes and 24 for hair)?

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by The Black X »

Fligglebleh wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:15 am
Fantastic table! Voted up.

Two questions:
1) How do base stats change if a daughter is already level 15 when you alter her stats? Do you have change her level?
2) Is there any guide on corruption values? The significance of the numbers, or if there's a max (like 11 for eyes and 24 for hair)?
1) Level can't be edited properly, sadly. So basically you can't change base stats of a Lv 15 daughter, Atm.

2) I saw values for corruption up to 240 or something, no idea what the limit is.

Sorry can't really help you much here 😅

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by demorest2 »

ok, great table i download this game now XD

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by Fligglebleh »

The Black X wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:14 am
Fligglebleh wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:15 am
Fantastic table! Voted up.

Two questions:
1) How do base stats change if a daughter is already level 15 when you alter her stats? Do you have to change her level?
2) Is there any guide on corruption values? The significance of the numbers, or if there's a max (like 11 for eyes and 24 for hair)?
1) Level can't be edited properly, sadly. So basically you can't change base stats of a Lv 15 daughter, Atm.

2) I saw values for corruption up to 240 or something, no idea what the limit is.

Sorry can't really help you much here 😅
That answers my third question, then. So when updating base stats, always make sure it's prior to level 15, got it. Having a higher level cap in Othercide would have been great.
Does a higher corruption value increase the corruption shown on the daughter, or have you not seen any correlation?

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by The Black X »

Fligglebleh wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:22 pm
The Black X wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:14 am
Fligglebleh wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:15 am
Fantastic table! Voted up.

Two questions:
1) How do base stats change if a daughter is already level 15 when you alter her stats? Do you have to change her level?
2) Is there any guide on corruption values? The significance of the numbers, or if there's a max (like 11 for eyes and 24 for hair)?
1) Level can't be edited properly, sadly. So basically you can't change base stats of a Lv 15 daughter, Atm.

2) I saw values for corruption up to 240 or something, no idea what the limit is.

Sorry can't really help you much here 😅
That answers my third question, then. So when updating base stats, always make sure it's prior to level 15, got it. Having a higher level cap in Othercide would have been great.
Does a higher corruption value increase the corruption shown on the daughter, or have you not seen any correlation?
I think it's only cosmetic. It just changes the shape/location of the stains. Different id should just be different shape.

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Re: Othercide - Daughter Editor Table

Post by NeroX327 »

Thank you for the table! How can I change the number of tokens please?

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