it doesn't work when I unchecked script, value reset to its original value.
Please refer to my latest edit steps, hope this helps to make permanent hacked tech points. Sorry for that.
When I loaded saved game - I saw many techpoints, but I can't use them. That is, they are in the account - but the purchase of updates does not work. I press buy - ok and nothing.
It's been awhile how about an update on this table? Tried to do it myself but I have no idea, couldn't get far. There aren't any trainers out there for updated version either. Anyone can help with this? Seems the only thing broken is money and tech. Is the original author out there? Can you please update the table to the latest version or is it a lost cause?
It's been a while how about an update on this table? Tried to do it myself but I have no idea, couldn't get far. There aren't any trainers out there for the updated versions either. Anyone can help with this? Seems the only thing broken is money and tech. Is the original author out there? Can you please update the table to the latest version or is it a lost cause?
money and tech still working with an outdated version of trainers.
the compact mode is a bit broken, once activated cannot be deactivated
i know there's a tab button and a hotkey for it but it's bothering me that the script is only half working so here's a script that works toggling the mode on and off.
function cycleFullCompact()
local state = not(compactmenuitem.Caption == 'Compact View Mode')
compactmenuitem.Caption = state and 'Compact View Mode' or 'Full View Mode'
getMainForm().Splitter1.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel4.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel5.Visible = state
function addCompactMenu()
if compactmenualreadyexists then return end
local parent = getMainForm().Menu.Items
compactmenuitem = createMenuItem(parent); parent.add(compactmenuitem)
compactmenuitem.Caption = 'Compact View Mode'
compactmenuitem.OnClick = cycleFullCompact
compactmenualreadyexists = 'yes'
Several cheats of this table are not working for me, I'm running WDL 1.5.6 STEAM, DX12 and there is no plus on the dll's so I guess it's not the Uplay+ version. Yet, some cheats, like NO RELOAD just wont activate, like, the aob scan is not returning any results.
why has nobody made inifnite cloak? i tried, but it can't find it on 4 bytes, float nor double, is it XORed?
i don't want a cooldown, i want to remain invisible til i disable it by pressing the in-game hotkey.
also this table doesn't work and it looks so complicated, why you have to put all those -------------------------------- ACTIVATE ----------------------- PRESS HERE --------------------------- LINK HERE- ------------------------------------ SCRIPTS ---------------------
what is all this? can you not just leave them simply in table?