I tried replacing the id's in the vm script but nothing has been given to me, do I have to change something other than quantity , first ID and end ID?
No, that's all I did and it worked for me, but I didn't change quantity. As long as it's 1 or above that shouldn't matter though.
Did you execute the option after you made the change? Really, that's all I did. Made some changes, saved it and executed it and saved the file back. The books were in my inventory and on the book notes.
EDIT: Make sure it's the VM Card Inventory one.
Last edited by DrummerIX on Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It appears 412 is the last book id, so try 260 through 412 and see if that is all for a trophy.
I tried replacing the id's in the vm script but nothing has been given to me, do I have to change something other than quantity , first ID and end ID?
Might want to check your steps. Looks like it worked for me. Reported the book notes and got the "Book notes" complete message from Tatiana, though no actual achievement pop yet. I'll edit if/when it does, but it might not be until later in the game that it looks.
Steps I used to get the books:
1. Opened latest cheat table by DrummerIX
2. Right-clicked "Put All Vantage Master Cards in Inventory", and chose "Change Script"
3. Changed
Book achievement just popped. For those that successfully get all the books using this, but not the achievement, you just need to wait until the next time an NPC gives you a book. Talked to an NPC in Raquel who gave me Chapter 3 of Three & Nine and the achievement popped.
Currently wondering if there's a way to edit Link EXP...
@DrummerIX: Question about the Max Bonding points. I'm not to that point in the game yet, but I'm wondering, are "Max Bonding Points" something that exists outside of those free days? As in, if you edit the Max Bonding points before hitting a free day, will it stick? And more importantly, when the game allots bonding points, do you know if it's allotting a specific number, or if it's just filling the points up the "max"?
@DrummerIX: Question about the Max Bonding points. I'm not to that point in the game yet, but I'm wondering, are "Max Bonding Points" something that exists outside of those free days? As in, if you edit the Max Bonding points before hitting a free day, will it stick? And more importantly, when the game allots bonding points, do you know if it's allotting a specific number, or if it's just filling the points up the "max"?
I think the game writes to those values every free day. I don't think changes would stick, but I'm not positive. What I do is just change it every free day to the maximum available bonding events. The Max one might just affect visually, but I change both when I make changes.
Mm, I kinda wish we didn't have to edit the bonding points for each free day, it's a shame there's a limitation there. Still, awesome work with everything else
@DrummerIX: Question about the Max Bonding points. I'm not to that point in the game yet, but I'm wondering, are "Max Bonding Points" something that exists outside of those free days? As in, if you edit the Max Bonding points before hitting a free day, will it stick? And more importantly, when the game allots bonding points, do you know if it's allotting a specific number, or if it's just filling the points up the "max"?
I think the game writes to those values every free day. I don't think changes would stick, but I'm not positive. What I do is just change it every free day to the maximum available bonding events. The Max one might just affect visually, but I change both when I make changes.
If it works like the PC version of previous games, then attempting to make the remaining bonding points higher than the "max" bonding points will crash the game. Either way, good to know, thanks.
I found time to get back into this game and came up with a few more options. One is Enable All Opponents In Pom Pom Minigame. This one just allows you to play every opponent in the Pom Pom minigame. The next one is Set All Opponents In Pom Pom Minigame As Defeated. This might help with trophy hunters, but you may have to beat a game normally to pop the trophy after you set this. The next option was already given if you edit a script, but I just made it under it's own heading. It is Put All Books Into Inventory. I am told that if you use this, the next regular book a NPC will give you will pop the trophy for books.