Got Spectre of Communism yesterday and found that the table works the same way for it. So, if you have the game, just load the v1.24 table and have fun!
Edit: 1.27 Works on fight for freedom. atleast partially, have to test further. Excelent table
anyway i wonder if you will make table for Pacific ? its earlier than blitzkrieg and i dont know if the Pacific table here on works.
Edit2: Can you please update your tables to add higher exp ? If you dont use Max exp but set xp to something ridiculous like 30000000 its possible to bypass 5LVL cap because game assumes its special unit like some used in scenarios or for Heroes even if you dont have hero attached.
i was editing unit database (db) files for pasific or others.
yeah but you dont need to edit, if you put ridiculous number there game defaults to assuming its unit with hero attached even throught it isnt.
You can edit the XP script at this point and change the value to whatever your heart desires. Just change FFF0 to something like FFFFFFF0 and see what happens
pushfq //saves flags
cmp [rcx+50],1 //is player unit?
jne restore_game_state //if not, jump to end
mov edx, FFF0//sets additional XP to 65520